(18th c) SAMPLER by SARAH BROWN born 1780.John McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.5(505)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
FRENCH WOVEN VERDURE WOODED LANDSCAPE TAPESTRYAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Antique American Hooked Rug Dog Portrait Textile TapestryCurated Gallery Auctions4.6(131)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Antique very long Chinese embroidery on silk using golden thread, familial scenes with dragon, goodNeely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1811 36th Year of Independence Mary Gilbert American Needlepoint SamplerMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
An Assorted Group of Seventeen Chinese Textiles and Textile FragmentsNazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
No Reserve Early 20th Century French Unicorn Design Tapestry 5 ft 9 in x 4 ft 8 in (1.75 m x 1.42 m)Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
SoldDECONSTRUCTED FRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOK, 1870's. SDECONSTRUCTED FRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOK, 1870's. Silks, tulles, cottons and laces, some printed, some metallic, many samples crimped or pleated in various designs, covers removed, bookblock separatedSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOK, 1898 Large 20 x 13 inchFRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOK, 1898 Large 20 x 13 inch book with approximately 200 pages, having several samples per page, mostly home furnishing fabrics, corded appliques, flocked velvets, etc. Samples,See Sold Price
SoldFRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOK, 1898 Large format bookFRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOK, 1898 Large format book with about 200 pages having four to six samples per page. Cotton prints on dimity, twill and sateen. Plain weave with small pattern and glazed cottonsSee Sold Price
SoldLOT of TWO FRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOKS, 1892-93 & 1LOT of TWO FRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOKS, 1892-93 & 1890s Large format books with 200 pages per book, having 2-5 samples per page: One mid- weight soft wool twills in light colors, woven stripes in plainSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOK, 1898 Large 18 x 14 bookFRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOK, 1898 Large 18 x 14 book with approximatey 200 pages, several samples per page. All home furnishing and upholstery fabrics, many Art Nouveau designs. Binding, pages and samplSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOK, SUMMER 1889 Large formaFRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOK, SUMMER 1889 Large format book with about 200 pages having one to three samples per page. Mostly wool challis with woven patterns of dots, flowers and satin stripes, also ligSee Sold Price
LOT of TWO FRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOKS, 1890-1900 &LOT of TWO FRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOKS, 1890-1900 & 1890 Large format books with 100 and 200 pages per book, having 3-5 samples per page: Outerweight wool twill plaids textured with long pile stripes,See Sold Price
SoldTWO FRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOKS, 1890 and 1901-1902TWO FRENCH FABRIC SAMPLE BOOKS, 1890 and 1901-1902 Large format books with 100 and 200 pages having 2-5 samples per page. Mid-weight wool twill plaids with textured yarns or stripes in long pile heighSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH PRINTED VELVET FABRIC SAMPLE BOOK, 1841. ApFRENCH PRINTED VELVET FABRIC SAMPLE BOOK, 1841. Approximately 60 pages, pages average three samples. 15 3/4 x 11. Binding and pages poor, samples good-excellent.See Sold Price
SoldTWO FABRIC SAMPLE BOOKS, FRENCH, 1920's. Large forTWO FABRIC SAMPLE BOOKS, FRENCH, 1920's. Large format books with large swatches, 2-5 per page, mostly all metallic brocades. Good-excellent.See Sold Price
10 Antique French books10 Antique French books.Included in lot are Pensees by P.J. Proudhon,Le Centaure by M. de Guerin, French Lyrics, Comedies et proverbs by Alfred de Musset, Contes des Fees, Aventures du Capitaine, CorcSee Sold Price
10 Antique French books10 Antique French books.Included in lot are Pensees by P.J. Proudhon,Le Centaure by M. de Guerin, French Lyrics, Comedies et proverbs by Alfred de Musset, Contes des Fees, Aventures du Capitaine, CorcSee Sold Price
SoldPair of French Antique Book BookendsDESCRIPTION: A pair of bookends made from two 18th century French full leather bound books mounted on metal bases covered in marbled paper. Each marked under bases "P.V. France". MEASUREMENTS: 3-1/2"See Sold Price
SoldAntique 1916/17 J.L. TAYLOR & CO. BookFabulous Men's Fashion Book, originally had fabric samples by they are all missing, great large size lithograph pictures of men in very stylish suits of the fall winter 1916 &17, book size 17 x 32 xSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Dressmaker's sample bookDressmaker's sample book.- French Dressmaker's sample book of Silks and Fabrics (A), c.406 mounted samples, a few removed leaving traces of adhesive, some pen and ink sketches, each sample andSee Sold Price
Soldc1900 P. Becker & Co. Doll Trunk/Salesman SampleWonderful antique doll trunk or salesman sample from P. Becker & Co. The trunk is in good condition for the age. It consists of 3 internal drawers with silver metall drawer pulls on one side and a hanSee Sold Price
Sold5 pcs Cobalt Blue & White GranitewareFive Pieces of Cobalt Blue & White Graniteware. Including 1 dipper, 1 salesman's sample roaster with white insert (as pictured in Greguire Book 2, p. 122, Row 2, #1), 1 large dipper, 1 pitcher, and 1See Sold Price
Sold6V Books-On-Books HISTORY OF BOOKS AND PRINTING IN6V Books-On-Books HISTORY OF BOOKS AND PRINTING IN FRANCE Limited Edition Bibliographic Manuscripts Vintage And Antique Restif De La Bretonne P L Jacob French Library Catalogue Cortlandt F Bishop ImrpSee Sold Price
SoldCRACHEFEU 1980 French Art Book. CARLO GUARIENTI oCRACHEFEU 1980 French Art Book. CARLO GUARIENTI original aquatint. In a fabric bound case. Includes 5 original signed aquatints. Edition 106. Pencil signed.-- Dimensions: H: 16 inches: W: 12 inches: DSee Sold Price
OLD ANTIQUE PLAYING CARD ADVERTISMENT DISPLAY for B POld Antique Advertisement Display for B. P. Grimaud's (Paris, France) Playing Cards. Includes samples of great card art designs; nautical, masquerade, hunting scene, and horse racing. Printed thin papSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR ANTIQUE FRENCH BOOK ENDS:Wooden book end brackets, with figures, one a painted iron French soldier, and one with a porcelain figure vibrant costume. Note: Breaks to porcelain figure. 9.25"H and 8.25"HSee Sold Price