Bavaria - Military Merit Order, 2. class. Gold,Bavaria - Military Merit Order, 2. class. Gold, partially enamelled, polished highlights, multiple parts, hollow made, the medaillons separatly attached, and the flammes inserted into the body, on opeSee Sold Price
SoldBavaria - Large bavarian officers medalbar with 5Bavaria - Large bavarian officers medalbar with 5 decorations. 1.) Prussia: Iron Cross1914 2. class 2.) Bavaria: Military-Merit-Order 4. class with crown and swords medallions gold chips in the blue eSee Sold Price
SoldBavaria - Large mounted medalbar with 3 deocrations.Bavaria - Large mounted medalbar with 3 deocrations. 1.) Prussia: Iron Cross, 1914, 2. class, 2.) Bavaria: Military-Merit-Order, 4. class with swords, medallions gold, 3.) Germany: Honor Cross for FroSee Sold Price
Bavaria - Large mounted medalbar of a long servingBavaria - Large mounted medalbar of a long serving bavarian officer with 4 decorations. 1.) Military Merit Order, Knights Cross 2. class without flames (1866-1905), gold, reverse medaillon damaged, 2.See Sold Price
SoldBavaria Military-Merit-Order 3. class with swords.Bavaria Military-Merit-Order 3. class with swords. Gold partially enamelled multiple parts hollow made the swords prong onto the hanger. KB1 393 OEK19 406. 48 x 40 mm154 g. Bayern Militär-VerdienstSee Sold Price
Bavaria - Large medalbar of an officer of the BavarianBavaria - Large medalbar of an officer of the Bavarian Reserve-Infantery-Regiment 19 with 7 decorations. 1.) Prussia: Iron Cross, 1914, 2. class, 2.) Bavaria: Military Merit Order, 4. class with crownSee Sold Price
SoldGermany (1933-1945) - Large mounted medalbar of aGermany (1933-1945) - Large mounted medalbar of a bavarian police officer with 7 decorations. 1.) Prussia: Iron Cross, 1914, 2. class, 2.) Bavaria: Military Merit Order, 4. class with swords, 3.) GermSee Sold Price
SoldBavaria - Large mounted officers medalbar with 5 decoraBavaria - Large mounted officers medalbar with 5 decorations. 1.) Prussia: Iron Cross, 1194, 2. class, 2.) Bavaria: Military-Merit-Order, 4. class with swords, 3.) Germany: Honor Cross for FrontfighteSee Sold Price
Bavaria - Miniature chain of an officer with 6Bavaria - Miniature chain of an officer with 6 decorations. 1.) Prussia: Iron Cross, 1914, 2. class, 2.) Bavaria: Military Merit Order, 4. class with crown and swords, 3.) Austria: Military Merit CrosSee Sold Price
Bavaria - Large mounted medalbar with 6 decorations.Bavaria - Large mounted medalbar with 6 decorations. 1.) Prussia: Iron Cross, 1914, 2. class, 2.) Bavaria: Military-Merit Order, 4. class with swords, 3.) Germany: Honor Cross for Frontfighters, 4.) BSee Sold Price
SoldBavaria - Large mounted Frack-medalbar with 3 decoratioBavaria - Large mounted Frack-medalbar with 3 decorations. 1.) Prussia: Iron Cross, 1914, 2. class, 2.) Bavaria: Military-Merit-Order, 4. class with swords, 3.) Germany: Honor Cross for Frontfighters,See Sold Price
Bavaria - Miniature chain with 4 decorations.Bavaria - Miniature chain with 4 decorations. 1.) Prussia: Iron Cross, 1914, 2. class, 2.) Bavaria: Military-Merit-Order, 4. class with swords, 3.) Hessen: General Honor Decoration, Ernst Ludwig (1889See Sold Price
SoldBavaria - Military-Merit-Order, 4. class with swords.Bavaria - Military-Merit-Order, 4. class with swords. Silver, enamelled, medallions gold, marked JL950, J.L.900 (J. Leser, München).#SH S. 68ff, OEK19 410. 51 x 42 mm, 28,4 g. Bayern - Militär-VerdiSee Sold Price
Bavaria - Large mounted medalbar with 7 decorations.Bavaria - Large mounted medalbar with 7 decorations. 1.) Prussia: Iron Cross, 1914, 2. class, 2.) Germany: War Merit Cross, 2. class with swords, 3.) Bavaria: Military-Merit-Order, 3. form, 3. class wSee Sold Price
Bavaria - Military-Merit-Order, 1. class breast starBavaria - Military-Merit-Order, 1. class breast star device. All parts in gold, partially with polished edges / enamelled, screw on the reverse for mounting on the body, small chip. Rarest spare partsSee Sold Price
Bavaria - Military-Merit-Order, 4. class, with crown anBavaria - Military-Merit-Order, 4. class, with crown and swords. Silver, medallion gold, partially enamelled, the swords 900 marked, on movable crown, on ribbon.#SH S. 68ff OEK19 412. 61 x 40 mm, 30,2See Sold Price
SoldBavaria Military-Merit-Order 4. class with crown.Bavaria Military-Merit-Order 4. class with crown. Silver partially enamelled medaillons gold in the hanger hallmarked 990 J.L (Jacob Leser München) on open movable crown hallmarked 900 in the ring.See Sold Price
Bavaria - Military Merit Order, 4. class with swordsBavaria - Military Merit Order, 4. class with swords and crown, in box. Silver, partially chiseled and enamelled, medaillons gold, on open, movable crown, marked J.L. (Jacob Leser, München), 850, witSee Sold Price
Bavaria - Military Merit Order, 4. class with swords,Bavaria - Military Merit Order, 4. class with swords, in box. Silver, partially chiseled and enameled, medaillons gold, marked WC (Weiss & Cie), 850, with ribbon, in blue box, with silver embossed topSee Sold Price
Bavaria - Military-Merit-Order, 4. class with swords anBavaria - Military-Merit-Order, 4. class with swords and miniature. Silver, enamelled, medallion gold, the swords hallmarked G.H.900 (Gebrüder Hemmerle, Munich), on length of ribbon. Mint piece. ComeSee Sold Price
Bavaria Military-Merit-Order 4. class with crown and swBavaria Military-Merit-Order 4. class with crown and swords. Silver partially enamelled medaillons gold several hallmarks among them 980 and J.L. (Jacob Leser Straubing) several chips due to wear. SHSee Sold Price
SoldBavaria - Military-Merit-Order, 4. class with swords,Bavaria - Military-Merit-Order, 4. class with swords, in box. Silver, enamelled, medallions gold, marked WC950, W.Co.900 (Weiss & Co., München), in blue box of issue, silver embossed top.#SH S. 68ff,See Sold Price
SoldBavaria - Military-Merit-Order, 4. class with swords,Bavaria - Military-Merit-Order, 4. class with swords, in box. Silver, enamelled, medallions gold, marked GH950, GH900 (Gebrüder Hemmerle, München), in blue box of issue, silver embossed top, makersSee Sold Price
SoldA seven-piece medal barof a Bavarian staff officer Bavaria, Order of Military Merit 3rd Class, gold, 15.9 g., enameled, small chips (OEK 405). Bavarian Army Jubilee Medal 1905, privately gilt (OEK 517). Saxony, Order of AlbSee Sold Price
Gold Military Merit Medal of the Allied Army for the operations against ParaguayLA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(151)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
The Golden Medal of the Order of the Double DragonLA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(151)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Prussian Military Merit Medal Second ClassRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024