SoldA Staffordshire portrait figure of King John signingA Staffordshire portrait figure of King John signing the Magna Carta, 19th century 32cm highSee Sold Price
SoldTWO STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES.TWO STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURES. King John signing the Magna Carta, and King Richard III Heights: 13" & 15"See Sold Price
SoldStaffordshire figure of King John signing the MagnStaffordshire figure of King John signing the Magna Charta. 13"h.x8"w.See Sold Price
A 19th century Staffordshire figure of King John,siA 19th century Staffordshire figure of King John,signing the Magna Carta, in a tented canopy, flanked by two attendants, 31cm high; and other Staffordshire figures, comprising: an equestrian figure enSee Sold Price
SoldA Victorian Staffordshire figure of King JohnA Victorian Staffordshire figure of King John, signing the Magna Carta beneath a tented canopy with attendants, 12.5insSee Sold Price
SoldSTAFFORDSHIRE HISTORICAL FIGURE, depicting King JSTAFFORDSHIRE HISTORICAL FIGURE, depicting King John signing the Magna Carta, well-colored polychrome decoration with applied coleslaw.. Third quarter 19th century. 12 3/4" h, 3 1/2" x 7 1/2" baseSee Sold Price
SoldENGLISH STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE KING JOHN MAGNA CARTAEnglish Staffordshire mantel figure, mid to late 19th c., depicting King John seated under a tent, signing the Magna Carta, flanked by two courtiers, one holding a feathered headdress, approx 12.75"h,See Sold Price
SoldThree Staffordshire Figures of Royalty.Three Staffordshire Figures of Royalty. Comprising a standing figure of The Prince of Wales (King Edward VII), The Princess of Wales (Queen Alexandra), and King John signing the Magna Carta (13" x 9")See Sold Price
SoldStaffordshire figure of King John, 13"h x 9 1/2"wStaffordshire figure of King John, 13"h x 9 1/2"wSee Sold Price
SoldCOLLECTION OF ENGLISH AND STAFFORDSHIRE PORCELAINCOLLECTION OF ENGLISH AND STAFFORDSHIRE PORCELAINEnglish, early 20th century. Ten (10) articles: a Staffordshire figure of King John, figural bud vase, and Stevenson Millennium "Peace on Earth&quSee Sold Price
Lot of 10 Antiques reference booksTen Antiques reference books on Porcelain, Pottery and Earthenware. Including OLD CHINA by N. Hudson Moore; THE BLUE-CHINA BOOK by Ada Walker Camehl; STAFFORDSHIRE PORTRAIT FIGURES by John Hall; ENCYCSee Sold Price
SoldBooks : Three books on the decorative arts to includeBooks : Three books on the decorative arts to include English Enamel Boxes by Susan Benjamin , Russian Lacquered Miniatures published by Aurora and Staffordshire Portrait Figures by John Hall . (3) PlSee Sold Price
SoldBooks : Three books on the decorative arts to includeBooks : Three books on the decorative arts to include English Enamel Boxes by Susan Benjamin , Russian Lacquered Miniatures published by Aurora and Staffordshire Portrait Figures by John Hall . (3) PlSee Sold Price
SoldBooks : Three books on the decorative arts to includeBooks : Three books on the decorative arts to include English Enamel Boxes by Susan Benjamin , Russian Lacquered Miniatures published by Aurora and Staffordshire Portrait Figures by John Hall . (3) £See Sold Price
SoldStaffordshire Figurine of King John Signing the MagnaStaffordshire Figurine of King John Signing the Magna Carta: Early Staffordshire Figurine of King John flanked by 2 courtiers and sitting in tent. Measures 12.5" tall and is 7.5" wide.See Sold Price
SoldSTAFFORDSHIRE POTTERY FIGURAL GROUP OF KING JOHN SSTAFFORDSHIRE POTTERY FIGURAL GROUP OF KING JOHN SIGNING MAGNA CARTA, mid-19th century. Seated inside tent signing the Magna Carta, flanked by two pages - 12 3/4 in. high.See Sold Price
SoldStaffordshire King John Figural GroupMid 19th c. Staffordshire pottery 12 3/4" (h) x 9" (l) x 3 1/2" (w) figural group depicting King John seated inside a tent signing the Magna Carta, flanked by two pages. [135] CONDITION: Chip on top oSee Sold Price
SoldSTAFFORDSHIRE THEATRICAL PORTRAIT FIGUREGeorg Rignold as King Henry V, standing and holding flag, oval base, late 19th century. Height 15 8/2 in.See Sold Price
SoldTwo Staffordshire figures: Dom King on wTwo Staffordshire figures: Dom King on white horse, 11-1/2"; Dick Turpin on black horse, 3" crack, 11-1/2", losses to gilt highlights, minor surface flaws (Collection of John Bivins)See Sold Price
SoldThree Staffordshire Items, England, 19th century,Three Staffordshire Items, England, 19th century, two portrait figures: William Charles Macready as Shylock, ht. 7 1/4; and Thomas Potter Cooke as Ben Backstay, ht. 9 1/2; and a mug with John Liston aSee Sold Price
Staffordshire Figure of Lohn LockeTitle: Staffordshire Figure of Lohn Locke Description: Staffordshire pottery portrait bust of the English philosopher John Locke.; Wikipedia has an excellent bio of Locke, who lived from 1632 - 1704,See Sold Price
SoldPair of 20th Century Staffordshire type King of PrPair of 20th Century Staffordshire type King of Prussia figures, 9 1/2"hSee Sold Price
On Nee Yeath Tow No Riow. Original 1710 mezzotint by John Faber the Elder. Portrait of AmericanTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
De Passe. Portraits. To include: Charles I (as Prince of Wales), John Foxe, Elizabeth I, Elizabeth ITremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Jean-Pierre (Jan Piotr) Norblin de La Gourdaine. 18th/19th century assembled album of etchings. ManyTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
John Suchy Shop Til You Drop NYC L/ED Signed 3D POP ART Custom FramedBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ANTIQUE ITALIAN GRAND TOUR BRONZE BUST OF MENELAUSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
N C Wyeth Long John Silver and Hawkins Custom Framed PrintMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
John Singleton Copley Mrs. Metcalf Bowler Custom Framed PrintMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Ireland.- Smedley (Edward) Erin. A Georgraphical and Descriptive Poem, 2 parts in 1, first edition,Forum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Watercolor painting King on horseback Alexander Arkadievich LitvinovJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Watercolor painting Portrait of a king Alexander Arkadievich LitvinovJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
John Hardy, Self Portrait in Underwear, Pastels on Watercolor paperRoGallery4.5(81)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024