Beati Simonis Fidati de Cassia ... Jesu Christi,Beati Simonis Fidati de Cassia ... Jesu Christi, Ratisbon, 1733 Buchtitel: Beati Simonis Fidati De Cassia Ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini Gesta Salvatoris Domini Nostri Jesu Christi. Seu Commentaria SSee Sold Price
SoldB.simonis de Cassia Comentaria in IV EvangeliaB.simonis de Cassia Comentaria in IV Evangeliam, Ratisbone 1733, printed by Hieronymus Lenzii, 611 pages with Index, in original leather embossed, two close ups. 33x22cmSee Sold Price
Thomas a Kempis: Meditationes de vita Jesu ChristiThomas a Kempis. Meditationes de vita Jesu Christi. 68 nn. Bl. (5 nn. Bl. Hs + 68 nn Bl. bedruckt + 17 nn. Bl. mit Hs. (Noten und Text)). 31 Zeilen. Got. Typ. Schriftraum: 10,2 x 6,4 cm. Format: 14 xSee Sold Price
SoldBÈZE (Théodore de). Novum Jesu Christi Testamentum... s.l. [Genève], s.n. [MatthieuHéritier de deux générations d’universitaires, le propriétaire actuel a baigné dans cet environnement bibliophile collecté et entretenu par ses parents au fil des aSee Sold Price
Sold1512 Sermones De Tempore Hiemales1510 to 1512 Sermones De Tempore Hiemales Nicolas Denisse Gruniger, 1510 Sermones De Tempore Hiemales, Sermones hyemales estivales de sanctis, de festivitatibus Jesu Christi, Beate Virginis et aliSee Sold Price
SoldPope Benedict XIV. Commentarii, 1751PROSPERI CARD. LAMBERTINI POSTEA BENEDICTI XIV… COMMENTARII DUO DE D.N. JESU CHRISTI MATRISQUE EJUS FESTUS…. Patavii, 1751. 13.25" x 8.25". [8], 333, [1], 247, [1] pp. Woodcut headpieces and tailpSee Sold Price
Weile, Friedrich Ragstadt vanDe Heerlykheyt Jesu Christi, Gods beloofden Messiae, ende eenigen en waerachtigen Heylandt en Saligmaker der Werelt. Opgeheldert, ende krachtelijk uyt Moses ende de Propheten bewesen, ende verdedigt,See Sold Price
SoldLudolphus de Saxonia. - Vita Jesu Christi,title in red and black in architectural woodcut border, woodcut headpiece, many small woodcuts and initials in the text, double column, sig. BB, part of Tabula, misbound at end, title holed with smallSee Sold Price
SoldBenedict XIV. De Festis D.N. Jesu ChristiBenedict XIV (Pope) De Festis D.N. Jesu Christi...Libri Tres,3 vol. in 1, woodcut device on title, old marbled endpapers, repair to head of title with ink number, ink stamps on title and footSee Sold Price
SoldA sealed theca with a relic: Reliquias De Clava Crucifixionis Domini Nostri Jesu ChristiA sealed Theca with a relic: Reliquias De Clava Crucifixionis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi. The Theca has a relic for the saint or saints: De clava Crucifixionis Jesu Christi or: De Clava Crucifixionis&See Sold Price
SoldAntiquarian Religious Book Printed in London 1614De Rebus Sacris et Ecclesiasticis Exercitationes XVI. Ad Cardinal. Baronij Prolegomena in Annales, et primam eorum pattem, de Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Natiuitate, Vita Passione Affumtione.. CasaubonSee Sold Price
SoldBonaventura [pseudo] - Johannes Peckham. MeditatioBonaventura [pseudo] - Johannes Peckham. Meditationes vitae Christi. Lignum vitae. Canticum de sanctissimo nomine Jesu Christi.Venezia, Manfredus de Bonellis, de Monteferrato, 14 dicembre 1497See Sold Price
SoldA sealed theca with a relic: Reliquias De Lancea Domini Nostri Jesu ChristiA sealed Theca with a relic: Reliquias De Lancea Domini Nostri Jesu Christi. The Theca has a relic for the saint or saints: Domini Nostri Jesu Christi or: of the lance, DNJC, Jesus Christ. The theca hSee Sold Price
SoldA sealed theca with a relic: Reliquias de Fune Domini Nostri Jesu Christi (D.N.J.C.)A sealed Theca with a relic: Reliquias de Fune Domini Nostri Jesu Christi (D.N.J.C.). The Theca has a relic for the saint or saints: Domini Nostri Jesu Christi or: Of the rope of Jesus Christ. The theSee Sold Price
