SoldVintage Assembled Brass Fireplace GroupingVintage Assembled Brass Fireplace Grouping19th and early 20th century, including a ball and rod form fire fender, brass stand with tools, repoussé coal scuttle with shovel, and a repoussé trivetSee Sold Price
SoldAssembled Brass Fireplace GroupingAssembled Brass Fireplace Groupingincluding a 19th century pierced brass fire fender, and a pair of 20th century Virginia Metalcrafters ball finial andirons with spur knees, marked. Fender 12 x 50 x 1See Sold Price
SoldASSEMBLED GROUPING of MISC. ITEMSConsisting of 1) Glass runner sculpture. 2) Brass yacht lamp. 3) Green canvas & leather gloves. 4) Brass & metal dome document box. 5) Miniature cast iron fireplace items. Ca 19th/20th century.IncludeSee Sold Price
SoldBRASS FIREPLACE GROUPINGAndirons, fender, and fireplace tools. Dimensions: (Fender) H 26.25" x W 41" x W 13" Condition: Showing signs of use including some tarnish.See Sold Price
SoldVINTAGE BRASS FIREPLACE GROUPINGIncluding andirons, fire fender, and three fire tools. Dimensions: (Fire fender) H 7" x W 47.25" x D 12" Condition: Use wear.See Sold Price
SoldIRON & BRASS FIREPLACE GROUPING INCL. ANDIRONSIncluding andirons and fire tools. Dimensions: (Andirons) H 23" x W 12" x D 21" Condition: Signs of use including some normal tarnish and corrosion to metal.See Sold Price
SoldVintage Brass Fireplace GroupingVintage Brass Fireplace Groupingmid 20th century, including a 'peacock' reticulated brass fireplace screen with winged griffins; a pair of Chippendale style andirons by Harvin Co.; and a three piece tSee Sold Price
SoldBRASS FIREPLACE GROUPINGIncluding fire fender, pair of andirons, and fire tools. Does not include log holder. Dimensions: (Fender) H 7.5" x W 53.5" x D 13" Condition: Wear consistent with age and use including oxidation andSee Sold Price
SoldFive piece brass fireplace grouping to include a pairFive piece brass fireplace grouping to include a pair of andirons, ht. 26 1/2", two firescreens along with a set of fire tools.See Sold Price
SoldBrass Fireplace GroupingBrass Fireplace Groupinglate 20th century including a pierced brass fire fender (8.5 x 48.5 x 12.5 in.), glass and brass fire screen with tassel accents (26.5 x 27.5 x 4 in.); and a Rococo style toolSee Sold Price
SoldVintage Brass Fireplace GroupingVintage Brass Fireplace Groupingsecond half of the 20th century, including a pair of French brass andirons, diminutive five panel firescreen, together with a rod-form fire fender. Andirons 17 x 9 x 20See Sold Price
SoldBrass Fireplace GroupingBrass Fireplace Grouping(4) pieces, including a turned brass fire fender (6.5 x 48.5 x 9.5 in.), log tongs, poker (31 in.), and a large brass kindling kettle (14.5 in. diameter).See Sold Price
SoldAn Assembled Brass Fireplace SetAn Assembled Brass Fireplace Set 19th/20th Century comprising a fire guard, a kindling basket, a footman and a pair of andirons; 5 total. Width of first 42 inches. Property from Christa's Ltd., ChicagSee Sold Price
SoldBrass Fireplace GroupingBrass Fireplace Groupingincluding a 20th century pair of acorn finial andirons by Harvin Co., the second smaller pair of earlier andirons with ball final and spur knees, together with two 19th centurySee Sold Price
SoldAssembled Brass Fireplace ItemsAssembled Brass Fireplace Items: pair of Pugin andirons; a brush; a shovel; tongs; and a dust pan (6) {Height of andirons 7 1/2 inches}See Sold Price
SoldAssembled Brass Fire Place EnsembleScreen, andirons, and fire tools set with horse head finial. Screen: 30 1/2 W (center panel only) X 26" H. (From an East 79th Street Estate)"See Sold Price
SoldBrass Fireplace SetAssembled brass fireplace set, to include: pierced fender, cast bronze andirons, and firescreen. 20th c. Condition: No issues identified.See Sold Price
SoldBRASS CHERUBS FIREPLACE GROUPINGDimensions: (Screen) H 29.5" x W 26" x D 4.5" Condition: Wear consistent with age and fireplace use including overall patina to metal and areas of paint loss. Dents and punctures to screen. One leg ofSee Sold Price
SoldAssembled Continental brass fireplace groupAssembled Continental brass fireplace group, 20th c., comprising a three-panel folding fire screen, cast iron fire grate, pair brass andirons, a set of tools incl. shovel, pair tongs, and brush, on stSee Sold Price
SoldAssembled Federal brass fireplace set, ca. 1820Assembled Federal brass fireplace set, ca. 1820, to include a pair of andirons, poker, shovel, and two tongs, andirons - 18 3/4'' h.See Sold Price
SoldAssembled Continental Brass Fireplace SetAssembled Continental Brass Fireplace Setearly 20th century, to include a pair of reticulated andirons, with griffin and mask decoration, four-piece tool set with stand, and a low fender with rosetteSee Sold Price
SoldASSEMBLED FEDERAL BRASS FIREPLACE SETPair of andirons, fender, poker and tongs, early 19th c.; Andiron: 24"See Sold Price
SoldBRASS FIRE PLACE GROUPINGDimensions: (Fender) H 8" x W 64" x D 15" Condition: Wear consistent with age and use.See Sold Price
SoldBRASS FIREPLACE FENDER ETC. GROUPINGIncludes fender, tools on stand, small pot, and misc. tools. Dimensions: (Fender) H 5.5" x W 48.5" x D 12", (Stand) H 23" Condition: Signs of use, all useable still.See Sold Price
(3) FRENCH BRASS ARMORIAL FIREPLACE CHENETS & CROSSBARAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Three Piece Buffed Brass Fireplace Set, 20th c., Chenets- H.- 15 in., W.- 10 1/4 in., D.- 4 1/2 in.;Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Vintage French Louis XVI Style Brass Fireplace FenderNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Art Nouveau Brass Fireplace Tool Set Screen Andiron and Log Bucket SetBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Solid Brass 19th Century Fireplace FenderRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Late 19th Century Peacock Fan Fireplace ScreenRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Vintage Brass Fireplace FenderRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Vintage Brass Cannonball Fireplace AndironsRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
American And German Brass Spring Scale Grouping Ca. 1900-1920, 7 pcsDuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Bronze & Brass Fireplace Screen ( W.H.Jackson Co) & Iron Stand W/Tools Ca. 1920, H 38" W 34" 6 pcsDuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024