SoldADOLFO WILDT (1868-1931). "Virgin Mary".ADOLFO WILDT (1868-1931). Marble on wood pedestal. Signed A. Wildt under the face. A label of the Galleria Arco Farnese, where it was exhibited as part of the show "Il Novecento Milanese"- Roma, 1987-See Sold Price
SoldADOLFO WILDT (1868-1931) "Deposizione"ADOLFO WILDT (1868-1931) "Deposizione" incisione 36/75 f.ta in b. a ds. cm. 26x35See Sold Price
SoldAdolfo WildtAdolfo Wildt (1868-1931). Arte lunga vita breve. 1921-1923. Acquaforte e acquatinta. mm 172x170. Foglio: mm 180x177. Firmata e titolata nella lastra in basso a sinistra e in basso al centro. L’iSee Sold Price
SoldAdolfo Wildt (Milano 1868 - 1931)I puri, 1918 grafite e oro su carta da lucido, cm 26,4 x 19,4_x000B_Firmato in basso a sinistra: A. Wildt 1918 preceduto dall€™iscrizione: Distintissima Signora Malvina Minerbi_x000B_Titolo in altSee Sold Price
SoldAdolfo Wildt (Milano 1868 - 1931)Un altare, 1930 ca. acquaforte acquatinta, es. non numerato, cm 20 x 26,5, (cm 29,5 x 34,5 misure del foglio), (sc) Firma nella lastra in basso a sinistra 1See Sold Price
SoldAdolfo Wildt (Milano 1868 - 1931) "Un altare" OriginalAdolfo Wildt (Milano 1868 - 1931) "Un altare" Original etching and aquatint in brown ink.. Titled on the right and signed on the lower left. Probably not coeval edition from original plate. In frame.See Sold Price
SoldAdolfo WildtAdolfo Wildt Italien, 1868 - 1931 Vergine (Die Jungfrau). 1924. Unterhalb des Halsansatzes signiert ''A. WILDT''. Weisser Marmor auf gelb marmoriertem Marmorhintergrund montiert. Verso Klebeetikett deSee Sold Price
SoldAdolfo Wildt (Milano 1868 - Milano 1931)Anime povere, (1917) china, acquarello e oro su carta giallina, cm 19,5 x 26,4 Firmato in basso a sinistra: A. Wildt Iscritto al verso: Questo disegno di Wildt appartiene a Silvano Scheiwiller Poor soSee Sold Price
SoldADOLFO WILDTMilano 1868 - 1931 La Vergine, fine anni '20 inizio anni '30 Gesso, cm 34,6 x 28,8 x 14 Autentica su fotografia della Prof.ssa Paola Mola Provenienza: Collezione Minelli, ForlìSee Sold Price
SoldADOLFO WILDTMilano 1868 - 1931 La Vergine, 1924-1930 Marmo bianco di Carrara patinato su lastra di fondo in marmo giallo di Carrara, cm 25 x 17,3 x 9,8, complessivamente cm 35 x 28 x 12 Firma incisa sotto il mentSee Sold Price
SoldADOLFO WILDTMilano 1868 - 1931 Ritratto di Nicola Bonservizi, 1925 Bronzo, cm 55 x 35 Esposizioni: Wildt, l'anima e la forma da Michelangelo a Klimt, Musei di San Domenico, Forl, 28 gennaio 2012 - 24 giugno 2012See Sold Price
SoldADOLFO WILDTMilano 1868 - 1931 La Vittoria, anni '20 Bronzo a patina verde, cm 31 x 36 x 12,5, complessivamente cm 41 x 48 x 16,5 L'opera è accompagnata da una perizia della Professoressa Paola Mola ProvenienzSee Sold Price
Adolfo Wildt(Milano 1868 - 1931) Annuncio del matrimonio Balestra, 1920 Inchiostro e oro su pergamenacm. 15x15See Sold Price
ADOLFO WILDT - Figure lying down, 1913ADOLFO WILDT Milan, 1868 – 1931 Figure lying down, 1913 Ink on paper laid down on canvas, 49,5 x 168,5 cm This is the preparatory cardboard for a sculpture PROVENANCE Wildt Heirs LITERATSee Sold Price
SoldADOLFO WILDT (Italian, 1868-1931)Six pieces: Silver medals depicting various scenes and figures, one double sided, five with inscribed notations on verso, Italy, 20th c.; Signed and stamped; Largest diameter: 2"See Sold Price
SoldEDMUND PIZZELLA PASTEL PORTRAIT IMPORTANT LISTEDPIZZELLA, Edmund, (Italian, 1868-?): Portrait of a dark haired woman, Pastel/Paper layed on Canvas, 30" x 25", signed lower right and dated 1931, encased in a period heavy gilt molding with wear, 34 1See Sold Price