SoldA sealed theca with a relic: Reliquias de spongia Domini Nostri Jesu ChristiA sealed Theca with a relic: Reliquias de spongia Domini Nostri Jesu Christi. The Theca has a relic for the saint or saints: Domini Nostri Jesu Christi or: of the sponge of DNJC, Jesus Christ. The theSee Sold Price
SoldJordanus von Quedlinburg: Meditationes de vita etWeltweit nur zwei Exemplare bekanntJordanus von Quedlinburg. Meditationes de vita et passione Jesu Christi. Daran: Rosarium beatae virginis Mariae. 8°. 40 nn. Bl. 27 Zeilen. Got. Typ. Schriftraum: 11See Sold Price
SoldA sealed theca with relic 'De Spongia DNJC' in a bronze monstrance in a gothic revival style. 1858.A sealed theca with relic 'De Spongia Domni Nostri Jesu Christi (DNJC)' mounted in a bronze monstrance in a gothic revival style. 1858. With the papers by Ludovicus-Josephus Delebecque, GhentSee Sold Price
SoldCaesar BARONIUS & HENRICUS SPONDANUS - Generale kerckelCaesar BARONIUS & HENRICUS SPONDANUS - Generale kerckelijcke historie van de gheboorte onses H. Jesu Christi tot het Jaer M.DC.XXIV [...] en vermeerdert met eene besondere Kerckelijcke historie van NeSee Sold Price
SoldA sealed theca with a relic: Reliquias De Columna Flagellationis Domini Nostri Jesu ChristiA sealed Theca with a relic: Reliquias De Columna Flagellationis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi. The Theca has a relic for the saint or saints: Domini Nostri Jesu Christi or: From the Column of FlagellatiSee Sold Price
SoldTHOMAS a Kempis, Saint (1380-1471). [Meditationes]THOMAS a Kempis, Saint (1380-1471). [Meditationes] De vita et beneficiis salvatoris Jesu Christi devotissime meditationes....[Strassburg: Johann Pruess, c.1488-1493]. 8vo (136 x 94 mm). 112 llSee Sold Price
Thomas a Kempis' Meditationes c.1488Title: De vita et beneficijs saluatoris Jesu Christi deuotissime meditationes cum gratiarumactione Author: Thomas à Kempis Description: 112 leaves (O-Z8, Aa-Dd8). Rubricated throughout. (8vo) 5¼x3¾See Sold Price
SoldKempis De vita et beneficiis salvatorisThomas à Kempis, Saint De vita et beneficiis salvatoris Jesu christi devotissime meditationes cum gratiarum actione,112 ff., 22-25 lines, gothic letter, initials and capitals rubricated in redSee Sold Price
Incunabolo - Ubertinus de Casali. Arbor vitae crucIncunabolo - Ubertinus de Casali. Arbor vitae crucifixae Jesu Christi.Venezia, Andreas de Bonetis, 12 marzo 1485. In 2°. Testo in gotico su due colonne, spazio per capilettera, marginaliSee Sold Price
Ubertinus de Casali: Arbor vitae crucifixae JesuUbertinus de Casali. Arbor vitae crucifixae Jesu Christi. 250 nn. Bl. 2 Spalten. 58 Zeilen. Rom. Typ. Schriftraum: 22,4 x 14,5 cm. Format: 29 x 21 cm. Mit einigen roten Lombarden, Kapitalstrichelung uSee Sold Price
LUCAS VORSTERMAN THE ELDER (FLEMISH, 1595-1675)Thomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(386)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Spanish Silver-Gilt Cross with Corpus ChristiTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.5(183)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
1698 BIBLE NEW TESTAMENT Novum testamentum antique VELLUM BOUND MASSIVE FOILOJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1772 VELLUM BINDING ANTIRRHETICUS by Christotini Ameristae ANTIQUEJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1734 2 vol DIONYSII PETAVII CHRONOLOGY TREATISE VELLUM FOLIO antique ILLUSTRATEDJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1499 INCUNABULA FOLIO antique Sacred letters of St.Paul interpretation INCUNABLEJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1600 PLANTIN EDITION SERMONS by Louis of Granada ANTIQUE 16th CENTURY Vol. IIIJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Illustrated Bible.- Biblia veteris testamenti et historiae, Frankfurt, Hermann Gülfferich, 1554,Forum Auctions4.3(52)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Jesuit Bio-Bibliography.- Ribadeneyra (Pedro de) Illustrium scriptorum religionis Societatis JesuForum Auctions4.3(52)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024