Sold(3) INUIT WALRUS CARVED WHALE, POLAR BEAR, PENGUIN(lot of 3) Inuit walrus carving of a whale, polar bear and penguin, unsigned, largest: 5.1/8"l, 1.3/8"w, 1"d Start Price: $60.00See Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 Russian Lomonosov Panda, Bear & PenguinLot of 3 Russian Lomonosov Panda, Bear & Penguin porcelain statues. Bear: 5 7/8 in H x 2 3/8 in W, Panda: 5 3/8 in H x 3 3/8 in W x 2 5/8 in D, Penguin: 5 7/8 in H x 2 3/4 in W x 3 1/8 in D.See Sold Price
SoldSWAROVSKI CRYSTAL GRIZZLY BEAR & PENGUINSWAROVSKI CRYSTAL GRIZZLY BEAR & PENGUIN: To include 1) Grizzly bear in original box. Bear measures 3" high, box 5" high x 6" dia. 2) Penguin in original bow. Penguin measures 1 1/4" high, box 2 1/2"See Sold Price
SoldSTEUBEN CRYSTAL ANIMAL FIGURES BEAR & PENGUINTwo Steuben crystal animal figures, a teddy bear in a seated position and a penguin. Steuben mark on each. Penguin measures 3 1/4" tall by 2 1/2" wide by 2" deep. Teddy bear measures 2 3/4" tall by 2"See Sold Price
SoldSWAROVSKI CRYSTAL POLAR BEAR KRIS BEARS & PENGUINSSWAROVSKI CRYSTAL KINGDOM OF ICE AND SNOW: 1986 Large Polar Bear, Adi Stocker designer, retired 1997, approx. 3 1/2''l.; Large Penguin by Zoo, approx. 2 1/2''h. watches over the 1997 Three Baby PenguiSee Sold Price
SoldSWAROVSKI CRYSTAL Polar Bear Penguins Seals WalrusSWAROVSKI CRYSTAL FIGURES: 6 piece lot to include 1) POLAR BEAR 7649, A. Stocker, issued 1986 retired 1997, with box (bad foam) and certificate; 2) SIR PENGUIN 7661, A. Stocker, issued 1995 retired 20See Sold Price
Sold8 Piece natural material carvings. Bear, penguin,8 Piece natural material carvings. Bear, penguin, wolf, cow, monkey, elephant on stand, and dragon bracelet, and carved dragon pendant.-- Dimensions: --- US Shipping charge: $35See Sold Price
Lot of 3 Russian Lomonosov Panda, Bear & PenguinLot of 3 Russian Lomonosov Panda, Bear & Penguin porcelain statues. Bear: 5 7/8 in H x 2 3/8 in W, Panda: 5 3/8 in H x 3 3/8 in W x 2 5/8 in D, Penguin: 5 7/8 in H x 2 3/4 in W x 3 1/8 in D. ShippingSee Sold Price
Lot of 3 Russian Lomonosov Panda, Bear & PenguinLot of 3 Russian Lomonosov Panda, Bear & Penguin porcelain statues. Bear: 5 7/8 in H x 2 3/8 in W, Panda: 5 3/8 in H x 3 3/8 in W x 2 5/8 in D, Penguin: 5 7/8 in H x 2 3/4 in W x 3 1/8 in D. ShippingSee Sold Price
Lot of 3 Russian Lomonosov Panda, Bear & PenguinLot of 3 Russian Lomonosov Panda, Bear & Penguin porcelain statues. Bear: 5 7/8 in H x 2 3/8 in W, Panda: 5 3/8 in H x 3 3/8 in W x 2 5/8 in D, Penguin: 5 7/8 in H x 2 3/4 in W x 3 1/8 in D. ShippingSee Sold Price
Lot of 3 Russian Lomonosov Panda, Bear & PenguinLot of 3 Russian Lomonosov Panda, Bear & Penguin porcelain statues. Bear: 5 7/8 in H x 2 3/8 in W, Panda: 5 3/8 in H x 3 3/8 in W x 2 5/8 in D, Penguin: 5 7/8 in H x 2 3/4 in W x 3 1/8 in D. ShippingSee Sold Price
Lot of 3 Russian Lomonosov Panda, Bear & PenguinLot of 3 Russian Lomonosov Panda, Bear & Penguin porcelain statues. Bear: 5 7/8 in H x 2 3/8 in W, Panda: 5 3/8 in H x 3 3/8 in W x 2 5/8 in D, Penguin: 5 7/8 in H x 2 3/4 in W x 3 1/8 in D. ShippingSee Sold Price
