17thC Enku Buddha Masterpiece, monk, poet, and famous Japanese pre-modern sculptorThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
18thC/earlier Japanese Buddhist bronze miniature figure--wonderful face!The Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
A RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A ROARING SHISHIA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A ROARING SHISHI WITH BALL Unsigned Japan, Kyoto, late 18th century, Edo period (1615-1868) This netsuke belongs to the rare group of Kyoto stag antler netsuke of the latSee Sold Price
SoldA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A SHISHIA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A SHISHI Unsigned Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) Carved from the base of the antler, the coronet still visible and used as the pedestal for the Shishi. The lSee Sold Price
SoldA RARE STAG ANTLER INGYO NETSUKE OF A STANDING SHISHIA RARE STAG ANTLER INGYO NETSUKE OF A STANDING SHISHI UnsignedJapan, 18th century, Edo period (1615-1868)The seal netsuke carved as a snarling shishi standing upright on the oval base, supporting itseSee Sold Price
SoldJAPANESE CARVED STAG ANTLER NETSUKE SHISHIJAPANESE CARVED STAG ANTLER NETSUKE SHISHI Japanese carved stag antler netsuke of seated Shishi dog with large ball, 19th C.; smaller loose ball in mouth, unsigned. Weight: 19.6g Size: 1.25 x 1.25"See Sold Price
SoldKOGETSU: A RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A BATKOGETSU: A RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A BAT By Kogetsu, signed Kogetsu 耕月Japan, Tokyo, Asakusa, second half of 19th centuryCarved as a bat with a whimsical expression, the large eyes inSee Sold Price
SoldA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A GROUP OF SEA ANIMALSA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A GROUP OF SEA ANIMALS Unsigned, stag antler netsuke Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) This netsuke shows a bream (tai), squid (ika) and lobster (ebi) on the upSee Sold Price
SoldA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF KAN'UA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF KAN'U Unsigned Japan, late 18th century, Edo period (1615-1868) A rare stag antler netsuke depicting the god of war Kan'u stroking his long beard and holding his characteSee Sold Price
SoldA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A SHARKA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A SHARK Unsigned, stag antler netsuke Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) An elongated netsuke depicting a grim shark with inlaid eyes of dark horn. The anatomy oSee Sold Price
SoldKO: A RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE WITH LIZARD AND VINEKO: A RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE WITH LIZARD AND VINE Signed with a single character Ko 光 Japan, Tokyo, Asakusa, second half of 19th century Published: Eskenazi (1993) Japanese Netsuke from the CSee Sold Price
SoldA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A FOX PRIESTA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A FOX PRIEST Unsigned Japan, 18th century, Edo period (1615-1868) An early stag antler figure depicting a kitsune (fox) disguised as a priest completely enveloped in itsSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Carved Stag Antler Netsuke: Shi-shiAntique Carved Stag Antler Netsuke: Shi-shiBeautifully patinated and well carved, antique stag antler netsuke; of a seated Shi-shi holding a ball and with a small loose ball in his mouth (some wear),See Sold Price
SoldRARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF FEMALE BODDHISATTVAA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A FEMALE BODDHISATTVA Unsigned Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) A very unusual stag antler netsuke showing a female Boddhisattva (enlightened being) wearing aSee Sold Price
SoldA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF AN OCTOPUSA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF AN OCTOPUS Unsigned Japan, early 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) The octopus (tako) is seated on a rock, its wriggly tentacles intertwining and dangling down. The taSee Sold Price
JAPANESE CARVED STAG ANTLER NETSUKE SHISHIJAPANESE CARVED STAG ANTLER NETSUKE SHISHI Japanese carved stag antler netsuke of seated Shishi dog with large ball, 19th C.; smaller loose ball in mouth, unsigned. Weight: 19.6g Size: 1.25 x 1.25"See Sold Price
SoldRARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF KADORI MYOJINA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF KADORI MYOJIN TAMING A NAMAZU Unsigned Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) The deity Kadori Hyojin is shown standing atop a namazu (earthquake fish), taming it wiSee Sold Price
SoldRARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A DUTCHMANA RARE AND UNUSUAL STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A DUTCHMAN Unsigned Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) Carved from a piece of antler near the coronet, the large wide hat of the foreigner (most likeSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Stag Antler Netsuke: Shi-shi DancerAntique Stag Antler Netsuke: Shi-shi DancerAntique, carved stag antler netsuke; of a Shi-shi dancer kneeling with mask and drum, attractive patination (minor wear), 19th CenturySee Sold Price
SoldRARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A NAUTILUS IN SHELLA VERY RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A NAUTILUS IN SHELL Unsigned Japan, 18th century, Edo period (1615-1868) A rustic and relatively large stag antler netsuke of a nautilus inside its shell. The cephalSee Sold Price
SoldA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF OKAMEA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF OKAME Unsigned Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) A compact and charming stag antler netsuke of a mischievously grinning Okame, holding the hem of her finely decSee Sold Price
SoldKOKUSAI (ATTR.) ANTLER NETSUKE OF KAPPA NINGYOA MAGNIFICENT AND RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A KAPPA NINGYO ATTRIBUTED TO OZAKI KOKUSAI Unsigned, attributed to Osaki Kokusai (1835-1892) Japan, Tokyo, Asakusa, mid to late 19th century Brilliantly cSee Sold Price
SoldHIDETOMO: A TALL STAG ANTLER NETSUKEHIDETOMO: A LARGE AND RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A CHINESE MAN WITH SQUIRREL By Hidetomo, signed Hidetomo Japan, mid-18th century, Edo period (1615-1868) Published: Barry Davies Oriental Art, NetsukeSee Sold Price
SoldSTAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A TOAD AND FROGA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A TOAD AND FROG ON BAMBOO Unsigned Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) An unusual netsuke carved from stag antler and depicting a dominant, fat and warty toad (gaSee Sold Price
SoldA STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A PIEBALD CAT WITH LARGE FISHA RARE STAG ANTLER NETSUKE OF A PIEBALD CAT WITH LARGE FISH Unsigned, stag antler netsuke Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) A rare netsuke with extraordinary use of the antler material. TheSee Sold Price
SoldA RARE STAG ANTLER MASK NETSUKE OF OKAMEA RARE STAG ANTLER MASK NETSUKE OF OKAME Unsigned, stag antler mask netsuke Japan, late 19th century Published: Illustrated in 'Japanese Masks- Peter E. Mueller' by Max Rutherston (2017), no. 230 TheSee Sold Price
Elk Caribou Stag Antlers Bronze Bust Sculpture Statue Or 4 Post Base - 15lbsWeatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Handmade Damascus Steel Hunting Axe Chopper KnifeWeatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Saxon Stag by Gorham Sterling Silver Antler 3-pc Carving Set 3D Applied FiguralBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY JAPANESE MEIJI PERIOD CARVED STAG ANTLER NETSUKE formed as a seated male. 6 cm x 3.5Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
SUPER RARE Heavy Mass Set Of Shared Pedicle Whitetail Shed AntlersCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Smiths Whetstone & Pair of Fixed Blade Knives, Mossy Oak w/ Stag & Brass Handle & CoastCrawford Family Auctions LLC4.5(119)See Sold PriceMay 25, 2024