Marc Chagall-Limited Edition -Paris Opera Ceiling after ChagallArt Legacy Auctions4.5(219)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Salvador Dali Pantagruel Limited Edition Lithograph Hand signed and numberedArt Legacy Auctions4.5(219)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pablo Picasso Bouquet of Peace Collection Domaine Picasso Limited Edition on paper.Art Legacy Auctions4.5(219)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A RARE MAXFIELD PARRISH JACK AND THE BEANSTALK PRINTSoulis Auctions4.8(953)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
LARGE MECHANICAL PRINT 'STARS' AFTER MAXFIELD PARRISHSoulis Auctions4.8(953)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Heinrich Aldegrever, etc. 15 old master prints. 16th-17th centuries. Aldegrever works include "ManTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
SoldBernard Lorjou - Le Lievre, 1965Woodcut print on Auvergne Richard de Bas paper. Edition of 200. Dimensions: + Size of the sheet: 38,5 x 28,3 cm / 15,1 x 11,1 in. + Size of the image: 35 x 25 cm / 13,7 x 9,8 in. Issued from the portfSee Sold Price
Bernard Lorjou - L Elephant, 1965Woodcut print on Auvergne Richard de Bas paper. Printed on double pages. Edition of 200. Dimensions: + Size of the sheet: 39 x 57 cm / 15,3 x 22,4 in. + Size of the image: 34 x 52,5 cm / 13,3 x 20,6 iSee Sold Price
Bernard Lorjou - L Elephant, 1965Woodcut print on Auvergne Richard de Bas paper. Printed on double pages. Edition of 200. Dimensions: + Size of the sheet: 39 x 57 cm / 15,3 x 22,4 in. + Size of the image: 34 x 52,5 cm / 13,3 x 20,6 iSee Sold Price
Bernard Lorjou - L Ecrevisse, 1965Woodcut print on Auvergne Richard de Bas paper. Edition of 200. Dimensions: + Size of the sheet: 38,5 x 28,3 cm / 15,1 x 11,1 in. + Size of the image: 35 x 25 cm / 13,7 x 9,8 in. Issued from the portfSee Sold Price
Bernard Lorjou - L Ecrevisse, 1965Woodcut print on Auvergne Richard de Bas paper. Edition of 200. Dimensions: + Size of the sheet: 38,5 x 28,3 cm / 15,1 x 11,1 in. + Size of the image: 35 x 25 cm / 13,7 x 9,8 in. Issued from the portfSee Sold Price
Bernard Lorjou - Le Cheval, 1965Woodcut print on Auvergne Richard de Bas paper. Edition of 200. Dimensions: + Size of the sheet: 38,5 x 28,3 cm / 15,1 x 11,1 in. + Size of the image: 35 x 25 cm / 13,7 x 9,8 in. Issued from the portfSee Sold Price
Bernard Lorjou - Le Dromadaire, 1965Woodcut print on Auvergne Richard de Bas paper. Edition of 200. Dimensions: + Size of the sheet: 38,5 x 28,3 cm / 15,1 x 11,1 in. + Size of the image: 35 x 25 cm / 13,7 x 9,8 in. Issued from the portfSee Sold Price
Bernard Lorjou - Decomposition des couleurs, 1965Set of 3 lithographs on Auvergne Richard de Bas paper. Edition of 200. Dimensions: + Size of each lithograph: 38,5 x 28,5 cm / 15,1 x 11,2 in. Issued from the portfolio Le Bestiaire, ou Cortege d OrphSee Sold Price
Bernard Lorjou - Decomposition des couleurs, 1965Set of 3 lithographs on Auvergne Richard de Bas paper. Edition of 200. Dimensions: + Size of each lithograph: 38,5 x 28,5 cm / 15,1 x 11,2 in. Issued from the portfolio Le Bestiaire, ou Cortege d OrphSee Sold Price
SoldBernard LORJOU (1908-1986) : L'age atomique. Epreuve d'artiste. Signe en bas a droite. 39 x 58 cm.Bernard LORJOU (1908-1986) : L'age atomique. Epreuve d'artiste. Signe en bas a droite. 39 x 58 cm. La toile du meme titre est conservee au Centre Pompidou a Paris (n°AM 1989-564)See Sold Price