Sold5 J. Chein Tin Wind Up Walkers5 J. Chein Tin Wind Up Walkers. Duck, Bear, Penguin, and 2 acrobat clowns. All working.See Sold Price
SoldLot Of Steiff , Windups and Other Animal Toyslot includes a lamb, 2 monkeys, bear, penguin, black dog, rabbit, skunk, elephant ( wind up) duck, wind up cat, wind up monkey combing hair, wind up lion music conductor, . Sizes range from a 4" penguSee Sold Price
SoldDavid Andersen Sterling Norway Salt & PepperDavid Andersen Sterling Norway Salt & Pepper Shakers. Hallmarked. Figural penguin and polar bear. Penguin measures 2.5 inches in height.See Sold Price
Sold456. Three J. Chein Tin Lithograph Wind-up Walking Toys456. Three J. Chein Tin Lithograph Wind-up Walking Toys. Bear, penguin and pig. 3 3/4" to 4 3/4" high. Condition: Very good, all working.See Sold Price
SoldCHINESE IVORY HAND CARVED ANIMALS GROUPING ON WOODChinese hand carved ivory animal group. Animals depicted are deer, bear, penguin, giraffe, elephant, dog, kangaroo, bison and lion. Each set on driftwood base. 19th/20th century. Measures 4 1/2" heighSee Sold Price
SoldRoyal Worcester Animal Figures - 7Description - Royal Worcester animal figures including 2 fish, polar bear, penguin, cat and owl place older. Dimensions - 5" x 6" (polar bear)See Sold Price
Sold5- CHEIN TIN WINDUPSIncludes Chein Indian, Duck, Bear, Penguin, and Duck. All original and working. Largest 5" ExcellentSee Sold Price
SoldTWO PRINTED DAY DRESSES, 1926 & 1940sBoth unusual prints: 1 c. 1926 silk 2-piece w/ polar bear, penguin, dog & boat print, fabric labeled "Porcelain Prints Copenhagen Denmark", B 32", Drop W 36", L 40"; 1 1940s white rayon w/ topless hulSee Sold Price
SoldTen Britains diecast zoo animals, including lion,Ten Britains diecast zoo animals, including lion, bear, penguin, zebra, monkey, giraffe, pelican, flamingo, aligator/crocodile, and a tortoiseSee Sold Price
SoldHadeland and Other Norweigan Glass FiguresLot includes a Hadeland glass polar bear, penguin, dove, glass with yellow and white marking and Randstion bird figure. Largest is the polar bear measuring approx 3" H x 5" L.See Sold Price
Black Bear Skull, Claws, Paws , & Baculum TaxidermyCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Navajo Sterling Silver Turquoise & Bear Claw Squash Blossom NecklaceCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Figural Austrian Bronze Black Forest Style Bear InkwellNorth American Pen Auctions LTD4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A musical and wooden carved Black Forest sculpture of a bearOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Inuit Carved Soapstone Sculpture Hunter Polar BearKavanagh Auctions4.6(307)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Carved Folk Art Bear W/Backpack Holding Honey JarWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Hans Wegner (1914-2007), AP-19 Papa Bear chair and ottoman for A.P. Stolen, 1953-1969; DenmarkJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
5PC Antique German Mohair Teddy Bear Rabbit GroupBruneau & Co. Auctioneers4.5(491)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024