SoldA SymposiastWestern Greek ca. 340 B.C.. Terracotta. H. 20 cm. W. 12 cm Upper body of a symposiast. The beardless youth reclines to right. His head is adorned by a broad fillet as well as an opulent wreath with roSee Sold Price
SoldA Greek Head of a SymposiastKopf eines Symposiasten Tarent, Westgriechisch Mit Sockel / with base Keramik. H 9,5 cm. Provenienz: - Antikenkabinett, Frankfurt a.M. - Dr. Werner Cordes, Hagen (1991). 1. Hälfte 4. Jh. v. Chr. CHFSee Sold Price
A Head of a SymposiastWestern Greek late 5th-4th cent. B.C.. Terracotta. H. 9 cm. W. 6 cm Elongated, oval face. The chin and lower part of the cheeks are hidden by a long, stranded beard. The hair above the forehead is helSee Sold Price
A SymposiastWestern Greek late 5th-early 4th cent. B.C.. Terracotta. H. 12.5 cm. W. 11.7 cm Fragment representing the upper body of a recumbent young man. He wears a large wreath that is enlivened by dots on hisSee Sold Price
SoldA Head of a SymposiastWestern Greek late 5th-4th cent. B.C..Terracotta. H. 9 cm. W. 6 cmElongated, oval face. The chin and lower part of the cheeks are hidden by a long, stranded beard. The hair above the forehead is heldSee Sold Price
A Greek Head of a SymposiastKOPF EINES SYMPOSIASTEN Tarent, Westgriechisch Mit Sockel / with base Keramik. H 9,5 cm. Provenienz: - Dr. Werner Cordes, Hagen (1991). - Antikenkabinett, Frankfurt a.M. 1. Hälfte 4. Jh. v. Chr. CHFSee Sold Price
A Head of Dionysos or of a SymposiastWestern Greek ca. 500 B.C.. Terracotta. H. 10 cm. W. 8.4 cm A head of a bearded man crowned by a wreath with a central flower. The hair is centrally parted above the forehead and structured by finelySee Sold Price
SoldLagernder SymposiastGriechisch, 4.Jh. v.C. Terrakotta mit Resten eines Überzugs. Figur eines lagernden Symposiasten. H 10 cm.See Sold Price
An Attic Red-Figure Stemless Kylix, Marlay PainterAthens, Greece, ca. 430 B.C. The tondo decorated with a symposiast reclining on a couch against a striped pillow, gesturing toward a companion with his raised arm. Diameter excluding handles 6 ½". PrSee Sold Price
SoldGruppe von ErotenCanosa, Süditalien, 4./3.Jh. v.C. Terrakotta mit weissem Slip und Polychromie. Gruppe bestehend aus sechs Eroten, einem Symposiast sowie einer Statuette von Eros und Psyche. H 8,5–13,4 cm.See Sold Price
Gruppe von ErotenCanosa, Süditalien, 4./3.Jh. v.C. Terrakotta mit weissem Slip und Polychromie. Gruppe bestehend aus sechs Eroten, einem Symposiast sowie einer Statuette von Eros und Psyche. H 8,5–13,4 cm.See Sold Price
A Greek-Tarrantine terracotta figure6th/early 5th. century BC, A figure of a reclining symposiast. Traces of painted decoration. Mounted on a perspex base. L. 16 cm, H. 17,5 cm (not including stand),See Sold Price