SoldAlfei Menashe, Rabbi Menashe of Iliya / ChosenA volume that includes four rare books: A. Toldot Rashi by Dr. Tzuntz and glosses by Reb Shimshom Bloch Ha'Levi. Warsaw 1862. Rare edition. 44 leaves. B. Alfei Menashe, first section, by Rabbi MenasheSee Sold Price
SoldAlfei Menashe, Rabbi Menashe of Iliya / ChosenA volume that includes four rare books: A.Toldot Rashi by Dr. Tzuntz and copied with long, important glosses and corrections by Reb Shimshon Bloch Ha'Levi. Warsaw, 1862. Rare edition. B.Alfei Menashe,See Sold Price
"Alfei Menashe" Catalog - Compositions by Rabbi MenasheThe text of the book is in several languages: Spanish, Dutch, Hebrew and English. The titles are in Hebrew and Spanish and the explanations in Dutch.The catalog contains 66 compositions by Rabbi MenasSee Sold Price
SoldMateh Menashe. Rabbi Menashe Grossberg. First Edition,Matters of kiddush hachodesh according to sighting, even in current times, and Yom Tov Sheni in the diaspora, by Rabbi Menashe Grossberg of Tryskiai. Berlin, 1894. First edition. Specifications: 72See Sold Price
SoldNishmat Hayyim—by Rabbi Menashe ben Yisrael, AmsterdamOn souls, reincarnation, and dibbuks. By the sage Menashe ben Yisrael, a head of the Portuguese community. Printed by the son of the author, Shmuel Abarbanel Soiro, Amsterdam 1651. Menashe ben YisraelSee Sold Price
SoldA Letter from the Rebbe of Ungvar Rabbi Menashe Klein -A printed letter with the signature of the Rebbe of Ungvar Rabbi Menashe Klein [who referred to himself as 'Menashe HaKatan']. The letter was sent to Rabbi Eliyahu Sternbuch, the chief Dayan of the MaSee Sold Price
Letter by the Admor Rabbi Menashe Klein ['MenasheA long letter in Torah words signed by Rabbi Menashe Klein ["The Little Menashe"]. The letter was sent to Rabbi Elyashiv and the Rebbe opens with extreme praise: "Greeting and peace to the Chief RabbiSee Sold Price
Seder Olam Zuta, by Rabbi Menashe Grossberg ofSeder Olam Zuta im Seder Tanaim V'Amoraim HaShalem, im Mavoh, He'arot V'Tikkunim. By Rabbi Menashe Grossberg of Trestiny. In this print, the book was divided into small chapters for the first time. WiSee Sold Price
SoldMenashe ben Yisrael – Conciliador – Three VolumesConciliador [conciliator], by Rabbi Menashe ben Yisrael. Three parts [1-3] in three volumes. Frankfurt – Amsterdam, [1633-1650]. Part 1 is in Latin, 2 and 3 are in Spanish. The composition ConcSee Sold Price
SoldMishnayot with Vowels – Menashe Ben Israel, AmsterdamMishnayot, Parts 1-2, printed with vowels and proof read with explanations of foreign words in alphabetical order (Rabbi Menashe Ben Israel), Amsterdam 1646. Printed by Joseph Ben Israel “in the houSee Sold Price
Sold"Nishmat Chaim." Menashe ben Yisrael. Amsterdam, 1651 Nishmat Chaim. About the soul, the Jewish soul, life after death, reincarnation, and resurrection, by Rabbi Menashe ben Yisrael. Amsterdam, at the author's press. [1651]. First edition. [8], 1See Sold Price
SoldLetter by Rabbi Shimon Menashe Chaikin, Rabbi of ChabadLetter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Shimon Menashe Av Beit Din of Hebron with signature of Rabbi Shneur Zalman Epstein, supervisors of “Lubavitch Kollel, known as Kollel Chabad in Holy City of HeSee Sold Price
SoldHa'Tzadik Ha'Nisgav Rabbi Menachem Menashe - His BookThe book Likutei Menashe, with Tehilim (Warsaw printing press), Jerusalem 1937. By Rabbi Menachem Menashe Author of "ahavat Chaim". On the forsazt, a handwritten dedication, most likely in the author'See Sold Price
SoldManuscript – Rabbi Dr. Binyamin Menashe Levin –Manuscript by the well-known researcher Rabbi Binyamin Menashe Levin, 1931. A handwritten booklet dealing with the identification of the manuscript "Ha'Ma'asim Li'Vnei Erezt Yisrael" and whether it caSee Sold Price
