Pair of Antique Japanese Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858) Hand Colored Signed Woodblock PrintsHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Utagawa Hiroshige (aka Ando Hiroshige), Bridge from 53 Stations of the Tokaido, WoodblockRoGallery4.5(81)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
SoldAndo Hiroshige II Woodblock - Nakazu MitsumataArtist: Hiroshige II, Ando, 1829-1869 Title: Nakazu Mitsumata Series: Thirty-six Views of the Eastern Capital Date: 1862 Medium: woodblock Dimensions: 13 3/8 x 8 3/4 iSee Sold Price
SoldAndo Hiroshige II Woodblock - Daijo-ji Temple in KagaArtist: Hiroshige II, Ando, 1829-1869 Title: Daijo-ji Temple at Kanazawa in Kaga Province Series: One Hundred Famous Views in the Various Provinces Date: 1859 Medium: woodblockSee Sold Price
SoldAndo Hiroshige II Woodblock - Plum Trees at KameidoArtist: Hiroshige II, Ando, 1829-1869 Title: Plum Trees at Kameido Series: Thirty-six Views of the Eastern Capital Date: 1862 Medium: woodblock Dimensions: 13 1/2 x 9 iSee Sold Price
SoldAndo Hiroshige II - WoodblockArtist: Hiroshige II, Ando, 1829-1869 Title: Yoroi Ferry Series: Thirty-six Views of the Eastern Capital Date: 1862 Medium: woodblock Dimensions: 13 1/2 x 8 3/4 inches<See Sold Price
SoldAndo Hiroshige II - WoodblockArtist: Hiroshige II, Ando, 1829-1869 Title: True View of Tateyama in Etchu Province Series: One Hundred Famous Views in the Various Provinces Date: 1859 Medium: woodblockSee Sold Price
SoldAndo Hiroshige II - WoodblockArtist: Hiroshige II, Ando, 1829-1869 Title: Fishing Boats at Tsukudajima Series: Thirty-six Views of the Eastern Capital Date: 1862 Medium: woodblock Dimensions: 13 1/See Sold Price
SoldAndo Hiroshige II Woodblock - YuiArtist: Hiroshige II, Ando, 1829-1869 Title: Yui Series: The Tokaido Date: 1863 Medium: woodblock Dimensions: 8 7/8 x 6 1/2 inches Plate in Series: 17See Sold Price
SoldAndo Hiroshige II Woodblock - KawasakiArtist: Hiroshige II, Ando, 1829-1869 Title: Kawasaki Series: The Tokaido Date: 1863 Medium: woodblock Dimensions: 8 7/8 x 6 1/2 inches Plate in Series:See Sold Price
SoldAndo Hiroshige II Woodblock - YoshiwaraArtist: Hiroshige II, Ando, 1829-1869 Title: Yoshiwara Series: The Tokaido Date: 1863 Medium: woodblock Dimensions: 8 7/8 x 6 1/2 inches Plate in Series:See Sold Price
SoldAndo Hiroshige II - WoodblockArtist: Hiroshige II, Ando, 1829-1869 Title: Paulownia Trees at Akasaka in the Evening Rain Series: One Hundred Famous Views of Edo Date: 1859 Medium: woodblock Dimensions:See Sold Price
SoldAndo Hiroshige II Woodblock - AkasakaArtist: Hiroshige II, Ando, 1829-1869 Title: Akasaka Series: The Tokaido Date: 1864 Medium: woodblock Dimensions: 8 7/8 x 6 1/2 inches Plate in Series: 3See Sold Price
SoldAndo Hiroshige II Woodblock - OtsuArtist: Hiroshige II, Ando, 1829-1869 Title: Otsu Series: The Tokaido Date: 1863 Medium: woodblock Dimensions: 8 7/8 x 6 1/2 inches Plate in Series: 54See Sold Price
SoldAndo Hiroshige II Woodblock - YoshidaArtist: Hiroshige II, Ando, 1829-1869 Title: Yoshida Series: The Tokaido Date: 1863 Medium: woodblock Dimensions: 8 7/8 x 6 1/2 inches Plate in Series: 3See Sold Price
