ANDREA BRIOSCO DETTO IL RICCIOPadova 1470-1532 Ercolescultura modellata in bronzo, h. cm. 28 c.a Questo elegante bronzo è stato sempre attribuito al Riccio, fin da quando apparteneva alla prestigiosa Collezione di Eduard Arnhold.See Sold Price
SoldIN THE MANNER OF ANDREA BRIOSCO, DETTO IL RICCIOIN THE MANNER OF ANDREA BRIOSCO, DETTO IL RICCIO (Trento, 1470 circa - Padova, 1532) Inkwell with three lions and putto on the cover Bronze, cm. 9x16See Sold Price
SoldANDREA BRIOSCO detto IL RICCIO (ambito di)(Trento, 1470 ; Padova, 1532) Lucerna in bronzo raffigurante figura grottesca su base circolare; usure nella patina Alt. cm 12, larg. cm 20 A BRONZE OIL LAMP BY ANDREA BRIOSCO; SLIGHTLY WORNSee Sold Price
Andrea Briosco Il Riccio Circle (1470-1532). Italy,Andrea Briosco Il Riccio Circle (1470-1532). Italy, probably from Padua. First third of the 16th century. Bronze inkpot depicting a crab and a frog. 5,5 x 12 x 10 cm. In renaissance Padua it was frequSee Sold Price
SoldPadovan oil lamp, in the manner of Andrea Briosco IlPadovan oil lamp, in the manner of Andrea Briosco Il Riccio (c. 1470 – 1532), an erotic man with with two holes for oil light and air supply. The upper right foot with remains of former hanging consSee Sold Price
Andrea Briosco called Il Riccio (1470-1532)-followerAndrea Briosco called Il Riccio (1470-1532)-follower, Satyrs head, bronze cast with brown greenish patina. Fine hand finish. Dimensions: 35cmSee Sold Price
SoldAndrea Briosco called Il Riccio (1470-1532)-followerAndrea Briosco called Il Riccio (1470-1532)-follower, Satyrs head, bronze cast with brown greenish patina. Fine hand finish. Dimensions: 35cmSee Sold Price
SoldAndrea Briosco called Il Riccio school ofAndrea Briosco called Il Riccio school of, brunished bronze sculpture depicting Lying Saturn resting on a rectangular spanish broccatello marble base, Trento 1470 - Padova 1532 Dimensions: 13x28x23 cmSee Sold Price
Rare and very beautiful Bronze Door Knocker from ITALY, 16/17th CenturyRare and exceptional door knocker in antique bronze from ITALY A door handle in Italian bronze, by Andrea Briosco, called 'Il Riccio' (1470-1532), 16/17th century greenish gold patina under blSee Sold Price
Rare and very beautiful Bronze Door Knocker from ITALY, 16/17th CenturyRare and exceptional door knocker in antique bronze from ITALY A door handle in Italian bronze, by Andrea Briosco, called 'Il Riccio' (1470-1532), 16/17th century greenish gold patina under blSee Sold Price
Rare and very beautiful Bronze Door Knocker from ITALY,Rare and exceptional door knocker in antique bronze from ITALY A door handle in Italian bronze, by Andrea Briosco, called 'Il Riccio' (1470-1532), 16th century greenish gold patina under black lacquerSee Sold Price
Rare and very beautiful Bronze Door Knocker from ITALY,Rare and exceptional door knocker in antique bronze from ITALY A door handle in Italian bronze, by Andrea Briosco, called 'Il Riccio' (1470-1532), 16th century greenish gold patina under black lacquerSee Sold Price
Rare and very beautiful Bronze Door Knocker from ITALY,Rare and exceptional door knocker in antique bronze from ITALY A door handle in Italian bronze, by Andrea Briosco, called 'Il Riccio' (1470-1532), 16th century greenish gold patina under black lacquerSee Sold Price
Rare and very beautiful Bronze Door Knocker from ITALY,Rare and exceptional door knocker in antique bronze from ITALY A door handle in Italian bronze, by Andrea Briosco, called 'Il Riccio' (1470-1532), 16th century greenish gold patina under black lacquerSee Sold Price
