SoldAfrican Art: Chokwe, Angola (two)Pair of Pwo masks, each carved wood with reed and shell and rope appointments, 10 x 8 x 7” & 8 x 9 x 6 ”, with custom metal stands, both in good aged condition. (2)See Sold Price
SoldA Chokwe Female Ancestor sculpture, African ArtA very finely carved female effigy shown holing two small containers and decorated with incised tribal scars. Note the energetic grimace on the females face. Chokwe peoples, Angola, Africa. The figureSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Chokwe Maternity GroupsTwo African Chokwe, Angola/Democratic Republic of the Congo/Zambia carved wood maternity figures; one with child placed upon her hip, wearing a beaded covering to her waist; the other exhibiting an elSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Chokwe Figures, Zaire/AngolaTwo African Chokwe Figures. 1) Armed & Seated African Chokwe Figure, Zaire/Angola. Size: 25.75'' x 7'' x 7.75'' (65 x 18 x 20 cm). Carved wood, rich patina. 2) Carved Chokwe Chief Figure, Angola, carvSee Sold Price
3 Central African wooden masks. 20th century.A group of 3 Central African masks. 20th century. ++ Two Chokwe style Pwo masks made of wood and fiber. Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, and Zambia. Largest: 30" x 6 1/2" x 5". Smallest: 24"See Sold Price
SoldChokwe Cihongo MaskAfrican Art Chokwe Cihongo Mask from Angola. The dimension is 14 inches high x 7.25 inches wide. The shipping cost for domestic is $40.00 flat rate shipping within the Continental US, the InternationaSee Sold Price
SoldChokwe mask - Angola - African Art Tribal ArtTitle: Chokwe mask - Angola - African Art Tribal Art Date/Period: Second half 20th century Origin: Angola Dimension: 7,87 Inch Materials: wood, feathers, raffia Weight: 1 Pounds Item type: Mask DescriSee Sold Price
CHOKWE MASK ANGOLA AFRICAN ART EX DIMONDSTEINCHOKWE MASK. "Mwana Pwo", with slit eyeholes enclosed in arching brows, mouth with parted lips and drilled holes to create teeth, curved and linear scarification marks on cheeks, incised curvilinear cSee Sold Price
SoldRare Pig Mask Ngulu TSHOKWE CHOKWE Angola AfricanTitle: Rare Pig Mask Ngulu TSHOKWE CHOKWE Angola African tribal art 1391 Additional Information: ANGOLA or CONGO Drc CHOKWE Cute Ngulu Pig Mask Characteristics: TYPE OF OBJECT: Mask ETHNICAL GROUP: ChSee Sold Price
SoldLWENA Luena female figure Tshokwe Chokwe Angola AfricanTitle: LWENA Luena female figure Tshokwe Chokwe Angola African Tribal Art ANGOLA LUENA - LWENA BEAUTIFUL FEMALE FIGURE The Lwena are a small Bantu people (by the number) living mainly in Angola, but aSee Sold Price
SoldA Chokwe Chihongo Fiber Dance mask, African ArtA large hand made fiber and rattan mask painted with various tribal motifs and a heavy reddish earthen pigment. Chokwe peoples, Angola, Africa. The mask measures 22 x 11 inches. A durable metal displaSee Sold Price
SoldA FINE CHOKWE MASK, AFRICAN ARTA very finely carved wooden mask with incised and raised facial designs and an attached woven rope headdress, complete with tall final and accenting wooden beads. Chokwe peoples, Angola Africa.See Sold Price
SoldA Chokwe African Mask, African ArtA Carved wooden mask with traditional treatment to the eyes, well handled patina and embellished with copper studs. A Serene and finely crafted example. Chokwe peoples, Angola, Africa. The mask measurSee Sold Price
SoldStylized Chokwe Mask, African ArtA Highly exaggerated Carved wooden dance mask with raised tribal motifs and a wonderfully "cubist" Like form. Chokwe peoples, Angola, Africa. The mask measures 12 inches tall. Provenance: The Dr BrianSee Sold Price
SoldA Chokwe Pwo Dance mask, African ArtA Carved wooden mask with large and wild red textile coiffure and woven grass netting on the bottom for wearing. Chokwe peoples, Angola, Africa. A durable metal display stand can be included for an adSee Sold Price
SoldA Lovely Chokwe Female effigy sculpture, African ArtA finely carved wooden effigy of a female ancestor with a honey brown colored patina and adorned with facial scars and small earring. Chokwe peoples, Angola, Africa. The figure measures 10.5 inches (See Sold Price
SoldA Fine Chokwe Stool with Ancestor, African ArtA very fine small wooden stool with serene ancestor figure carved as the central support. Chokwe peoples, Angola, Africa. The stool is rather small and measures 8.5 inches tall x 5.25 inches across.See Sold Price
SoldSerene Old Chokwe Mask, African ArtInteresting carved wooden mask with incised linear designs and an overall serene senseability to the carvings eyes and facial features. Chokwe peoples, Angola, Africa. This mask is not typical and shoSee Sold Price
SoldOld Chokwe Dance Mask, African ArtA carved wooden face mask with classic facial features and polychromed painted surface. Chokwe peoples, Angola, Africa. Ex Private Virginia Collection. The mask measures . ****A durable metal displaySee Sold Price
SoldA Fine Chokwe Zoomorphic Mask, African ArtA Finely carved wooden mask with tall ears and zoomporphic form,attached woven grass netting for wearing. Chokwe peoples, Angola, Africa. The mask measures 12 x 7.5 inches. A metal display stand can aSee Sold Price
SoldA Chokwe Pwo African mask with headdress, African ArtCarved wooden mask with woven fiber headdress adorned with old glass beads as well as woven grass ropes and netting for wearing. Chokwe peoples, Angola, Africa. The mask measures 11 x 7.5 inches, notSee Sold Price
SoldA CHOKWE WOODEN BENCH WITH MASK FACES, AFRICAN ARTA carved wooden bench like stool adorned with mask faces at either end and some interesting form. Chokwe peoples, Angola, Africa. The Wood stool measures 14 x 5 x 6 inches.See Sold Price
SoldA Fine Chokwe Female Ancestor Sculpture, African ArtA Lovely carved wooden female effigy with stylized coiffure and incised tribal scars. Chokwe peoples,Angola, Africa. The figure has been custom mounted to a display stand and measures 10.5 inches itseSee Sold Price
SoldAngola LOVALE Mask CHOKWE Tshokwe African Tribal ArtAngola or Zambia Beautiful mask Probably LOVALE, LUVALE or Chokwe related people Initiation Mask Chisulake (or Chizulake) Mankishi Those masks were used during the rites of passage of young boys to adSee Sold Price
Art Deco Two Walking African Elephants Bronze Sculpture Marble by Bugatti FigureHouse of Treasure4.4(51)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Very Fine Old Luba Janus Staff Ex Becker CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Magnificent Old Dogon Ritual Oil Lamp Ex Kahan GalleryTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pair of Yoruba Ogboni Edan Staff Ex SEGY CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
CHOKWE Congo chibida Ilunga figure Tshokwe African Tribal Art statue 0888Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
African Art beautiful decorative chief figure TSHOKWE Chokwe statue ANGOLAJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
African Art Chokwe janus Figure Statue zoomorphic sculpture Congo drcJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
African Art CHOKWE large 32 " figure statue Angola COKWE TSHOKWEJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
African Art large decorative chief figure TSHOKWE Chokwe statue ANGOLAJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024