American Historical Staffordshire 6" Jug
[EDUCATION]. HYMAN, photographer. A group of 6 photographs of Tuskegee Institute buildings andFeb 27, 2024[RELIGION]. TOWNSEND, V.M. Some Reasons Why I Am an African Methodist. [Little Rock, AR?: PrivatelyFeb 27, 2024[CIVIL RIGHTS]. Voting registration examination. [Etowah County, Alabama], n.d.Feb 27, 2024[KING, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968)]. A group of 11 pinback buttons related to Martin Luther King,Feb 27, 2024[AUTOGRAPHS]. A group of 10+ autographs from prominent 20th-century Civil Rights activistsFeb 27, 2024[SEGREGATION]. Boy-Cott Stag Beer. Stop Before You Buy. Are you A Stag Beer Drinker? If You Are, YouFeb 27, 2024[BUSINESS - MUSIC]. Black and Brown Stamp Album. San Francisco, CA: Black & Brown Trading StampFeb 27, 2024[OCCUPATIONAL]. KUEHNLE, Margaret Trigg, and CHANCE, Ruby Lee. Ruth. N.p., n.d., ca mid-19thFeb 27, 2024[ROBESON, PAUL (1898-1976)]. A group of 14 items mostly related to Robeson's career as a performer.Feb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. BRADY, Mathew, photographer. Slave Pen, Alexandria, Va. New York: E. &Feb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. Four leaves from a ledger listing the Armistead and White familyFeb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. A group of 6 estate documents listing individual enslaved persons, mostFeb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. A group of 6 estate documents listing individual enslaved persons, mostFeb 27, 2024[ENSLAVEMENT & ABOLITION]. A group of 6 estate documents listing individual enslaved persons, mostFeb 27, 2024[ABOLITIONISTS]. JAY, John II (1817-1894). ALS ("John Jay"), to J. Dewitt Miller. Katonah, [NY],Feb 27, 2024[RECONSTRUCTION - SUFFRAGE]. The Two Records. Voters. Read and Remember. A Black Record / A BlackerFeb 27, 2024[SUPREME COURT] -- MARSHALL, Thurgood (1908-1993). Printed U.S. Supreme Court syllabus signedFeb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. A group of engravings presenting scenes and subjects mostly related to enslavement andFeb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Manuscript sermon signed by J. Romeyn Berry, including discussion of the evil ofFeb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. A group of 6 muster rolls for 1st Maryland Cavalry, Companies A through F, each namingFeb 27, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Printed plea for recognition from a Black camp follower from Louisiana, who served withFeb 27, 2024[BUFFALO SOLDIERS]. 2 photographs of "Buffalo Soldiers," Company D, 24th US Infantry, one creditedFeb 27, 2024George Ford Morris (American, 18730-1960), American Staffordshire TerrierFeb 29, 20246PC German & Austrian Ceramic Toby JugsMar 18, 2024