SoldA six shot Cooper percussion pepperbox revolverdating: mid-19th Century provenance: England A set of six, grooved, 7.5 mm cal. barrels provided with stamp of the test bench; brass frame engraved with floral motifs and marked "I. R. COOPERS PATENT"See Sold Price
SoldAN 80 BORE COOPER'S PATENT PERCUSSION SIX-SHOTAN 80 BORE COOPER'S PATENT PERCUSSION SIX-SHOT PEPPERBOX REVOLVER, BIRMINGHAM PROOF MARKS, CIRCA 1845 with fluted barrel group engraved around the muzzle and with traces of case-hardened finish scrollSee Sold Price
SoldA percussion pepperbox revolver by Cooperdating: mid-19th Century provenance: England Group of grooved, six-shot, 10 mm cal. cylinder barrels; round frame marked "J.P COOPER'S PATENT" and engraved with floral motifs; lower ring trigger, woodSee Sold Price
SoldA big and rare percussion pepperbox revolver by Cooperdating: mid-19th Century provenance: England Long, six-shot cylinder with ribs and stamp of the test bench, 11 mm cal; wide and long tang, finely engraved with flowers and signed "J.P. Cooper PatenteeSee Sold Price
SoldAn Antique Six Shot Percussion Pepperbox Revolver, 19thAn Antique Six Shot Percussion Pepperbox Revolver, 19th Century, Possibly English. Barrel dimensions: l: 3 x dia: 1 1/4 in. L: 7 1/8 in.See Sold Price
SoldSix shot percussion pepperbox revolver.Under-hammer action with ring trigger. Wood grips. Engraved. 3 1/2"l barrel. 7 1/2"l overall. Condition: Pitting on barrel. This firearm is defined as "Antique" by the BATF.See Sold Price
SoldA SMALL CALIBRE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVERA SMALL CALIBRE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVER BY ALLEN, 4inch fluted barrels, the hammer stamped ALLEN'S PATENT J.G. BOLEN N.Y., border and scroll engraved rounded action, two-piece wooden grSee Sold Price
SoldA 120-BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVER BYA 120-BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVER BY MARSH OF PONTEFRACT, 3inch fluted barrels, border and scroll engraved rounded action signed H. MARSH PONTEFRACT, border and scroll engraved steel mSee Sold Price
SoldA Belgian six shot percussion pepperbox revolver, withA Belgian six shot percussion pepperbox revolver, with engraved flowers, 21cm long overallSee Sold Price
A 120-BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVER,A 120-BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVER, 3inch fluted barrels, border and scroll engraved rounded action, two-piece wooden grips, contained in a later composed case with accessories, togetheSee Sold Price
SoldA 120-BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVERA 120-BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVER, 3inch fluted barrels, border and scroll engraved, action, hammer, trigger guard and back strap, chequered two-piece wooden grips. Action good but triSee Sold Price
SoldA very rare six shot percussion pepperbox revolver withdating: mid-19th Century provenance: Belgium A set of six, round, smooth, long, 9 mm cal. barrels made of damask, provided with stamp of the Liége test bench; iron frame marked "MARIETTE BREVETSee Sold Price
SoldA 54 BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVER BY G.A 54 BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVER BY G. & J. DEANE, CIRCA 1846-51with lightly engraved case-hardened fluted barrel group numbered 1-6, scroll-engraved case-hardened self-cocking actionSee Sold Price
SoldA 120-BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVERA 120-BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVER, 3inch fluted cylinder, border and scroll engraved white metal frame and rounded action, border and foliate steel trigger guard.See Sold Price
SoldA 140 BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVER,A 140 BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVER, BIRMINGHAM PROOF, MID-19TH CENTURYwith case-hardened fluted barrel group, scroll-engraved case-hardened self-cocking action, engraved case-hardened bSee Sold Price
SoldA 100 BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVER,A 100 BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVER, BIRMINGHAM PROOF, MID-19TH CENTURYwith case-hardened fluted barrel group, scroll-engraved case-hardened self-cocking action (small areas of light pitSee Sold Price
SoldA nice six shot percussion pepperbox revolver bydating: mid-19th Century provenance: London A set of six, grooved, 8 mm cal. barrels provided with stamps of the test bench; brass frame signed "WILLIAMSON LONDON", engraved with floral motifs; checkeSee Sold Price
SoldA rare six shot percussion pepperbox revolver bydating: mid-19th Century provenance: USA A set of six, smooth, 7 mm cal. barrels with protruding ribs, marked "STOCKING & CO WORCESTER - WARRENT CAST-STEEL"; round, iron frame engraved with floral motSee Sold Price
SoldA six shot percussion pepperbox revolverdating: mid-19th Century provenance: England A set of six, grooved, 8 mm cal. barrels, provided with stamp of the test bench; iron frame engraved with floral motifs; wooden grip scales with iron mountSee Sold Price
SoldA six shot percussion pepperbox revolverdating: mid-19th Century provenance: England A set of six, grooved, 8 mm ca. barrels provided with stamps of the test bench; iron frame engrave with floral motifs; wooden grip scales with iron mountsSee Sold Price
SoldA six shots percussion pepperbox revolver by Mariettedating: Third quarter of the 19th Century provenance: Belgium, Revolving group of six, 9 mm cal. barrels, in damask, numbered en suite with the breeches. Base with Liege test-bed stamps. Frame of almoSee Sold Price
SoldA CASED SMALL-BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOXA CASED SMALL-BORE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVER, 3inch fluted barrels, border and scroll engraved white metal rounded action, border and scroll engraved bar hammer and trigger guard, borderSee Sold Price
SoldA RARE 40-BORE LARGE CALIBRE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSIONA RARE 40-BORE LARGE CALIBRE SIX-SHOT PERCUSSION PEPPERBOX REVOLVER BY NOCK, 5inch fluted barrels, border and scroll engraved rounded action, signed NOCK LONDON on the upper tang, chequered wooden butSee Sold Price
SoldMARIETTE SIX SHOT PEPPERBOX PISTOL WITH EBONY GRIPMariette Patent Six-Shot Percussion Pepperbox Revolver, circa Mid-19th Century With 3 inch, .35 caliber turning barrels numbered from '1' to '6', rounded action and butt engraved with scrolling foliagSee Sold Price
Cambridge Farber Amethyst Glass Krome Kraft LOTHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Vintage Wood and Tree Bark Decanter Set on StandNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
TORCHWOOD (2006-2011) - Captain Jack Harkness' (John Barrowman) Bloodied Costume ComponentsPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
(6) VINTAGE BOX CAMERAS FIVE IN ORIGINAL PACKAGINGAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024