M. Crocker Folk Art Stoneware JugSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Small devil face jug by Leftwick Folk Art Pottery, marked KIM, in green with dark accents, spiralHudson Valley Auctioneers LLC Beacon NY4.7(554)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Michel Bayne (b. 1959), A large Folk Art pottery jug, late 20th/21st centuryJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Richard Kale Folk Art Face JugBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Cusco Peru Inca Jaguar Vessel Pitcher Jug Clay Folk Art PotteryJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Pottery jug Canteen Folk Art Rose Pattern w/Cork & Spout Signed MooreJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
(2) MEXICAN FOLK ART POTTERY FIGURAL PULQUE PITCHERSAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SoldAn Italic AskosAskos Italisch Ohne Sockel / without base Keramik. H 12 cm. L 16 cm. Provenienz: - lt. Besitzer: Wladimir Rosenbaum (1894-1984). - Galerie Serodine, Ascona. 5. Jh. v. Chr. CHF 600 / 800 EUR 516 / 688See Sold Price
An Italic Askos in the Shape of a DuckAskos in Form einer Ente Italisch Ohne Sockel / without base Keramik. H 15,5 cm. L 15,5 cm. Provenienz: - lt. Besitzer: Wladimir Rosenbaum (1894-1984). - Galerie Serodine, Ascona. 5. Jh. v. Chr. CHF 1See Sold Price
SoldVERY RARE EARLY ITALIC POLYCHROME ASKOSVERY RARE EARLY ITALIC POLYCHROME ASKOS, c. 8th-7th century BC. The vessel in the form of a water fowl with red polychrome detailing. 5 inches. Intact and very rare early piece.Provenance: An extensivSee Sold Price
SoldGreek South Italic Daunian Askos, Duck FormSouthern Italy, Apulia / Daunian, ca. 300 BCE. This is a large terracotta "duck" askos form, used for pouring small quantities of liquids such as oil. The surface is decorated with linear and geometriSee Sold Price
SoldA Daunian Sub-Geometric Askos, ItalicA Daunian Sub-Geometric Askos, Italic, c. 4th Century BC, nicely decorated with geometric designs in dark brown slip over a pale crme slip. H: 5 2/3 in (14.4cm). A nice example with earthen deposits tSee Sold Price
SoldAttractive Daunian Sub-Geometric II askos, ItalicAn attractive Daunian Sub-Geometric II askos, Italic, late 6th Century BC, handmade, the body oval with flat base, the top somewhat rounded with a cylindrical neck without a distinct lip, a stubby taiSee Sold Price
South Italic Daunian Askos - Duck FormSouthern Italy, Daunian Culture, ca. 5th century BCE. A very finely sculpted terracotta askos, slipped in white with added black and red geometric design. The vessel is made to mimic a duck, with poinSee Sold Price
RARE EARLY ITALIC POLYCHROME ASKOSLRARE EARLY ITALIC POLYCHROME ASKOS, c. 8th-7th century BC. The vessel in the form of a water fowl, likely a duck, with red polychrome detailing. 5 inches. The Italic culture, along with the Roman, SaSee Sold Price
A Daunian Sub-Geometric Askos, ItalicA Daunian Sub-Geometric Askos, Italic, c. 4th Century BC, nicely decorated with geometric designs in dark brown slip over a pale crme slip. H: 5 2/3 in (14.4cm). A nice example with earthen deposits tSee Sold Price
A Daunian Sub-Geometric Askos, ItalicA Daunian Sub-Geometric Askos, Italic, c. 550 - 500 BC, the rounded body with flattened base, tubular neck with flared moth, single handle with stubby tail behind it. H: 6 1/2" (16.5 cm); Dia: 7" (17.See Sold Price
An attractive Daunian Sub-Geometric II askos, ItalicAn attractive Daunian Sub-Geometric II askos, Italic, late 6th Century BC, handmade, the body oval with flat base, the top somewhat rounded with a cylindrical neck without a distinct lip, a stubby taiSee Sold Price
A Daunian Sub-Geometric Askos, ItalicA Daunian Sub-Geometric Askos, Italic, c. 550 - 500 BC, the rounded body with flattened base, tubular neck with flared moth, single handle with stubby tail behind it. H: 6 in (16.5 cm); Dia: 7 in (17.See Sold Price