SoldWILDT, Adolfo (1868-1931). Wildt. Milan, Rome:Bestetti and Tumminelli , [1926]. Important catalogue, in a limited edition of 1000 copies, of the work of Wildt, considered one of the greatest Italian sculptors of the first half of the 20th centurySee Sold Price
SoldCharles Bragg, ''Rossini,'' #289/300.[Composer]. Caricature mixed-media print by Charles Bragg (Am. b.1931) of Rossini, sketched portrait and musical score of the Italian composer (1792-1868). 8 7/8'' x 17 3/4'' plus margins, framed. PenSee Sold Price
SoldAristide Petrilli (Italian 1868 - 1930) LargeSigned Marble "Bust Of Beatriz". Superbly executed and extra large size signed Aristide Petrilli verso. From a Long Island estate. - Dimensions: 23" x 12"D x 24" HSee Sold Price
SoldAdolfo Wildt (1868-1931), L'Amore dei buoni, c.a. 1919acquaforte originale in inchiostro, cm 25x33, titolata in alto e firmata in basso a sinistraSee Sold Price
SoldLeopoldo Metlicovitz, Italian (1868 - 1944)Leopoldo Metlicovitz, Italian (1868 - 1944) "Impermeabili Moretti" Lithograph Poster in Colors. Off. G. Ricordi Milano stamped in the plate. Officine G. Ricordi & C. Milano. Sight measures 53-3/4" x 3See Sold Price
SoldPino Daeni (Italian 1931)"Portrait of a Young Girl", 1977, 24 x 20 inches, oil on canvas, signed and dated lower leftSee Sold Price
SoldADOLFO WILDT - WildtBestetti e Tumminelli, Milano- Roma, Tiratura di 1000 esemplari numerati; n.d. ma fine anni ’20. Folio cm 30,5x40,5; frontespizio, giustificazione, introduzione pp. 4 e 114 tavv. stampate in nero coSee Sold Price
SoldAdolfo Wildt (1868-1931), Maternità ,1914acquaforte originale in inchiostro, cm 32,5x24,5, titolata in alto e firmata in basso a sinistra.See Sold Price
C. Waltensperger Portrait of an Italian GirlSchmidt's Antiques Inc. Since 19114.8(431)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Adolfo Simeone (Italy,1885-1958) oil paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceApr 14, 2024
Romolo Tessari (Italian 1868–1947) Watercolor painting Gondola, gondolier VeniceGlobal Auctions Company4.3(36)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Romolo Tessari (Italian 1868–1947) Watercolor painting, Gondolier VeniceGlobal Auctions Company4.3(36)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Paul Albert Baudouin French 1844 - 1931 Oil Painting on canvas, laundress, childGlobal Auctions Company4.3(36)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Pair Watercolor paintings European village homes and buildings, signed K. FinkGlobal Auctions Company4.3(36)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Gino Severini (Italian, 1883-1966) - Natura Morta con Frutta e CacciaFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
GILT & PATINATED BRONZE SCULPTURE PUTTI MUSICIANSAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pino Daeni Signed Artist Embellished Ltd. Ed. (AP) Portrait Giclee Entitled DRESS UP (GiuseppeWestmore Galleries and Auctions4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Anthracite Grey Nur Ceiling Lamp by Ernesto Gismondi for ArtemideJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
TKP, Follower Of J Stuart Callcott (Fl. 1682-1868) Italian Girl With Guitar signed with initials oilHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
ROSSINI GIOACCHINO: (1792-1868)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024