SoldAmerican Renaissance Revival Rosewood ArmoireAmerican Renaissance Revival Rosewood Armoire, third quarter 19th century, the tall carved and arched crest over a single door with plate glass mirror opening to a bird's-eye maple interior, the baseSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Renaissance Revival Rosewood ArmoireAmerican Renaissance Revival Rosewood Armoire, third quarter 19th century, the broken-arch pediment centered by a carved cartouche, the case with a pair of doors with arched panels flanked by canted cSee Sold Price
19th c. American rosewood armoire, 112"hAmerican Renaissance Revival rosewood armoire, 19th century, having an arched crest centering a cabochon, above a center door with arched mirror, flanked by chamfered corners, surmounting a single molSee Sold Price
19th c. American rosewood armoire, 112"hAmerican Renaissance Revival rosewood armoire, 19th century, having an arched crest centering a cabochon, above a center door with arched mirror, flanked by chamfered corners, surmounting a single molSee Sold Price
19th c. American rosewood armoire, 112"hAmerican Renaissance Revival rosewood armoire, 19th century, having an arched crest centering a cabochon, above a center door with arched mirror, flanked by chamfered corners, surmounting a single molSee Sold Price
19th c. American rosewood armoire, 112"hAmerican Renaissance Revival rosewood armoire, 19th century, having an arched crest centering a cabochon, above a center door with arched mirror, flanked by chamfered corners, surmounting a single molSee Sold Price
19th c. American rosewood armoire, 112"hAmerican Renaissance Revival rosewood armoire, 19th century, having an arched crest centering a cabachon, above a center door with arched mirror, flanked by chamfered corners, surmounting a single molSee Sold Price
Sold19th c. American rosewood armoire, 112"hAmerican Renaissance Revival rosewood armoire, 19th century, having an arched crest centering a cabochon, above a center door with arched mirror, flanked by chamfered corners, surmounting a single molSee Sold Price
Sold19th c. American rosewood armoire, 112"hAmerican Renaissance Revival rosewood armoire, 19th century, having an arched crest centering a cabochon, above a center door with arched mirror, flanked by chamfered corners, surmounting a single molSee Sold Price
19th c. American rosewood armoire, 112"hAmerican Renaissance Revival rosewood armoire, 19th century, having an arched crest centering a cabochon, above a center door with arched mirror, flanked by chamfered corners, surmounting a single molSee Sold Price
19th c. American rosewood armoire, 112"hAmerican Renaissance Revival rosewood armoire, 19th century, having an arched crest centering a cabochon, above a center door with arched mirror, flanked by chamfered corners, surmounting a single molSee Sold Price
19th c. American rosewood armoire, 112"hAmerican Renaissance Revival rosewood armoire, 19th century, having an arched crest centering a cabochon, above a center door with arched mirror, flanked by chamfered corners, surmounting a single molSee Sold Price
19th c. American rosewood armoire, 112"hAmerican Renaissance Revival rosewood armoire, 19th century, having an arched crest centering a cabochon, above a center door with arched mirror, flanked by chamfered corners, surmounting a single molSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Renaissance Revival Carved Mahogany andAmerican Renaissance Revival Carved Mahogany and Rosewood Armoire, late 19th c., the broken pediment cornice with a central reeded ball finial on a column, over a breakfront frieze and a single mirrorSee Sold Price
AN AMERICAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL ROSEWOOD AND BURLAN AMERICAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL ROSEWOOD AND BURL WALNUT ARMOIRE 20th Century An exuberantly carved cornice of an egg shaped cartouche and foliate scrollwork is flanked by turned crenellated finials;See Sold Price
SoldAN AMERICAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL ROSEWOOD AND BURLAN AMERICAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL ROSEWOOD AND BURL WALNUT ARMOIRE 20th Century An exuberantly carved cornice of an egg shaped cartouche and foliate scrollwork is flanked by turned crenellated finials;See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Rosewood Grained Carved Walnut RenaissanceAmerican Rosewood Grained Carved Walnut Renaissance Revival Single Door Armoire, c. 1870, with a stepped incise carved crest, on a stepped crown over a dentillated frieze above an arched mirror door fSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Renaissance Revival rosewood overmantle mirrorAmerican Renaissance Revival rosewood overmantle mirror attributed to Pottier and Stymus New York circa 1875, the top frieze with floral sprays continuing to the well carved pilasters depicting reliefSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Renaissance Revival Rosewood EtagereTwo piece, circa 1860-70, with highly ornate carving throughout. Top section with revolving (lazy-susan) type door for storage and four open shelves, all with mirrored back and pierced and scroll carvSee Sold Price
Sold1860's American Renaissance Revival Rosewood Triple1860's American Renaissance Revival Rosewood Triple Section Bookcase/Breakfront with carved pulls - height 92" width 75" depth 22" - the 3 upper sections come all apart for easy and compact hauling -See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Renaissance Revival Rosewood CabinetAmerican Renaissance Revival Marquetry-Inlaid and Gilt-Bronze-Mounted Rosewood Cabinet, third quarter 19th century, New York, the case with a projecting central door with an inlaid panel depicting a tSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Renaissance Revival rosewood overmantle mirrorAmerican Renaissance Revival rosewood overmantle mirror attributed to Pottier and Stymus New York circa 1875, the top frieze with floral sprays continuing to the well carved pilasters depicting reliefSee Sold Price
SoldAN AMERICAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL ARMOIRE, LATE 19TH CENTAN AMERICAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL MAHOGANY AND BLACK WALNUT ARMOIRE, LATE 19TH CENTURY, the breakfront molded crown over a scroll and fan relief frieze with ruffle trim, above two doors with broken doubSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Renaissance Revival Rosewood CredenzaAmerican Renaissance Revival Rosewood Credenza w/Dore' Bronze Mounts, Bronze Center Medallion & Ebonized Accents Circa 1860. Attr. Pottier & Stymus, New York. Poplar, Yellow Maple & Curly Maple secondSee Sold Price
Renaissance Revival Bronze-Mounted Wood TorchiereAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
American Renaissance Revival Carved Partners DeskPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Spanish Renaissance Revival Travel Secretary TrunkAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Pair of Italian Walnut Renaissance Revival Parcel-Gilt Decorated Tall Back ArmchairsNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
FRENCH RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED WALNUT SIDEBOARDAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
FRENCH RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED OAK BOOKCASEAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
FRENCH RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED WALNUT LIBRARY TABLEAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ITALIAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED OAK HALL BENCHAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ITALIAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED WALNUT BOOKCASEAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ITALIAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL WALNUT STORAGE CABINETAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ITALIAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED WALNUT ARMOIREAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED WALNUT HALL BENCHAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
FRENCH RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED OAK DRAW-LEAF TABLEAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
FRENCH RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED JARDINIERE CABINETAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ITALIAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED WALNUT CURULE CHAIRAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Herter Brothers American Inlaid, Marble Top and Carved Renaissance Revival Tall Chest of DrawersCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Rosewood by William Spratling Mexican Sterling Silver Tea Caddy Spoon Lrg 6 1/2"Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
American Late Victorian Renaissance Revival Parlor Sofa & Chair setBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pair of American Renaissance Parcel Gilt and Ebonized Walnut and Marquetry Parlor CabinetsBrunk Auctions4.6(467)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Vict Renaissance Revival Walnut 3 Part Bookcase Cabinet 9'H X 6'10"W X 19"DGeorge Cole Auctions4.5(391)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024