SoldSmall Hamadan rug with all-over Herati design on a redSmall Hamadan rug with all-over Herati design on a red ground with borders, 6ft 6ins x 2ft 6ins approximatelySee Sold Price
SoldHamadan Rugfloral and leaf designs on red/purple ground, light blue and pale olive highlights, 4 ft. 4 in. x 6 ft. 7 in., generally even low pile, small areas of wear with corduroy effect, scattered corrosion, oSee Sold Price
SoldPERSIAN HAMADAN HALL RUG, stylized floral design wPERSIAN HAMADAN HALL RUG, stylized floral design with three small medallions, red ground, ivory border, 3'1" x 9'6".See Sold Price
SoldA Persian Hamadan carpet runnerA Persian Hamadan carpet runner with centre medallion design on pale red ground, 295 cm x 69 cm to/w a small Hamadam mat (2)See Sold Price
SoldSmall Turkmen RugSmall Turkmen Rug , red ground, panel design, allover rosette motifs, kilim ends, 3 ft. 4 in. x 5 ft Provenance: Collection of Dr. Mark A. Geist, Providence, RI.See Sold Price
PERSIAN HAMADAN HANDWOVEN WOOL RUGPERSIAN HAMADAN HANDWOVEN WOOL RUG, W 4' 4", L 6' 7" :Hand woven wool Hamadan rug having a red ground, repetitious geometric designs and five borders with a navy primary border. Circa 1970/1980.See Sold Price
SoldSmall Antique Sarouk RugA Small Antique Sarouk Rug, red ground, all over floral design, 3 ft. 4 in. x 4 ft. 11 in * NO RETURNS ARE ACCEPTED ON THE BASIS OF CONDITION * PLEASE READ ALL SPECIFICS OF SALE BELOW * PAYMENT DUE WISee Sold Price
SoldPERSIAN HAMADAN WOOL RUG, W 41.5", L 55"PERSIAN HAMADAN WOOL RUG, W 41.5", L 55" :A Persian Hamadan wool rug. Having a red ground and repetitious floral design. Property of Robert Welchli Trust, Grosse Pointe Farms, Mi.See Sold Price
SoldSmall Antique Persian RugA Small Antique Persian Rug, red ground, central medallion, overall geometric design, 4 ft. 5 in. x 6 ft. 6 inSee Sold Price
SoldA SEMI ANTIQUE PERSIA HAND MADE WOOL HAMADAN SMALL RUG,A SEMI ANTIQUE PERSIA HAND MADE WOOL HAMADAN SMALL RUG, WESTERN IRAN, CIRCA 1930, the red ground rug with hexagonal field at the center, with aquamarine ground medallion with marriage and fertility thSee Sold Price
SoldPERSIAN HAMADAN HANDWOVEN WOOL RUGPERSIAN HAMADAN HANDWOVEN WOOL RUG, W 2' 5", L 4' 3" :Hand woven wool Hamadan Persian rug having a red ground, five borders geometric floral designs. Spaced medallions the length of the field, all witSee Sold Price
SoldHamadan rug with lobed medallion and all-over design onHamadan rug with lobed medallion and all-over design on a midnight blue ground with red ground corner designsSee Sold Price
SoldA Small Hamadan Rug,with a floral trellis on the faded red central ground, surrounded by three outer borders of fish hook and floral chain on blue. 4'6" x 2'7". Worn.See Sold Price
SoldPERSIAN HAMADAN HALL RUG, overall floral design oPERSIAN HAMADAN HALL RUG, overall floral design on red ground, hand knotted, 3'6" x 9'6".See Sold Price
SoldSEMI-ANTIQUE PERSIAN TRIBAL HAMADAN AREA RUG, florSEMI-ANTIQUE PERSIAN TRIBAL HAMADAN AREA RUG, floral sprig design on red ground, 3'5" x 4'9".See Sold Price
SoldKERMAN & HAMADAN ORIENTAL RUGKERMAN AND HAMADAN ORIENTAL RUG 61" X 29"; 48" X 28":Kerman has a light blue ground, central medallion with floral design. Hamadan has red ground, allover design.See Sold Price
ANTIQUE PERSIAN HAMADAN WOOL RUG C. 1910ANTIQUE PERSIAN HAMADAN WOOL RUG, C. 1910, W 4' 4'', L 5' 3'':Having a red ground with designs in black, ivory and navy.See Sold Price
SoldPERSIAN HAMADAN AREA RUG, medallion and Herati desPERSIAN HAMADAN AREA RUG, medallion and Herati design on red ground, 4'7" x 6'7".See Sold Price
PERSIAN HAMADAN HANDWOVEN WOOL RUGPERSIAN HAMADAN HANDWOVEN WOOL RUG, W 4' 6", L 7' 4" :Hand woven wool Hamadan rug having a red ground, five borders, central medallion and overall floral designs. Very strong colors, circa 1990/2000.See Sold Price
SoldHamadan rug with a lobed medallion and all-over HeratiHamadan rug with a lobed medallion and all-over Herati design on a rose ground with ivory corner designs and red ground borders, 7ft 6ins x 4ft 3ins approximatelySee Sold Price
SoldHamadan rug with a medallion and all-over stylisedHamadan rug with a medallion and all-over stylised floral design on red ground with bordersSee Sold Price
Tibetan Seating Mat - Small Rug from TibetA graphic and boldly designed small mat for seating special guests. Good dyes (the red in the medallion MAY be mixed with a synthetic red), beautiful ground color, lovely design! Wool pile with cottonSee Sold Price
SoldHamadan rug with lobed medallion and floral design onHamadan rug with lobed medallion and floral design on red ground with borders, 7ft x 4ft approximatelySee Sold Price
A SMALL RED GROUND TURKISH RUG, the central field woven with red and blue lozenge, 212 x 156cmAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Carpet / Rug : A Persian Hamadan runner, the red ground with central cream ground medallion withClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Geometric Tribal Design Red Small 3X6 Oriental Rug Handmade Farmhouse CarpetMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Tribal Design Red Vintage Style 35X5 Small Oriental Rug Handmade Wool CarpetMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Orange-red Tribal Design Modern Gabbeh 3X5 Contemporary Rug Small Wool CarpetMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Scarlet Red Floral Design Handmade 3X5 Bidjar Oriental Rug Small Kitchen CarpetBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Persian Bakhtiari Hand Woven Wool Oriental Rug Ca. 1950-1970, W 9' 8'' L 12' 6''DuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024