SoldAlfei Menashe. Catalogue of Works of Menashe benPrinted in Amsterdam 1927. The first book is from [1627] in Spanish through about  [1657]. Titles in Hebrew and Spanish, Dutch explanations. 66 books. Pictures. Soft, detached cover. Fine conditionSee Sold Price
SoldMenashe ben Israel. Tanach. Amsterdam, 1635. Complete, Exquisite Copy!Chamishah Chumshei Torah, Nevi’im and Kesuvim, meticulously edited and proofread by the famed distinguished Rabbi and scholar, Menashe ben Israel. This was one of the first editions of Tanach tSee Sold Price
Alfei Menashe. Amsterdam, 1927Alfei Menashe. Catalogue. Amsterdam, 1927. Catalogue of all the books printed by Menashe ben Yisrael [1604-1657] in Amsterdam, in the "Etz Chaim" library of the Jewish Portuguese community in AmsterdaSee Sold Price
SoldPitron Chalomot. Amsterdam, [1637]. Printed by MenashePitron Chalomot by Rabbi Shlomo Almoli. Printed per the command of the complete sage and master philosopher ... Yitzchak Montalto. Amsterdam, Menashe ben Yisrael press. [1637]. Rare work. ExpansiveSee Sold Price
SoldChilling Letter by Rabbi Menashe HaKatan, the Admor of"I saw in your letter that you, too, went through the Holocaust, and G-d, with His mercy and compassion, saved you from the fire. May Hash-m avenge the blood of His servants who were killed and burnedSee Sold Price
SoldISRAELI '800' SILVER MENORAHwith classical designs delineated in repousse, inscribed 'From Rabbi Menashe Klein in Behalf of the U.S.A. Citizens Kiryat Zanz - Israel', h. 11-1/2 in., 8 tozSee Sold Price
SoldNishmat Chaim. Amsterdam. [1651]. First editionNishmat Chaim. Immortality of the soul, reincarnation, dybbukim and demons, by Rabbi Menashe ben Yisrael, leader of the Portuguese community. Amsterdam, [1651]. All in Hebrew. First edition. [8], 174,See Sold Price
SoldLetter by the Rebbe of Zidichov and the Leaders of theAn interesting letter sent to the Rebbe Rabbi Yoel of Satmar in the USA. With many signatures of the leaders of the Hassidic community of Petach Tikvah, headed by the Rebbe of Zidichov, Rabbi MenasheSee Sold Price
Two rare compositions on the fundamentals of religion1) De Resvrrectione Mortuorum - the famous essay by Rabbi Menashe ben Israel, in which he proved the truths of the resurrection of the dead with quotations from the Sages in Hebrew letters, Amsterdam,See Sold Price
SoldHalachic Responsum Signed by Four Modena Rabbis - AboutManuscript, halachic responsum on the matter of scribal writing of the letter Vav Keti'a in Parshat Pinchas, signed by four Modena rabbis (Italy): Rabbi Menashe Yehoshua son of Rabbi Yehuda MatzliachSee Sold Price
Menashe Kadishman 1932-2015 Abstract Litho SIGNEDHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Pair Menashe Kadishman Tree in Tree Signed SerigraphsConcept Art Gallery4.7(509)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Menashe Kadishman- Original Acrylic on Canvas "Untitled"Robinhood Auctions4.7(787)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Menashe Kadishman- "Sheep drinking on the banks of the lake", color printAlma4.3(59)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Menashe Kadishman- Original Acrylic on Canvas "Untitled"Robinhood Auctions4.7(787)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Menashe Kadishman- Original Acrylic on Canvas "Untitled"Robinhood Auctions4.7(787)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Menashe Kadishman- Original Acrylic on Canvas "Untitled"Robinhood Auctions4.7(787)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Menashe Kadishman- Original Acrylic on Canvas "Untitled"Robinhood Auctions4.7(787)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
MENASHE KADISHMAN, UNTITLED, OIL ON PORCELAINWhite Knight Auction, Inc4.7(250)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024