Robert William Wood (1889 - 1979) Texas BluebonnetsPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Robert William Wood (1889 - 1979) Oil painting stunning Mountainous landscapeGlobal Auctions Company4.3(36)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
19th C. English Biscuit Jar by William Wood and CoPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024
SoldA pair of Victorian silver Fiddle & Thread patternA pair of Victorian silver Fiddle & Thread pattern table spoons, Hallmarked Josiah Williams & Co, Exeter 1881. Together with three singular silver teaspoons. Gross weight 7 ozt (220 grams).See Sold Price
SoldSelection of George III and later silver flatware.A small selection of George III and later silver flatware to include two Old English pattern table spoons, hallmarked Exeter 1801, another Old English table spoon, hallmarked London 1768, a Fiddle patSee Sold Price
SoldA George III Exeter table spoon, an Indian spoon & anA George III silver table spoon in plain Fiddle pattern, hallmarked Joseph Hicks, Exeter 1812. Together with an Indian serving spoon with foliate scroll decoration to the tapering handle and stone insSee Sold Price
Five Victorian Sterling Silver Table Spoons,hallmarked Exeter 1838, makers mark 'T.B', fiddle pattern, total weight 191gms, (5)See Sold Price
SoldSelection of early 20th century silver spoons.A selection of mainly early 20th century silver spoons, to include a mid Victorian sauce ladle with engraved fiddle pattern terminal, hallmarked John Stone, Exeter 1862, ten old English pattern teaspoSee Sold Price
SoldA pair of silver fiddle pattern table spoons hallmarkedA pair of silver fiddle pattern table spoons hallmarked London 1824 maker R.P 8 3/4'' long (146g)See Sold Price
SoldA pair of HM silver fiddle pattern table spoons ExeterA pair of HM silver fiddle pattern table spoons Exeter 1825 maker William Hope (140g)See Sold Price
SoldA set of four Geo III silver fiddle pattern tableA set of four Geo III silver fiddle pattern table spoons. Hallmarked London 1798 maker George Smith. Approx 9" long (280g)See Sold Price
SoldA boxed silver fiddle pattern dessert spoon hallmarkedA boxed silver fiddle pattern dessert spoon hallmarked Exeter 1828 maker R. Oliver and later 1895 inscription together with a silver fiddle pattern teaspoon hallmarked Exeter 1850 maker Joseph Mayer.See Sold Price
SoldTwo early Victorian silver fiddle pattern mustardTwo early Victorian silver fiddle pattern mustard spoons. Hallmarked Exeter 1846 maker William Rawlings Sobey and Chester 1843 maker John Sutter. The longer approx. 5". (2)See Sold Price
SoldA pair of HM silver fiddle pattern salt spoonsA pair of HM silver fiddle pattern salt spoons hallmarked Exeter 1854 maker John Stone (18g) Please Note - we do not make reference to the condition of lots within catalogue descriptions. We are howevSee Sold Price
SoldA Wm IV silver Old English pattern table spoon.A Wm IV silver Old English pattern table spoon. Hallmarked Exeter 1830 maker George Turner. With engraved armorial to handle 8 '' long (60g)See Sold Price
SoldA George IV silver fiddle pattern table spoon, byA George IV silver fiddle pattern table spoon, by William Woodman, Exeter 1824, a George III silver Hanoverian pattern table spoon, by Joseph Hicks, Execter 1814, a George IV silver fiddle pattern teaSee Sold Price
SoldA selection of spoons & thimbles.Victorian silver Fiddle Pattern table spoon with initialled terminal, hallmarked London 1844. Together with three George III silver teaspoons, an early twentieth century silver teaspoon, a 1920's silvSee Sold Price
SoldA George III silver marrow scoop, 8.25ins overall, LondA George III silver marrow scoop, 8.25ins overall, London 1750 (engraved with initials), a pair of William IV silver fiddle pattern table spoons by George Turner, Exeter 1832, a George III ditto by SaSee Sold Price
SoldA set of three silver fiddle pattern salt spoons withA set of three silver fiddle pattern salt spoons with gilded bowls. Hallmarked Exeter 1879 maker Josiah Williams & Co (Josiah Williams) approx. 4" long (3)See Sold Price
