SoldArt Glass Table Articles, Labino, Littleton, IpsenThe clear sculpture and 2 of the vases are by Dominick Labino, the brown sculpture is by Harvey Littleton, the father of the modern studio glass movement, and the red vase is by Kent Ipsen. ScratchesSee Sold Price
SoldSix Small Art Glass Table ArticlesAmerican, late 19th/20th century: blue salt with pinched rim, marked "LCT Favrile", 2-7/8 in., [minor surface wear at edge near base;] scalloped white iridescent butter pat marked "LCT Favrile", 3 in.See Sold Price
SoldLOCKE ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREELOCKE ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, colorless and frosted, comprising a Fish pattern No.1 oyster cocktail / egg cup, lettered "HERRING", a Fish No. 1 fingerbowl with two fish and a lobster,See Sold Price
SoldFour Modern Art Glass Table ArticlesFour Modern Art Glass Table Articles. Comprising, a lizard, two marked P. Tjiang-Canadian vases, and a cranberry and colorless vase. 10-1/4"h, 10"h, and 7-1/2"l.See Sold Price
SoldSTEUBEN GOLD AURENE ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OFSTEUBEN GOLD AURENE ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF TWO, Gold Aurene, comprising a shape 1625v footed bowl, and a small Optic-Rim bowl, each with a polished pontil mark, each signed, "AURENE". SteubeSee Sold Price
Sold(9) COLORLESS ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES(lot of 9) Clear art glass table ware, early 20th c.; including: (1) large intaglio cut compote, overall floral design; (1) large plate with copper wheel decoration featuring a plum tree; (7) etched aSee Sold Price
SoldSTEUBEN CRYSTAL ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREESTEUBEN CRYSTAL ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, comprising a smoke-color bowl raised on three colorless feet, a colorless century bowl with applied three-lobe base, and a colorless serving bowSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of five art glass table articlesIncluding Hoya bowl, Spetz Studio etc Tallest 12"h Condition, minor chip to rim of tallest, some scratches on bottoms, one vase has small chip on bottomSee Sold Price
Sold(lot of 17) Collection of art glass table articles(lot of 17) Collection of art glass table articles, including paperweights and vases, many with repeating geometric designs, others having an iridescent ground, largest: 10.5"hSee Sold Price
SoldLOCKE ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FOURLOCKE ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FOUR, colorless and frosted, comprising a Grecian (anthemion) pattern No.1 wine and two No. 1 cordials, and a No. 10 tumbler with decoration similar to Grecian (See Sold Price
Sold(6) COLLECTION OF ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES(lot of 6) Collection of art glass table articles, comprising: (2) perfume bottles with stoppers; (1) pierced closed top vasiform item; (2) Oleg Cassini Home Collection glass bowls; (1) low wide mouthSee Sold Price
SoldLOETZ ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF TWOLOETZ ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF TWO, green iridescent, comprising a Cret Rusticana bowl and a Chine pitcher. Early 20th century. 4 1/4" and 10 1/2" H. Provenance: Property of a Virginia privateSee Sold Price
SoldSTEUBEN GREEN JADE ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OFSTEUBEN GREEN JADE ART GLASS TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF FOUR, comprising a plate, two saucers/underplates, and a shallow bowl; one saucer with an acid-stamped signature. Steuben Glass Works. Circa 1925. 6See Sold Price
SoldSix Art Glass Table ArticlesComprising, three vases, a pitcher, and a double handled vase. From 10-1/2"h to 16"hSee Sold Price
SoldAssorted Group of Moser Amethyst Glass ArticlesGroup of 5 Moser Karlsbad amethyst art glass table articles. Czechoslovakian, 20th century. Includes: one vase with a flared rim, one compote, one lidded box, one perfume bottle, and one small vase. ASee Sold Price
SoldAssorted Group of Moser Cobalt Glass ArticlesAssorted group of Moser Karlsbad cobalt art glass table articles. Czechoslovakian, 20th century. Includes: one goblet, one lidded powder jar, one lidded glass box, a set of three perfume bottles withSee Sold Price
SoldAssorted Group of Moser Amber Glass ArticlesAssorted group of Moser Karlsbad amber art glass table articles. Czechoslovakian, 20th century. Includes: one lidded powder jar, one lidded glass box, a set of three perfume bottles with an accompanyiSee Sold Price
SoldKosta Glass Face Vase & Glass Face SculptureContinental, second half 20th century. Two art glass table articles comprising a facial vase attributed to Erik Hoglund (Swedish,1932-98) along with a tribal head sculpture in the manner of glass mastSee Sold Price
SoldLalique French Art Deco Glass Table ArticlesGroup of two items including a frosted glass bottle and stopper, together with an amber turtle-form paperweight. Accompanied by another unmarked dish. Dimensions: Bottle - 4.5"&nbSee Sold Price
Sold(4) COLLECTION ART GLASS & CERAMIC TABLE ARTICLES(lot of 4) Collection of art glass and ceramic table articles, comprising: (2) pink art glass vases, approx. 13"h; (1) art glass handled bottle and stopper, 6.5"h; (1) Sunset Canyon pottery glazed bowSee Sold Price
Sold(lot of approximately 89) Collection of Moderne art(lot of approximately 89) Collection of Moderne art glass glass table articles, each in clear glass with bubble inclusions, and decorated with applied gold stringing, consisting of dinner plates, luncSee Sold Price
Sold(6) GROUP OF MID-CENTURY ART GLASS TABLE TOP ITEMS(lot of 6) Collection of mid-century art glass table top articles, comprising: (1) hand blown orange pitcher, the flared rim over narrow neck, above ovoid body, with applied clear handle, 7.25"h; (1)See Sold Price
SoldEight Art Glass and Ceramic Table ArticlesAll marked with various makers, comprising a glass bowl and three glass vases, two ceramic bowls, a covered box, and a vase. Largest 3-5/8"h x 6-3/8"dia.See Sold Price
SoldFour Art Glass Fish Decorated Table ArticlesComprising, two Orient and Flume Fish decorated vases, a Sardinia crystal sailfish sculpture, and a frosted and clear glass footed bowl. Chip to bowl. 5"h, 6"h, 22"h, and 3-3/4"h x 10-1/2"dia. PropertSee Sold Price
Multicolored Double Lit Stained Art Glass Table LampConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Art Nouveau Muller Freres French Art Glass Table Lamp, signedCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
H.G. McFaddin & Co. Bellova Art Glass Table LampAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Pair Quality Murano Italian Art Glass Table Lamps 34.5 inches Overall Height x 7 in. wideDonny Malone Auctions4.4(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Marigold Carnival Glass Table ArticlesJudd's Auction Gallery, Inc. 4.6(166)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
CHARLES LOTTON MULTI FLORA ART GLASS TABLE LAMPChamberlain's Auction Galleries4.4(50)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Small Blue and Orange Art Glass Table LampMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Amber Tiffany Style Stained Art Glass Table LampConnoisseur Auctions3.9(335)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Handel Lamp Company Art Glass Table Lamp on a Bradley And Hubbard Base 1900-1910, H 20.25" Dia. 17"DuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024