SoldRare and very beautiful Bronze Door Knocker from ITALY,Rare and exceptional door knocker in antique bronze from ITALY A door handle in Italian bronze, by Andrea Briosco, called 'Il Riccio' (1470-1532), 16/17th century greenish gold patina under black lacqSee Sold Price
SoldGiovanni Andrea (detto il Mastelletta) DonducciGiovanni Andrea (detto il Mastelletta) Donducci (1575 - 1655), Il battesimo di Cristo. Gessetto nero con rialzi a matita bianca su carta vergellata preparata color avana. mm 335x238.See Sold Price
SoldAndrea detto il Chiaveghino Mainardi (1550 - 1617)Santa Maria Maddalena e una santa martire (Santa Caterina d'Alessandria) Olio su tela, firmato e datato: Andreas Mainardvis Cognomento Chiaveghinvs Cremonensis 1597 cm 87x87 L' opera è un importanteSee Sold Price
SoldBARTOLOMEO NERONI detto IL RICCIO(Siena, 1505 circa - 1571) Figura allegorica Tempere su tavola, cm 80X49 Provenienza: Firenze, Collezione Spinelli Milano, Asta Galleria Pesaro, vendita Spinelli, 11-14 giugno 1928, lotto 134, come DoSee Sold Price
SoldGIOVANNI ANDREA DONDUCCI detto IL MASTELLETTA(Bologna, 1575 - 1655) Madonna con il Bambino e i Santi Margherita, Maddalena, Pietro, Giovanni e un angelo Olio su tavola, cm 40X30,8 Provenienza: Firenze, Collezione Sacrati-Strozzi Bibliografia: M.See Sold Price
SoldAndrea Briosco called Il Richio ( 1471-1532)Andrea Brioscocalled Il Richio (1471- 1532) -attributed, female and male Satyr candle holders, each in keeling position, holding in one arm a spout with peak for candle, bronze cast with very fine hanSee Sold Price
ANDREA DONDUCCI detto IL MASTELLETTA (attr. a)(Bologna, 1575 - 1655) Danae e la pioggia d'oro Olio su tela, cm 43X27 Il dipinto, attribuito tradizionalmente al Donducci, raffigura Danae, figlia del re di Argo Acrisio il quale, avendo un oracolo pSee Sold Price
Cerchia di Giovanni Andrea Donducci, detto il MastCerchia di Giovanni Andrea Donducci, detto il Mastelletta (Bologna 1575 - 1655) Tancredi ed Erminiaolio su tela cm 62 x 73See Sold Price
SoldANDREA MICHIELI DETTO IL VICENTINO Portrait ofPortrait of gentlewoman. . Oil on canvas . Cm 57,00 x 70,00. Critical text by Mattia Vinco, August 2018.See Sold Price
SCARSELLA IPPOLITO detto SCARSELLINO (1550-1620)Aste di Antiquariato Boetto4.3(47)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
ETCHING PRINT AFTER ANDREA BRIOSCO RICCIO "A SATYR CANDLESTICK"Marnie Collection Auction4.5(70)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Rare and very beautiful Bronze Door Knocker from ITALY, 16/17th CenturyBasel Auction House4.4(43)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
BERNARDO STROZZI detto IL CAPPUCCINO (1581-1644)Aste di Antiquariato Boetto4.3(47)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
After Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1788), Etching, Veduta dell' Arco di Costantino, e dell'Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
PIER FRANCESCO MAZZUCCHELLI detto il MORAZZONE (attr.Wannenes - Art Auction4.1(38)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
JACOPO NEGRETTI detto PALMA IL GIOVANE (attr. a)Wannenes - Art Auction4.1(38)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
GIROLAMO FRANCESCO MARIA MAZZOLA detto PARMIGIANINOWannenes - Art Auction4.1(38)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
DOMINIKOS THEOTOKOPOULOS detto EL GRECO (seguace di)Wannenes - Art Auction4.1(38)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Neoclassical Brass Figure - Satyr Atop Scallop ShellArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024