Attractive Daunian Sub-Geometric II askosAn attractive Daunian Sub-Geometric II askos, Italic, late 6th Century BC, handmade, the body oval with flat base, the top somewhat rounded with a cylindrical neck without a distinct lip, a stubby taiSee Sold Price
A Daunian sub-geometric askosA Daunian sub-geometric askos, Italic, c. 550 - 500 BC, the rounded body with flattened base, tubular neck with flared moth, single handle with stubby tail behind it. H: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm); Dia: 7 inSee Sold Price
A Daunian Sub-Geometric AskosA Daunian Sub-Geometric Askos, Italic, c. 550 - 500 BC, the rounded body with flattened base, tubular neck with flared moth, single handle with stubby tail behind it. H: 6 ½ in (16.5 cm); Dia: 7 in (See Sold Price
Daunian Sub-Geometric II askosAn attractive Daunian Sub-Geometric II askos, Italic, late 6th Century BC, handmade, the body oval with flat base, the top somewhat rounded with a cylindrical neck without a distinct lip, a stubby taiSee Sold Price
An attractive Daunian Sub-Geometric II askosAn attractive Daunian Sub-Geometric II askos, Italic, late 6th Century BC, handmade, the body oval with flat base, the top somewhat rounded with a cylindrical neck without a distinct lip, a stubby taiSee Sold Price
A Daunian Sub-Geometric AskosA Daunian Sub-Geometric Askos, Italic, c. 550 - 500 BC, the rounded body with flattened base, tubular neck with flared moth, single handle with stubby tail behind it. H: 6 ½ in (16.5 cm); Dia: 7 in (See Sold Price
A Daunian Sub-Geometric AskosA Daunian Sub-Geometric Askos, Italic, c. 550 - 500 BC, the rounded body with flattened base, tubular neck with flared moth, single handle with stubby tail behind it. H: 6 1/2" (16.5 cm); Dia: 7" (17.See Sold Price
SoldSouth Italic Daunian Duck AskosSouthern Italy, ca. 5th century BCE. Finely sculpted terracotta vessel slipped in white with added black and red geometric design. Made to mimic a duck, with pointed tail, wide body, and upturned headSee Sold Price
SoldSouth Italic Campanian Pottery Askos w/ Maenad & Satyr**First Time At Auction** Greece, Magna Graecia, South Italic, Campanian, possibly from Cumae given the light orange color of the clay body, ca. 350 to 320 BCE. A beautiful askos intended to be decoraSee Sold Price
South Italic Daunian Duck AskosSouthern Italy, Apulia / Daunian, ca. 300 BCE. This is a large terracotta "duck" askos form, used for pouring small quantities of liquids such as oil. The surface is decorated with linear and geometriSee Sold Price
SoldGreek Apulian Blackware Askos100% of the Hammer price of all lots sold in this auction will be donated to Community Food Share by Artemis Gallery. $1.00 = 3 meals! **Originally Listed At $300** Magna Graecia, South Italic ColoSee Sold Price
SoldRare Greek Blackware Ring-Shaped AskosGreece, South Italic colonies, Apulia, ca. 4th century BCE. A unique example of a Greek ceramic ringed askos with a circular base supported by a narrow foot and a small looped handle near its circularSee Sold Price
Parker Premier 75 Fountain Pen Lot (3)North American Pen Auctions LTD4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Ceramic Amlash Handled Askos in the Form of a HorseWorld of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
1540 BURLESQUE POETRY by Francesco Berni antique Tutte le Opere del BerniaJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1599 HORACE WORKS in SPANISH antique POETRY VELLUM Q. HORATII FLACCI V.de BiedmaJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
World map.- Macrobius (Ambrosius Aurelius Theodosius) In somnium Scipionis, Libri II. Saturnaliorum,Forum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Steve Kaufman (1960-2010) "Dollar Signs (Green Italic)" Limited Edition Hand Pulled Silkscreen onRobinhood Auctions4.7(787)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024