SoldBernard LORJOU (1908-1986) Jeune paysanne LithograBernard LORJOU (1908-1986) Jeune paysanne Lithographie en noir sur papier. Signé et justifié EA en bas vers la droite. 64 x 49 cmSee Sold Price
SoldBernard Buffet (French, 1928-1999) La Château de Culan,Bernard Buffet (French, 1928-1999) La Château de Culan, 1965, outside of the edition of 300, printed by Charles Sorlier, Paris. Signed "Bernard Buffet" in pencil l.r., inscribed "E A" in pencil l.lSee Sold Price
SoldPICASSO, PABLO Spanish 1890-1973PICASSO, PABLO Spanish 1890-1973 Title: "La Sauterelle" from Histoire Naturelle and composition by Buffet, Bernard, aquatint,,1941/2, , unnumbered from edition of 225 plus 25 proofs, and from a largeSee Sold Price
SoldSIGNED BERNARD BUFFET LITHOBERNARD BUFFET(French 1928-1999)Moulin De la Galette - 1965Color lithograph on paperSigned in pencil lower right and in the plate upper left and numbered lower left 136/300Image 29.2 inches x 21.5 incSee Sold Price
Bernard Buffet Signed Moulin GaletteBuffet, Bernard 'La Moulin de la Galette: Original lithograph , hand signed and numbered by artist from the edition of 300, on Arches paper. Reference: Sorlier 308. 25 1/2 x 19 inches. 1965. Comes witSee Sold Price
Bernard Buffet Signed Moulin GaletteBuffet, Bernard 'La Moulin de la Galette' Original lithograph , hand signed and numbered by artist from the edition of 300, on Arches paper. Reference: Sorlier 308. 25 1/2 x 19 inches. 1965. Comes witSee Sold Price
SoldPICASSO, PABLO Spanish 1890-1973 Title: "LaPICASSO, PABLO Spanish 1890-1973 Title: "La Sauterelle" from Histoire Naturelle and composition by Buffet, Bernard, aquatint,,1941/2, , unnumbered from edition of 225 plus 25 proofs, and from a largeSee Sold Price
Bernard Buffet Signed Moulin GaletteBuffet, Bernard 'La Moulin de la Galette: Original lithograph , hand signed and numbered by artist from the edition of 300, on Arches paper. Reference: Sorlier 308. 25 1/2 x 19 inches. 1965. Comes witSee Sold Price
Bernard Buffet Signed Moulin GaletteBuffet, Bernard 'La Moulin de la Galette: Original lithograph , hand signed and numbered by artist from the edition of 300, on Arches paper. Reference: Sorlier 308. 25 1/2 x 19 inches. 1965. Comes witSee Sold Price
SoldBernard Buffet (French, 1928-1999) Le Moulin de laBernard Buffet (French, 1928-1999) Le Moulin de la Galette, 1965, edition of 300 published by Mourlot, Paris (Sorlier, 308). Signed "Bernard Buffet" in pencil l.r., numbered "206/300" in pencil l.lSee Sold Price
SoldBernard Buffet (French, 1828-1999) Le Moulin de laBernard Buffet (French, 1828-1999) Le Moulin de la Galette, 1965; Lithograph in colors (framed); Signed and numbered 295/300; 30 1/2'' x 22 1/2'' (sight); Publisher: Mourlot, Paris; Literature: SorlieSee Sold Price
SoldAfter Bernard Buffet Le Moulin, Lithograph MourlotLe Moulin de la Galette 1965 Color Lithograph Signed lower right, edition lower left Ed 244/300 29.25" x 21.5" Printed by Mourlot, Paris. Published by Editions David et Garnier, Paris. In excellent coSee Sold Price
Sold(AFTER) BERNARD BUFFET (French 1928-1999) Le Moulin(AFTER) BERNARD BUFFET (French 1928-1999) Le Moulin de la Galette 1965, pencil signed and numbered 223/300 in the margin; Editions David et Garnier, publisher; Mourlot, printer. Color lithograph. 25-1See Sold Price
SoldLORJOU BERNARD: (1908-1986)LORJOU BERNARD: (1908-1986) French Expressionism Painter. A founding member of the anti-abstract art group `L´Homme Témoin´, (`The Witness Man´). A.L.S., Lorjou, one page, 4to, n.p., 3rd JSee Sold Price