Ancient Jemdat Nasr & Akkadian sealA pair of ancient seals. The first is a Jemdat Nasr banded calcite stamp seal, c. 3200 - 2800 BC, base with three animals. Some wear, pierced horizontally. W: 33mm. The second is an Akkadian cylinderSee Sold Price
SoldGrand Tour. 4 Near Eastern stone sealsA lot of 4 Near Eastern stone seals carved in ancient style. The first is a Jemdat Nasr seal, c. 3200 - 2800 BC, the base of which has been re-carved with three beautiful horned goats, each with wingsSee Sold Price
A pair of Jemdat Nasr SealsA pair of Jemdat Nasr seals, c. 3200 - 2800 BC. The first is a green calcite seal in the form of a reclining bull, pierced vertically for suspension. L: 25mm. The second is a limestone square seal witSee Sold Price
SoldA Jemdat Nasr seal and Ubaid beadA Jemdat Nasr seal and Ubaid bead. A Jemdat Nasr seal and Ubaid bead. Lot includes a steatite Jemdat Nasr stamp seal, c. 3200 - 2900 BC, the circular body with ridges and point handle pierced for suspSee Sold Price
Ancient Sumerian Black Stone Stamp Seal ca. 3100-2900Ancient Sumerian Black Stone Stamp Seal, Jemdat Nasr Period, ca. 3100-2900 B.C.Size 27 x 26 mm. Carved black stone stamp seal depicting two Ibex and two arcs of dots. drilled hole through the side. imSee Sold Price
SoldJemdat Nasr steatite seal, Ex-Banks collectionAn attractive Jemdat Nasr black steatite cylinder seal, c. 3200 - 2900 BC, the scene depicting squatting women amidst two-handled pots. H: 19mm; W: 18mm. Cf. Yale 144. Ex Edgar Banks, UK, gifted in thSee Sold Price
SoldJemdat Nasr shell seal, bull. Ex-Banks collectionA Jemdat Nasr shell seal in the form of a reclining bull, c. 3200 - 2900 BC, the body and head decorated with drill circles, each with a central depression, a suspension hole through the back. Some weSee Sold Price
SoldMarble Jemdat Nasr cylinder sealA nice crème marble Jemdat Nasr Cylinder Seal, c. 3200 - 2800 BC, featuring a pair of stylized fish and lozenges separated by two vertical lines with hatching. L: 1 in (2.5cm). Intact. Ex collectionSee Sold Price
SoldNice pink marble Jemdat Nasr cylinder sealA nice pink marble Jemdat Nasr cylinder seal, c. 3200-2900 BC, with three rows of stylized insects. Some light weathering. L: 29mm. Ex Cecil Best collection, London (1882-1973).See Sold Price
SoldJemdat Nasr stamp seal in the form of a recumbent ramA nice Jemdat Nasr stamp seal in the form of a recumbent ram, c. 3100 - 2900 BC, carved in creme colored limestone. The back in the form of a recumbent ram with head turned forward, the details deeplySee Sold Price
Jemdat Nasr stamp seal, shape of a vultureA nice Jemdat Nasr green calcite stamp seal in the shape of a vulture, c. 3300 - 2900 BC, the base with three drilled scorpions. Intact with light weathering. L: 43mm. Pierced from top to bottom for sSee Sold Price
Grey diorite Jemdat Nasr stamp sealA grey diorite Jemdat Nasr stamp seal, c.3300 - 2900 BC. Of hemispherical form with two stylized canines on base. Some wear from use, old collection numbers on side. Diam: 2.7 cm. Cf. D. Homes-FrederiSee Sold Price
A Jamdat Nasr seal and Ubaid beadA Jamdat Nasr seal and Ubaid bead. Lot includes a steatite Jemdat Nasr stamp seal, c. 3200 - 2900 BC, the circular body with ridges and point handle pierced for suspension. On base, four quadrupeds, DSee Sold Price
