SoldAmphoriskos in MandelformGriechisch, 4.Jh. v.C. Rötlicher Ton mit schwarzem Firnis. In Form gepresst. L 9,5 cm.See Sold Price
SoldA choice Greek glass AmphoriskosA choice Greek glass Amphoriskos, Eastern Mediterranean, c. 6th - 4th Century BC, core-formed, the body round with pendulum base, cylindrical neck and flared mouth with thick rim, applied handles to eSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Agate Perfume Amphoriskos1st century BC-1st century AD. A carved agate perfume bottle in the form of an amphora with pointed handles to the sides, long neck with everted rim and small aperture, the body with carved circumfereSee Sold Price
SoldAÂ GREEK CORE-FORMED GLASS AMPHORISKOSA GREEK CORE-FORMED GLASS AMPHORISKOS , HELLENISTIC PERIOD, CIRCA LATE 2ND-EARLY 1ST CENTURY B.C. With iridescent black body, tall neck and everted rim, wound with opaque yellow trails tooled into a fSee Sold Price
SoldPhoenician Style Core glass Amphoriskos.Phoenician Style Core glass Amphoriskos. Size 4 7/8 inches high. Phoenician style Core Glass Amphoriskos Sand core formed glass vessel in graceful amphora shape with acorn body on tiny foot, and roundSee Sold Price
SoldGreek Hellenistic Style Core-Form Glass AmphoriskosGreek Hellenistic Style Core-Form Glass Amphoriskos. Provenance: Anders Auction, Brooklyn, NY, March 18, 2017, Lot 115 as "Roman Glass Core Formed Amphora." Size: 6.25'' x 2.25'' x 2.2.5'' (16 x 6 x 6See Sold Price
SoldBeautifully Iridescent Roman Glass AmphoriskosRome, Imperial Period, ca. 2nd to 4th century CE. A mesmerizing aqua blue glass amphoriskos with a piriform body, sloping shoulders, tubular neck, and flared mouth resolving in a folded rim. Most striSee Sold Price
SoldA lovely Hellenistic terracotta amphoriskosA lovely Hellenistic terracotta amphoriskos, 3rd Century BC, the body tapering to a pointed bottom, narrow neck and two loop handles. H: 9 1/4 in (23.5 cm). Light surface deposits throughout and withSee Sold Price
SoldGreek Painted Amphoriskos5th-3rd century BC. A large terracotta jar with rounded underside, conical body, deep shoulder, flared neck, rolled rim, two lateral loop handles, concentric painted rings. 3.3 kg, 34cm (13 1/4"). FroSee Sold Price
SoldWestern Asiatic Rock Crystal Amphoriskos1st millennium BC or later. A carved rock crystal amphoriskos with two lateral loop handles, irregularly drilled interior. [A video of this item is available to view on TimeLine Auctions website.] 303See Sold Price
SoldLooped Handle Amphoriskos - Hellenistic Period 2nd-1st Century B.C.Looped Handle Amphoriskos - Hellenistic Period 2nd-1st Century B.C.Presenting an exquisite exemplar from the Hellenistic era, precisely dating back to the 2nd to 1st Century B.C. This sand-core formedSee Sold Price
SoldA nice Early Bronze Age AmphoriskosA nice Early Bronze Age Amphoriskos, Holy Land, c. 3100 – 2900 BC, the round body with two pierced wedge handles flanking a narrow spout. 6 ½ in x 6 3/8 in (16.5 x 16.2 cm). A simple but elegant foSee Sold Price
SoldStunning Greek Core-Formed Glass AmphoriskosAncient Greece, Classical Period, ca. 6th to 5th century BCE. A beautiful example of a core-formed glass amphoriskos once used to hold scented oils. The near-miniature vase boasts an elegant form withSee Sold Price
SoldAmphoriskosAmphoriskos Römisch, östlicher Mittelmeerraum Glas. H 8,5 cm. Provenienz: Schweizer Privatsammlung, Zürich. CHF 1 000 / 2 000 EUR 860 / 1 720See Sold Price
SoldRare Greek Core Formed Glass Amphoriskos**First Time At Auction** Ancient Greece, ca. 6th to 4th century BCE. A very early example of a core-formed glass amphoriskos (miniature amphora) once used to hold perfumed oil. This near miniature vaSee Sold Price
SoldA Campanian Black-Figure AmphoriskosSchwarzfigurige Amphoriskos Kampanisch Keramik. H 31 cm. Provenienz: - Jean-David Cahn, Basel. - Galerie Serodine, Ascona. 4. - 3. Jh. v. Chr. CHF 1 500 / 3 000 EUR 1 290 / 2 580See Sold Price
SoldRoman North Africa Redware Amphoriskos w/ Rabbit & LionRoman, North Africa, Imperial Period, ca. 3rd to 4th century CE. A lovely wheel-thrown redware pottery amphoriskos with a concave footed base, a spherical body with a rounded shoulder, a projecting coSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Glass Twin-Handled AmphoriskosCirca 3rd Century AD. A clear glass amphoriskos with conical body, pointed base, short cylindrical neck, two applied handles, everted rolled rim; some iridescence. Glass, 33.5 grams,123 mm (4 3/4").See Sold Price
SoldA lovely Corinthian amphoriskos, c. 6th Century BCA lovely Corinthian amphoriskos, c. 6th Century BC, decorated with a pair of birds standing amongst a panther and a human-headed feline, rosettes in the field around them. The scene is bordered by triSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Phoenician Sand-Core Glass Amphoriskos c.6th ceAncient Phoenician Sand-Core Glass Amphoriskos CIRCA 6th-5th century B.C. Size 2 3/4 inches high. Rare blue, with handles in same color; trails in opaque yellow and opaque turquoise blue.Broad, unevenSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Etruscan Pottery amphoriskos C.6th century B.C.Ancient Etruscan Pottery amphoriskos Circa 6th-5th century B.C. Size: 3 7/8 inches high (10 cm). Rare miniature Pottery Amphora decorated with two running greyhound dogs, small chip at the rim otherwiSee Sold Price
SoldA Hellenistic core glass amphoriskosA Hellenistic core glass amphoriskos, c. 2nd - 1st Century BC, with dark blue body, tall neck with everted rim, and wound with orange, yellow and white trails which have been tooled into a feather patSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Agate Amphoriskos1st century AD. A carved agate miniature amphiskoros with strap handles to the shoulders. 56 grams, 50mm (2"). Property of a London lady, part of her family's Swiss collection; formerly acquired in thSee Sold Price
SoldEarly Bronze Age I Line Group AmphoriskosA lovely Early Bronze Age I Line Group Amphoriskos, Holy Land, c. 3100 – 2900 BC, with round body and flared mouth, two small loop handles on the shoulders. The upper half of the body and base of thSee Sold Price
16TH AND 17TH CENTURY MEDICAL WORKS. A group of early publications on medicine and surgery.Bonhams4.1(315)See Sold PriceJun 18, 2024