A Songye Nkisi Community Power Figure Ex Gavigan CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Dan Kran African Mask Ex Constance McCormick FearingTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Boki Janus Skin Covered Headdress Ex Constance McCormick FearingTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Very Fine Old Bobo Mask Ex William Wright GalleryTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Dogon female Shrine Effigy Ex Gavigan CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Luba Kifwebe Society Mask Ex Barthels , NetherlandsTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Very Fine Old Ibibio Mask , African mask, African ArtThis is a very finely crafted wooden mask from the Ibibio peoples of Nigeria, West Africa. The mask features a serene face accented with white kaolin clay pigment. The very finely incised brows and caSee Sold Price
SoldOld Ibibio Janiform Headdress, African ArtA very well worn, well used carved wooden old headdress or dance crest in Janus form with stylized faces and figures on either side. There is little doubt this is an old and field used examples. IbibiSee Sold Price
SoldOld Ceremonial African mask from the IbibioA very fine older carved wooden mask with a wonderful stylized and exaggerated face with well handled edges suggesting some age.Ibibio or related peoples , Nigeria, Africa.The mask measures 14 x 7.5 iSee Sold Price
SoldIbibio Ekpo dance mask with articulated Jaw African ArtThis is an old and rare Dance mask from the Ibibio peoples of Nigeria, Africa. Carved from a dry light wood, with some age and handling. Note the articulated jaw. Measures 9.5 inches tall x 7 inches wSee Sold Price
SoldRare Ibibio Idiok Mask of Skull Like Face, African ArtA rare old wooden face mask of a Skull like face, known as "Hell dwelling spirit" with obvious age and wear. Ibibio peoples, Nigeria, Africa. The Mask measures 12.75 x 8 inches. A durable display stanSee Sold Price
SoldA Very Rare Ibibio Dance Crest, African Tribal ArtA old and well weathered carved wooden dance crest featuring a male ancestor image with unusual hat form that likely represents a 19th century french sailors cap. The wood is very dry and light weightSee Sold Price
SoldOld Galoa African mask, African ArtThis is a very nice vintage wooden mask from the Galoa peoples of Gabon, West Africa. The Galoa live in western Gabon in the territory of the city of Lambarene and create ‘okukwe masks’ to performSee Sold Price
SoldA Very Old Igbo African mask, African ArtA carved wooden mask with a realistic portrait like quality, stylized dreadlocks, and multiple layers of paint and kaolin clay pigment, suggesting field use over many years. Igbo peoples, Nigeria, AfrSee Sold Price
SoldA Fine Old Tetela African mask, African ArtA carved wooden mask with highly stylized facial features, heavy incised linear designs and kaolin clay pigments in reds, brown and white colors. Tetela peoples, Congo, Africa. The mask measures 15 xSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Old Idoma African Mask, African ArtA Very rare, old and interesting wooden mask from the Idoma peoples, Nigeria, Africa. Carved wood, with a well handled patina, stylized facial features with rich tattoos and painted designs correspondSee Sold Price
SoldA Handsome Old Dan African Mask, African ArtA VERY RARE ANTIQUE WOOD MASK FROM THE DAN PEOPLES, Cote D'Ivoire, West Africa. A very finely carved example with raised facial scars along the sides and a realistic smiling face, accented with red anSee Sold Price
SoldA Rare Old Zimba African Mask, African ArtCarved wooden mask with highly stylized form and a kaolin clay pigment, signs of handling wear and field use. Zimba ethnic group, DRC/ Congo, Africa. The mask measures 13.5 x 8.5 inches. Shipping weigSee Sold Price
SoldA Very Fine old Dan African mask, African ArtA Very rare old wooden mask from the Dan peoples , Cote De Ivorie, West Africa. Carved wood with a wonderful form and stylized human face. The mask has undeniable age and handling and a deep patina frSee Sold Price
SoldVery Unusual Old Bete African Mask African ArtA very rare old wooden mask from the Bete peoples, Cote D'Ivoire, West Africa. Carved wood with a with stylized coiffure and half closed heavy lidded eyes. The mask interior and edges all show wear anSee Sold Price
SoldA Fine Old Baule African mask, African ArtVintage carved wooden mask with classic facial features and style. Baule peoples, Ivory Coast, West Africa.A metal display stand is shown with mask for photography purposes however it is not includedSee Sold Price
SoldAggressive Old Lega African Mask, African ArtA finely carved wooden face mask with diminutive ears, open eyes as well as spot designs, all accented with kaolin clay pigment, and a well handled patina. Lega peoples, Congo, Africa. The mask measurSee Sold Price
SoldA Fine Old Ngbaka African mask, African ArtA carved wooden face mask with traditional style facial features, scars on nose and face accented with kaolin clay and inset wooden teeth. Ngbaka peoples, DRC/Congo, Africa. This mask will include a cSee Sold Price
SoldWeathered Old Idoma African mask, African ArtA carved wooden dance mask with elaborate coiffure and stylized facial features accented with kaolin clay pigment. Idoma peoples, Nigeria, Africa. The mask measures 13 x 8 inches. A metal display stanSee Sold Price
SoldOld Bete African mask, African ArtCarved wooden face mask with long curved protruding appendages from the face and a well worn surface patina suggesting some handling and wear. The Bete live in central Ivory Coast. Their western neighSee Sold Price
SoldA Fine Old Ngbaka African mask, African ArtA carved wooden face mask with traditional style facial features, scars on nose and face accented with kaolin clay and inset wooden teeth. Ngbaka peoples, DRC/Congo, Africa. This mask will include a cSee Sold Price
SoldOLD PENDE AFRICAN MASK, AFRICAN ARTA vintage to antique carved wooden mask with stylized facial features and painted accents. Pende peoples, Congo, Africa. The mask measures 8,75 inches tall. * a Durable metal display stand can be inclSee Sold Price
SoldFinely Carved Old Dan African Mask, African ArtA Very rare, old and interesting wooden dance mask from the Dan peoples, Cote D'Ivoire, Africa. Carved wood, with a well weathered and well handled surface patina, with a black painted surface and a dSee Sold Price
SoldFine Old Vuvi African mask, African ArtCarved wooden mask from Gabon, West Africa. Well worn and well handled mask with fine carving styles and traditional brows and kaolin clay painted face. Measures 13 x 7 1/8 inches.See Sold Price
SoldFantastic Old Guro, African Mask, African ArtCarved wooden face mask from the Guro peoples of the Ivory Coast, West Africa. Well carved vintage example with carved teeth, elaborate coiffure and a unusual orange pigment. measures 13 1/2 x 6 incheSee Sold Price
A Dan Kran African Mask Ex Constance McCormick FearingTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Dramatic Guere African mask Ex Dannenberg CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
BAULE Large 27 " Mask African Art Baoule Ivory Coast African Art 1714Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
ZANDE AZANDE & Ubangi Mask Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1741Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A Guere Illness Mask African Mask Ex Scanzi CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
African Art decorative zoomorphic TABWA Buffalo 20" Mask Congo DrcJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024