SoldA Victorian or Edwardian silver shaped rectangularA Victorian or Edwardian silver shaped rectangular castle top card case, maker's mark T only, embossed with a scene entitled Battle Abbey, Sussex , with scroll spandrels and trellis work, the reverseSee Sold Price
SoldAn Edwardian silver cigarette case by William NealAn Edwardian silver cigarette case by William Neale, Chester 1904, engraved with foliate sprays overall and a monogram within a cartouche, 9cm high; and a Victorian silver shaped rectangular card caseSee Sold Price
SoldVictorian silver box & Edwardian vesta case.Late Victorian silver box of slim rectangular form with floral and foliate embossing to the sides, the hinged lid with shaped lip and decorated with putti holding garlands of flowers around a centralSee Sold Price
SoldA rare Victorian silver shaped rectangular ‘castleA rare Victorian silver shaped rectangular castle top card case by Nathaniel Mills, Birmingham 1852, the cover with the Dublin International Industrial Exhibition building of 1853 amidst scrolls, flowSee Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver shaped rectangular card case byA Victorian silver shaped rectangular card case by Frederick Marson, Birmingham 1856, engraved with flowers in shaped compartments on linear grounds and a vacant reserve, 10cm (4in) long, 68g (2.2 oz)See Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver shaped rectangular card case byA Victorian silver shaped rectangular card case by Edward Smith, Birmingham 1863, engraved overall with scroll foliage, the front centred by a scroll bordered reserve engraved with a monogram HFR , 10See Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver shaped rectangular vinaigrette byA Victorian silver shaped rectangular vinaigrette by Thomas Dones, Birmingham 1851, the cover mounted with a central garnet on a four part flower, foliate and engine turned ground, scroll foliate sideSee Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver shaped rectangular sweetmeat dish,A Victorian silver shaped rectangular sweetmeat dish, pierced and embossed with flowers, scrolls and trellis, 16cm wide, Atkin Brothers, Sheffield 1913; a George V silver sauce boat, scroll handle, shSee Sold Price
An Edwardian silver shaped rectangular twin handledAn Edwardian silver shaped rectangular twin handled tray by S. W. Smith & Co., London 1903, stamped for Dobson, Piccadilly as retailer, the reeded handles issuing from foliage and centred by shells anSee Sold Price
SoldAn early Victorian silver shaped rectangular castle topAn early Victorian silver shaped rectangular castle top card case by John Tongue, Birmingham 1844, with a high relief scene of the round tower at Windsor Castle, on a flower, scroll foliate and mattedSee Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver shaped rectangular snuff box byA Victorian silver shaped rectangular snuff box by Alfred Taylor, Birmingham 1853, the cover with an applied scroll and flower border and scrolled thumb piece, engraved with scroll foliage overall, thSee Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver shaped rectangular vinaigretteA Victorian silver shaped rectangular vinaigrette by Edward Smith, Birmingham 1866, engine turned with a vacant roundel, the gilt iSee Sold Price
SoldA large Victorian silver shaped rectangular table snuffA large Victorian silver shaped rectangular table snuff box, engraved with scrolling foliage, gilt interior, hinged cover, 10cm wide, Edward Smith, Birmingham 1852See Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver shaped rectangular card case byA Victorian silver shaped rectangular card case by Edward Smith, Birmingham 1852, each side engraved with a fountain, scrolls and foliage, 9.7cm (3 7/8in) long, 72g (2.3 oz)See Sold Price
Sold[Lancashire cotton industry interest] A Victorian[Lancashire cotton industry interest] A Victorian silver shaped rectangular snuff box by George Unite, Birmingham 1858, the cover engraved Presented to Mr T Barton by the Card Room Hands of Cardwell MSee Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver gilt shaped rectangular ÊstleA Victorian silver gilt shaped rectangular Êstle top' card case by Frederick Marson, Birmingham 1844, the cover with an unidentified abbey amidst scrolls, flowers and foliage, the reverse with aSee Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver gilt shaped rectangular vinaigretteA Victorian silver gilt shaped rectangular vinaigrette by Edward Smith, Birmingham 1864, the cover and base engraved with scroll foliage, engraved with a bee crest, engraved inside the cover A. C. , tSee Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver engraved shaped rectangular carA Victorian silver engraved shaped rectangular card case by Robert Thornton, Birmingham 1870, with a later vacant name roundel, .8cm long, 2 ozSee Sold Price
SoldAn Edwardian silver mounted shaped rectangular photoAn Edwardian silver mounted shaped rectangular photo frame by Henry Matthews, Chester 1901, with a scroll border, hammered body and vacant reserve, 19.5cm high; an Edwardian silver mounted rectangularSee Sold Price
SoldA late Victorian silver mounted shaped rectangularA late Victorian silver mounted shaped rectangular photo frame by The Alexander Clark Manufacturing Co., Birmingham 1899, embossed with scrolls, putti, foliate and floral decoration, 23.55cm high; andSee Sold Price
SoldAn early Victorian silver gilt shaped rectangularAn early Victorian silver gilt shaped rectangular vinaigrette by Nathaniel Mills, Birmingham 1847, engraved overall with scroll foliage, the cover with an applied reserve engraved 'MP.', a foSee Sold Price
SoldA collection of silver items, to include: an EdwarA collection of silver items, to include: an Edwardian silver mounted shaped rectangular photograph frame by William Neale, Chester 1902, embossed with a cherub and foliate swags, 19cm high; an EdwardSee Sold Price
SoldA Victorian silver parcel gilt shaped rectangular cardA Victorian silver parcel gilt shaped rectangular card case, Charles Washington Shirley Deakin over-striking Frederick Marson, Birmingham 1856, each side engraved with a vacant cartouche, scrolls andSee Sold Price
SoldA mid-Victorian silver inkstand.A mid-Victorian silver inkstand of shaped rectangular outline, decorated with a border of foliate motifs and geometric patterns and standing on four leaf capped bun feet, having a presentation engraviSee Sold Price
Joseph Gloster English Victorian Sterling Silver Tray Rectangular ChasedMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Victorian silver helmet shaped cream jug hallmarked Sheffield 1876, maker Henry Wilkinson & Co.Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Victorian silver box of rectangular form with domed lid, hallmarked London 1899, maker StuartClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
19th Century Antique Victorian Sterling Silver Pair Large Dishes London 1882 Samuel Watton SmithJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A Victorian Silver Castle Shaped Pepper Mill. Hallmarked London 1885, 6.5cm x 5cm, weight 113gHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Edwardian silver cigarette case; plus an 800 standard card case. (2).Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
STAINLESS STEEL LONGINES EVIDENZA MENS WRIST WATCHAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Edward VII Sterling Silver Lamp Form Table LighterAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024