Ando Hiroshige II Woodblock Inari Shrine at TeppôzuArtist: HIROSHIGE II (1826-1869) Subject: Inari Shrine at Teppôzu Series: Edo meisho yonjûhakkei (Forty-eight Famous Views of Edo) Publisher: Tsutaya Kichizô Signature: Hiroshige Date: 1/1861 MediuSee Sold Price
Ando Hiroshige II Woodblock Famous Views, #39Artist: HIROSHIGE II (1826-1869) Subject: No. 39. Suiten Shrine at Akabane Series: Edo meisho yonjûhakkei (Forty-eight Famous Views of Edo) Publisher: Tsutaya Kichizô Signature: Hiroshige Medium: JaSee Sold Price
Ando Hiroshige II Woodblock TsukudajimaArtist: HIROSHIGE II (1826-1869) Subject: No. 30. Tsukudajima Series: Edo meisho yonjûhakkei (Forty-eight Famous Views of Edo) Publisher: Tsutaya Kichizô Signature: Hiroshige Date: 1860-61 Medium: JSee Sold Price
SoldAndo Hiroshige II - WoodblockArtist: Hiroshige II, Ando, 1829-1869Title: Noge at Yokohama in Musashi Province Series: One Hundred Famous Views in the Various ProvSee Sold Price
SoldAndo Hiroshige II Japanese Woodblock PrintArtist: Hiroshige II, Ando, 1829-1869 Title: In the Chichibu Mountains in Musashi Province Series: One Hundred Famous Views in the Various Provinces Date: 1859 Medium: woodblock <See Sold Price
Ando Hiroshige II: Sado Kinzan oketsu no keiTitle: Original Japanese Woodblock Print. Artist: Ando Hiroshige II. Subject: Sado Kinzan oketsu no kei (View inside the Gold Mine on Sado Island) / Shokoku meisho hyakkei. Subject: Original JapaneseSee Sold Price
Title: Original Japanese Woodblock Print. Artist: AndoTitle: Original Japanese Woodblock Print. Artist: Ando Hiroshige II. Subject: Sado Kinzan oketsu no kei (View inside the Gold Mine on Sado Island) / Shokoku meisho hyakkei. Subject: Original JapaneseSee Sold Price
Hiroshige II Woodblock: Hollycock at Aoizaka, 1866 NRJapanese Woodblock Print. Artist: Ando Hiroshige II. Subject: Hollyhock at Aoizaka in the Eastern Capital, from the series Thirty-six Selected Flowers. Date: 1866. Size: Oban design Measures 9.75&rdquSee Sold Price
Hiroshige II Woodblock: Hydrangea Flower Garden 1866 NRJapanese Woodblock Print. Artist: Ando Hiroshige II. Subject: Hydrangea at the Flower Garden at Asakusa in the Eastern Capital, from the series Thirty-six Selected Flowers. Date: 1866. Size: Oban desiSee Sold Price
after Hiroshige II woodblockafter Hiroshige II Ando- Ohtsu (along Tokaido)- woodblock in colors. 14 x 9 5/8'' (sheet)See Sold Price
Soldafter Hiroshige woodblockafter Hiroshige II Ando- Ohtsu (along Tokaido)- woodblock in colors. 14 x 9 5/8'' (sheet)See Sold Price
Ando Hiroshige II Woodblock - Muro Harbor in HarimaFloating World Auctions4.7(233)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Hiroshige II Woodblock Print, Seven-Mile Beach in SagamiLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Hiroshige II ( Japanese) Woodblock Print, KudanzakaLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Hiroshige II (Japanese) Woodblock Print, Mt. TsukubaLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Hiroshige II (Japanese) Woodblock Print, Yoroi FerryLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Hiroshige II (Japanese, 1826-1869) Woodblock Print, NezuLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Utagawa Hiroshige II (Japanese, 1826-1869) Woodblock on Paper, Ca. 1860s, "Nihonbashi, from FamousDuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024