Appian. - Romaika [graece] ... Rom[anarum] historiarum
1646 NETHERLANDS HISTORY HISTORIARUM AB EXCESSU CAROLI V CAESARIS VELLUM antiqueFeb 27, 20241664-65 HISTORY of LIVY ELZEVIER PUBLISHING 3 VOLS antique VELLUM BOUND in LATINFeb 27, 20241744 ROMAN HISTORY ARMORIAL VELLUM BINDING ILLUSTRATED w/ MAP antique by FLORUSFeb 27, 2024'Secret history' of Justinian.- Procopius Caesariensis. Anekdota [graece]. Arcana historia, qui estFeb 29, 2024Erotica.- Greek romance.- Achilles Tatius. Erôtikôn Achilleôs Tatiou [graece] sive deFeb 29, 2024Anatomy.- Crooke (Helkiah) Mikrokosmographia [graece]. A Description of the Body of Man, 2 parts inFeb 29, 2024L. Annaei Flori, 1749 hist. of Rome in w/English translation – 5th ed.Feb 27, 2024ALESSANDRIA ANTIQUE ROMANARUM HISTORIARUM VELLUM 1576 ROMAN HISTORY APPIANOMar 03, 2024ANTIQUE DUTCH HISTORICAL HISTORIARUM AB EXCEEDING CAROLI V. CAESARIS V. VELLUM, 1646Mar 03, 2024CURTIUS RUFUS QUINTUS, SIXTEENTH-CENTURY ELZEVIER HISTORIARUM LIBRI W/ MAP 16.33Mar 03, 2024Adolphe Appian "Barque de pecheurs" original etchingFeb 28, 2024Adolphe AppianMar 11, 2024Italian Pietra Dura Mosaics, Ca. 2000, "Via Appia And Il Duomo", H 5.25" W 3.5" 2 pcsMar 14, 2024MAP, Rome, Anon.Mar 12, 2024