SoldAmerican Federal Inlaid Tall Case Clock, Poss. NJAmerican, likely New Jersey, tall case 8-day clock, mahogany, mahogany veneer, light and dark wood inlays, with white pine secondary. Broken scroll pediment with brass ball and spire finials, tympanumSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Inlaid Tall Case ClockNew England, probably Connecticut or Rhode Island, circa 1800, arched painted dial with floral spandrels and landscape scene, waisted case in figured cherry with brass inset quarter columns, chestnutSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FEDERAL INLAID CHERRY TALL-CASE CLOCKAMERICAN FEDERAL INLAID CHERRY TALL-CASE CLOCK, painted sheet-iron calendar dial signed "GEORGE LEVELY / BALTIMORE" and eight-day brass works, hood featuring broken-arch pediment with pierced fretworkSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Cherry Inlaid Tall Case Clock. BrAmerican Federal Cherry Inlaid Tall Case Clock. Broken arched pediment with checkered line inlay, turned column supports and reeded stiles on hood. Cove molded waist with shaped lip molded pendulum doSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Inlaid Mahogany Tall Case Clock1790-1810, arched painted dial with moon phase, brass eight-day movement, rosewood-inlaid waisted case, inset corner columns, French feet, 83-1/2 in. Provenance: Private South Carolina ColleSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Inlaid Mahogany Tall Case ClockNew York or New Jersey, circa 1800, arched and painted dial, brass, eight day movement, inlaid waisted case with scrolled pediment, pendulum, two weights, and key are present, 92 x 21-1/2 x 11 in.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal inlaid mahogany tall case clock Dswan's-neck bonnet flanking central ornament over arched door between colonettes, clock face painted with roses and leaves in spandrels, man-in-the-moon in landscape on rotary dial, long case having fSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal inlaid mahogany tall case clock NAmerican Federal inlaid mahogany tall case clock New York or New Jersey, early 19th century swan's-neck bonnet flanking central ornament over arched door between colonettes, clock face painted with roSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Inlaid Walnut Tall Case ClockAn American Federal Inlaid Walnut Tall Case Clock c. 1810, probably Northwestern (now West) Virginia, the painted sheet iron, dial with subsidiary seconds dial and date aperture, the moon dial and falSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Inlaid Mahogany Tall Case ClockAmerican Federal Inlaid Mahogany Tall Case Clock, early 19th c., case attr. to Jacob Taylor, New York and New Jersey, swan's neck pediment, brass finial, painted dial, serpentine apron, flared feet, hSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Inlaid Mahogany Tall Case Clockdial signed "Effingham Embree/New York" (w. 1785-1794), arched painted dial, finely painted moon phase, gilt spandrels, second bit, calendar aperture, eight day brass time and strike movement, fiSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Inlaid Mahogany Tallcase Clock, earlyAmerican Federal Inlaid Mahogany Tallcase Clock, early 19th c., the broken arch scrolled pediment over a glazed door, enclosing a painted dial with moon phase and calendar apertures, marked Wilson, flSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN FEDERAL-STYLE INLAID MAHOGANY TALL-CASE CLOCKAMERICAN FEDERAL-STYLE INLAID MAHOGANY TALL-CASE CLOCK, possibly a Centennial example, brass eight-day works, dial with silvered chapter ring and moon phase, case featuring broken-arch pediment, fluteSee Sold Price
SoldMahogany Tallcase Clock, Eprhaim WillardAn American Federal Brass-Mounted and Inlaid Mahogany Tall-Case Clock, early 19th c., dial signed by Ephraim Willard (1755-1832), Boston, pierced fretwork crest and ball finials surmounting arched corSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Tiger Maple, Cherryand Mahogany Inlaid Tall Case Clock probably Pennsylvania, early 19th century, arched and painted dial with moon phase and calendar ring, eight-day brass movement, broken-arch pediment, waisted case oSee Sold Price
SoldWm. Cummens Federal Inlaid Tall Case ClockWilliam Cummens, Roxbury Clockmaker born in 1768, died in 1834. Studied with the Willards and was trained by Simon Willard. Mahogany, satinwood inlaid case, ogee bracket feet, fluted columns, brass stSee Sold Price
SoldFine American Federal Inlaid MahoganyTall Case Clock works by Simon Willard, Roxbury, Massachusetts, circa 1805, the arched hood set with original pierced fretwork, inlaid finial plinths and brass finials, the glazed door flanked by coluSee Sold Price
SoldSouthern Federal Inlaid Tall Case Clockprobably Virginia or Maryland, circa 1790, mahogany, mahogany veneer, yellow pine secondary, three part form (hood, waist, base), hood features a swan neck pediment, the frieze bears a three part bookSee Sold Price
SoldThe Thomas Jefferson Grandfather Clock, Franklin MintThe Thomas Jefferson Grandfather Clock, Franklin Mint Heirloom Furniture, Serial No 64, 1979, made for Michael J Kelly. An inlaid walnut American Federal style tall case clock, it is a replica of a clSee Sold Price
SoldFederal Inlaid Mahogany Tall Case ClockAmerican, 19th C. with painted dial. Cracks to case, finial loose. Apx. 8'8"h x 21"w x 11"dSee Sold Price
SoldFederal Mahogany Inlaid Tall Case ClockFederal Mahogany Inlaid Tall Case Clockearly 19th century, this clock is accompanied with two dials, the first bearing the name Daniel Oyster, Reading (PA) with date dial and moon dial, this dial attaSee Sold Price
SoldDelaware Federal Inlaid Mahogany Tall Case Clock,Delaware Federal Inlaid Mahogany Tall Case Clock, Thomas Crowcirca 1800, white pine secondary, painted metal face with bird and floral design, signed Thomas Crow, Roman and Arabic numerals, second diaSee Sold Price
SoldFederal Inlaid Mahogany Tall Case Clock, Dial SignedFederal Inlaid Mahogany Tall Case Clock, Dial Signed Thos. Gardner in the Minories, London The works English with a metal and brass dial, and a silent strike. 7 ft. 2 in. x 17 1/2 x 10 in.See Sold Price
Early Walnut Inlaid Hepplewhite Style Drop Front Desk w/ Inlaid Fronts on Tall Legs and DovetailedSwisher Bros. Auction LLC4.4(251)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Herter Brothers American Inlaid, Marble Top and Carved Renaissance Revival Tall Chest of DrawersCollective Hudson4.5(56)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
American Federal Flip Top Game Table w/ Inlaid Windmill Blade & Ornate Carved Claw FeetHoller and Hammer4.5(57)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Very Fine American Federal Fan and Bellflower Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke TableBrunk Auctions4.6(467)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
NEW HAMPSHIRE FEDERAL INLAID CHEST, CA. 1810.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024