SoldA nice red marble Sumerian cylinder seal, Jemdat NasrA nice red marble Sumerian cylinder seal, Jemdat Nasr, c. 3200 - 2900 BC, featuring stylized seated figures comprised of circular drilled depressions. 16 x 16 mm. Hole with heavy wear to one side fromSee Sold Price
SoldSumerian shell cylinder seal, Jemdat NasrA Sumerian shell cylinder seal, Jemdat Nasr, c. 3200 – 2900 BC, with two vertical registers containing quadrupeds. L: 15.4mm. Ex California Museum of Ancient Art Deaccession. (0903)See Sold Price
SoldA Jemdat Nasr conicoid stamp seal, MesopotamiaA Jemdat Nasr conicoid stamp seal, Mesopotamia, c. 3200 - 3000 BC, in terracotta, with short pierced stem handle. On the base is an incised geometric pattern. Dia: 32 mm. Light deposits. Ex Michael ShSee Sold Price
Large steatite cylinder seal, Jemdat NasrA large steatite cylinder seal with geometric motif, Jemdat Nasr, c. 3100 - 2900 BC. A nice seal with three registers divided into two panels by a groove on either side running the length of the seal.See Sold Price
SoldBlack serpentine cylinder seal, Jemdat Nasr styleA nice black serpentine cylinder seal, Jemdat Nasr style, 3rd Millennium BC, with a standing avian figure next to bound rays, circles and pellets to left. L: 25mm. An attractive seal with light deposiSee Sold Price
Sumeria, Jemdat Nasr, reclining bull sealA Sumerian crème marble stamp seal in the form of a reclining bull, Jemdat Nasr, c.3200 - 2800 BC. On base a pair of animals. L: 1 3/16" (2.9 cm). Cf. Yale 116 for the type. Ex Orange County collectiSee Sold Price
SoldSumerian creme marble stamp seal, Jemdat NasrA Sumerian creme marble stamp seal, Jemdat Nasr, c. 3000 - 2700 BC, ovoid in shape with rounded top and longitudinal hole for suspension. The base is lightly convex and is incised with a Y-shape devicSee Sold Price
A detailed Jemdat Nasr steatite cylinder sealA detailed Jemdat Nasr steatite cylinder seal, c. 3000 - 2800 BC, with a beautifully carved geometric design. L: 2.77 cm. Light deposits. Ex California Museum of Art de-accession.See Sold Price
A beige marble Sumerian cylinder seal, Jemdat NasrA beige marble Sumerian cylinder seal, Jemdat Nasr, c. 3000 - 2800 BC, with geometric 'eye' design. L: 20 mm. Nice deposits. Ex California Museum of Art de-accession.See Sold Price
Sumerian marble conoid stamp seal, Jemdat NasrA Sumerian marble conoid stamp seal, Jemdat Nasr, c. 3200 – 2900 BC, the domed back horizontally drilled for suspension. On base, a rosette design formed by drilling. Dia: 22 mm. Ex California MuseuSee Sold Price
Sumerian crème marble stamp seal, Jemdat NasrA Sumerian crème marble stamp seal, Jemdat Nasr, c. 3000 – 2700 BC, ovoid in shape with rounded top and longitudinal hole for suspension. The base is lightly convex and is incised with a Y-shape deSee Sold Price
CHINESE BOXWOOD SEAL, 'ANCIENT ARTIFACT' AND 'POEM'Merces Gallery LLC4.2(13)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
An Egyptian Alabaster Scarab Seal, New Kingdom PeriodThousandPlanet4.4(118)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
3 Bactrian, Urartu, & Achaemenid Stone Stamp Seal BeadsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
6 Christie's Auction Catalogs New York & London 2001-5Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Qing dynasty Shoushan stone dragon grain Shanzi sealJapan Ancient Art Co. LTD4.4(37)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty for his own use and Tianqing white jade idle sealJapan Ancient Art Co. LTD4.4(37)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024