Antique Chinese Bronze Sitting Buddha Statue With A Flower Mark And Six Character MarkRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Magnificent 19Th C. Hand Carved Marble Bust And PedestalRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Art Deco Vaseline Uranium Glass Rolls Royce ' Flying Lady ' 1930' H.Hoffmann SculptureArt Glass Store4.5(61)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Fine Italian Carved Marble Bust of The Apollo Belvedere onPedestalPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Art Deco Malachite Sculpture Hood Ornament Rolls Royce ' Flying Lady ' 1930' H.HoffmannArt Glass Store4.5(61)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Cape buffalo Bronze Sculpture signed, dated and numbered with titleSan Diego Art Auction4.3(9)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Important 19th Century Antique Italian Bronze Sculpture Circa 1800San Diego Art Auction4.3(9)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SoldA small oriental pottery figure modelled as a seatedA small oriental pottery figure modelled as a seated child, 3.5 (8.75cm) high, an oriental carved rootwood figure modelled as a Buddha, 4.25 (10.5cm) high, and a carved Chinese hardstone seal.See Sold Price
SoldA box containing a small group of Chinese pottery,A box containing a small group of Chinese pottery, comprising a pair of figures, another modelled as Fukurokuju seated beside an attendant and fawn, a small green glaze jar plus another similar, and aSee Sold Price
A Small Oriental Pottery Goblet/CupOriental markings, likely to be late 19th or early 20th Century, orange/red in color, showing a man reading a scroll on one side to another robed figure and on the other side of the bowl a man seatedSee Sold Price
A Small Oriental Pottery Goblet/CupOriental markings, likely to be late 19th or early 20th Century, orange/red in color, showing a man reading a scroll on one side to another robed figure and on the other side of the bowl a man seatedSee Sold Price
A Chinese painted pottery equestrianThe figure is modelled seated on top of a horse standing foursquare with its head facing slightly to the left and its mouth open. The figure wears a scholar's cap and a long robe. Both hands are heldSee Sold Price
SoldWESTERN ASIATIC BRONZE SEATED FIGURE, CIRCA 2ND MILLENNIUM B.C.A cast bronze figure, probably representing Bactrian(?), modelled as a seated figure with legs, arms held out from the body and bent upwards at the elbow, small monkey(?) with it's tail on back. FineSee Sold Price
A pair of Chinese pottery equestriansEach figure is modelled wearing a cap and long robes, each is seated on a horse standing foursquare with its head facing slightly to the left. One figure has its hands by his side, and the other has hSee Sold Price
Qty of oriental ceramics to include figures of ChineseQty of oriental ceramics to include figures of Chinese seated and standing, a lidded pottery teapot, qty of modern porcelain bowls and spoons, small ginger jar and three small resin figuresSee Sold Price
A South American, possibly Costa Rican, antiquityA South American, possibly Costa Rican, antiquity pottery figure Modelled seated crossed legged with lobe earrings and a headdress. 34 cm high.See Sold Price
Small Thai Sawankhalok Pottery Figure, 15th CA Small Sawankhalok Pottery Figure -Seated Man/w.Chicken -15th Cty. This is a very rare small pottery figure from the Sawankhalok potters of the 14th-16th century. It depicts a seated man holding a chSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Green Glazed MonkeyThe small pottery figure in seated position, has glass case with wood base Dimensions: Figure: 4 1/2" H x 2 1/4" W; Box/Stand: 8 1/2" H x 5 1/2" W Property Title: Inherited by the present owner fromSee Sold Price
Sold2 Oriental Pottery Mud FiguresTwo Oriental pottery mud figures: seated man with basket, 8" high and seated man holding bowl, 5" high.See Sold Price
SoldA 19thC small pottery figure of a seated dog decoratedA 19thC small pottery figure of a seated dog decorated in brown with collar and sponged detail to body, face and ears. Possibly Scottish. Height 5 1/2''.See Sold Price
SoldAn Oriental figure modelled as a seated man holding anAn Oriental figure modelled as a seated man holding an egg with a chicken by his feet. Impressed character marks under. Approx. 3 3/4" highSee Sold Price
SoldAn Oriental figure modelled as a seated man holding anAn Oriental figure modelled as a seated man holding an egg with a chicken by his feet. Impressed character marks under. Approx. 3 3/4" highSee Sold Price
SoldA 19thC small pottery figure of a seated dog decoratedA 19thC small pottery figure of a seated dog decorated in brown with collar and sponged detail to body, face and ears. Possibly Scottish. Height 5 1/2"See Sold Price
SoldA 19thC small pottery figure of a seated dog decoratedA 19thC small pottery figure of a seated dog decorated in brown with collar and sponged detail to body, face and ears. Possibly Scottish. Height 5 1/2" Please Note - we do not make reference to the coSee Sold Price
SoldA 19thC small pottery figure of a seated dog decoratedA 19thC small pottery figure of a seated dog decorated in brown with collar and sponged detail to body, face and ears. Possibly Scottish. Height 5 1/2''.See Sold Price
SoldA 19thC small pottery figure of a seated dog decoratedA 19thC small pottery figure of a seated dog decorated in brown with collar and sponged detail to body, face and ears. Possibly Scottish. Height 5 1/2''.See Sold Price
SoldPair of small Staffordshire pottery figures of seatedPair of small Staffordshire pottery figures of seated spanielsSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Chinese pottery figures modelled as a seated manTwo Chinese pottery figures modelled as a seated man with a sword and shield on his back, the other as a man standing, PROVENANCE: The vendor's father joined the Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking CorporatiSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Figures.PRE-COLUMBIAN LOT. Mexican Pre-Columbian small pottery seated figure with arms crossed, traces of red pigment. 2 7/8" h; Mexican Pre-Columbian pottery standing figure with arms held in front, turban lSee Sold Price
A CHINESE MING DYNASTY TILE WORKS POTTERY FIGURE OFA CHINESE MING DYNASTY TILE WORKS POTTERY FIGURE OF GUANYIN, modelled seated on a dragon and rockwork plinth, and applied with turquoise, aubergine and ochre glazes, the whole mounted on a fixed carveSee Sold Price
A CHINESE CARVED WHITE JADE BUDDHA WITH SEATBerkeley Auction Gallery4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Pre Columbian Moche Pottery seated God figure vessel. Excellent condition. Measures 4" x 6" x 9".Neely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Seated Shaman Effigy Figure Redware Pottery Colima Culture Mexico Pre-ColumbianArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY JAPANESE PORCELAIN FIGURAL BRUSH POTHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
An Oriental desk / hand seal surmounted by a carved guardian lion / foo dog with Character marks toClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Nayarit Pottery Figures - Seated Man & Standing MotherArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY TIBETAN NEPALESE BRONZE FIGURE OF A SEATED BUDDHA modelled holding Buddhistic items,Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A RARE PAIR OF ANTIQUE PORTUGUESE NODDING HEAD POTTERY FIGURES modelled as peasants. 22 cm high.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A LATE 19TH CENTURY JAPANESE MEIJI PERIOD POTTERY FIGURE OF MALE modelled holding a vessel. 18 cm hiHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A LARGE 19TH CENTURY CHINESE INDIAN TIBETAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A SEATED BUDDHA modelled upon a lotus cHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024