SoldHALLMARKED SILVER SPOONS & FORKSEight hallmarked silver fiddle pattern table spoons, six spoons, marks for London, 1879, and two spoons, marks for James & Josiah Williams, Edinburgh, 1861, along with seven hallmarked silver George ISee Sold Price
SoldA PAIR OF VICTORIAN SILVER FIDDLE PATTERN TABLEA pair of Victorian silver fiddle pattern table spoons by James and Josiah Williams, Exeter 1859 with double monogram to upper stem; another Victorian pair of table spoons by Henry Holland, london 187See Sold Price
SoldA selection of George III and later silver spoons toA selection of George III and later silver spoons to include a pair Fiddle pattern table spoons, hallmarked Solomon Hougham, Solomon Royes & John East Dix, London 1818, a part set five teaspoons hallmSee Sold Price
SoldA William IV silver Fiddle pattern caddy spoon withA William IV silver Fiddle pattern caddy spoon with shell bowl, hallmarked Robert Williams, Exeter 1833. Together with a further William IV silver caddy spoon with shaped shoulder and initialled termiSee Sold Price
SoldSelection of silver, condiment spoons, pens etc.Two Victorian silver Fiddle pattern condiment spoons with initialled terminals, hallmarked John Osment Exeter 1840. Together with a Victorian silver butter knife, hallmarked Sheffield 1899, a second bSee Sold Price
SoldAssorted 19thC silver fiddle pattern spoons comprisingAssorted 19thC silver fiddle pattern spoons comprising a Victorian caddy spoon hallmarked Birmingham 1870 maker George Unite, A Victorian table spoon hallmarked London 1848 maker JW, 2 Victorian desseSee Sold Price
SoldSilver spoons : A pair of Geo III silver Old EnglishSilver spoons : A pair of Geo III silver Old English pattern table spoons hallmarked 1798 maker TW together with a pair of fiddle pattern table spoons hallmarked Sheffield 1903 maker John Round & SonSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Early 19th Century Sterling SilverNewcastle Flatware, including four fiddle pattern table forks hallmarked Newcastle,1806, Ann Robertson, intialed "F"; pair fiddle pattern table spoons, hallmarked Newcastle, 1823, John Walton, initialSee Sold Price
THREE IRISH SILVER FIDDLE PATTERN TABLE SPOONS, Dublin c.1806 & 1813 mark of Samuel Neville DublinAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A composite suite of Victorian Fiddle pattern flatwareLyon & Turnbull4.3(51)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
An 18thC silver Hanoverian pattern table spoon hallmarked London 1739, maker Samuel Hutton. Approx.Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Four Victorian silver Fiddle pattern table forks hallmarked London 1892, maker Francis Higgins III.Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A quantity of assorted silver spoons to include two with engraved decoration depicting a man playingClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Five assorted 19thC silver Fiddle pattern teaspoons. Together with a table spoon hallmarked LondonClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A silver Fiddle pattern table spoon hallmarked London 1818, maker Richard Poulden. Approx. 8 1/2"Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Set of four Victorian silver table spoons; together with a pair.Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Assorted George III and IV silver spoons, to include Hester Bateman example. (6)Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Five George III Irish silver table spoons and a Victorian Scottish example. (6).Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Cased set of mid-20th century silver coffee spoons; plus a small ladle & a Danish silver-gilt spoon.Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Assorted George III to Victorian silver spoons & forks in Fiddle pattern. (72)Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
A selection of silver to include various spoons, sugar tongs, napkin rings & condiments.Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Assorted late George IV and Victorian silver spoons & forks. (16)Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024