SoldA Pre-Columbian Maya Ulua Underworld Jaguar BowlAn interesting polychrome Maya underworld jaguar bowl from the Ulua Valley of Honduras, circa 600-900 A.D. This example measures approximately 5 1/4" wide by about 2 3/4" tall. The form of this bowl iSee Sold Price
Ancient Pre Columbian Mayan Ulua Underworld Jaguar bowlAncient Pre Columbian Mayan Ulua Underworld Jaguar bowl c.600-900 AD. Size 2 3/4 inches high x 5 1/4 inches diameter. Ancient Mayan pottery underworld Jaguar bowl from Ulua Valley of Hondura. Ex PrivaSee Sold Price
Ancient Pre Columbian Mayan Ulua Underworld Jaguar bowlAncient Pre Columbian Mayan Ulua Underworld Jaguar bowl c.600-900 AD. Size 2 3/4 inches high x 5 1/4 inches diameter. Ancient Mayan pottery underworld Jaguar bowl from Ulua Valley of Hondura. Ex PrivaSee Sold Price
Ancient Pre Columbian Mayan Ulua Underworld Jaguar bowlAncient Pre Columbian Mayan Ulua Underworld Jaguar bowl c.600-900 AD. Size 2 3/4 inches high x 5 1/4 inches diameter. Ancient Mayan pottery underworld Jaguar bowl from Ulua Valley of Hondura. Ex PrivaSee Sold Price
Pre-columbian Maya Ulua BowlPre-columbian Maya Ulua Vallery Bowl from Honduras, ca. 600-900 A.D. Nicely painted with geometric decorations.(3-3/8" in height x 5" in diameter.)See Sold Price
Pre-columbian Maya Ulua BowlPre-columbian Maya Ulua Bowl from Honduras, ca. 600-900 A.D. Painted Orange bowl with three repeating Chief figures. The bottom is painted with a cross hatch pattern. A nice example!See Sold Price
Pre-columbian Maya Ulua Valley BowlA gorgeous Maya bowl from the Ulua Valley of Honduras, ca. 400 – 800 AD. This choice polychrome example is 8-1/4” in diameter and features a trio of seated lords separated by black panels, perhapsSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Mayan Ulua Valley Tripod BowlPre-Columbian Maya Ulua Valley tripod bowl from Honduras, ca. 600-900 CE. Nicely painted bowl seated on three short legs, painted with various geometric shapens and partens, centralized by two faces iSee Sold Price
SoldMayan Ulua Valley Polychrome Monkey / Kukulkan BowlDonated By: Donick Cary, Emmy-Award winning writer/producer (Letterman /Simpsons / Parks and Recreation /Silicon Valley) Pre-Columbian, Maya, Ulua Valley, Honduras, ca. 550 to 900 CE. A convex-based bSee Sold Price
SoldMayan / Toltec Pottery Jaguar BowlPre-Columbian, Maya / Toltec, ca. 900 to 1200 CE. A detailed, well-made vessel in the form of a snarling jaguar; the body of the vessel includes jutting arms, legs, and short tail. Low relief designsSee Sold Price
A Mayan Polychrome BowlPre-Columbian, Maya, Ulua Valley, Ca 550 to 800 AD. Lovely rounded bowl in shades of cream, red and black with two dancing deers and two abstract designs. 7-1/4"D. Provenance: Ex-Fort Knox Artifacts,See Sold Price
SoldMaya Ulua Valley Frog BowlPre-Columbian, Maya, Honduras, Ulua Valley, Ca 600 to 900 CE. A very sweet polychrome bowl decorated with the head, arms and legs of a frog in high relief, remainder of the bowl painted with repeatingSee Sold Price
SoldMaya Polychrome Vessel w/ JaguarsPre-Columbian, Maya Territories, Ulua Valley, Honduras, ca. 600 to 900 CE. A gorgeous polychrome cylinder of a deep form supported by tripod feet. The outer walls display an elaborate iconographic proSee Sold Price
Pre-columbian Maya Swimmers BowlA lovely Maya Underworld Swimmers bowl from El Tazumal, El Salvador, ca. 550 - 900 AD. This flat-bottom example is 4-3/4" diameter and is 2-1/2" deep. The two Underworld figures are exceptionally wellSee Sold Price
Pre-columbian Maya BowlA choice Maya Underworld Swimmers bowl from El Tazumal, El Salvador, ca. 550 - 900 AD. This flat-bottom example is 8" diameter and two Underworld figures that are nicely detailed and are topped with aSee Sold Price
SoldMayan Polychrome Footed Cylinder VesselPre-Columbian, Honduras, Maya, Ulua Valley, ca. 550 to 850 CE. A wonderful polychrome cylinder vessel with incredibly rich iconography. Black background with three underworld deities - including eitheSee Sold Price
SoldMaya Ulua Valley Polychrome BowlPre-Columbian, Honduras, Ulua Valley, Maya, Late Classic Period, ca. 550 to 850 CE. A hand-built and highly burnished pottery bowl with a round but stable base, gradually expanding walls, a thick rim,See Sold Price
SoldMaya Ulua Valley Pottery Bowl - PelicansPre-Columbian, Honduras, Mayan Ulua Valley, ca. 550 to 850 CE. A beautiful bowl from a unique Maya tradition with a deep interior, gently incurved rim, and a motif of pelicans painted around its exterSee Sold Price
SoldMaya Ulua Valley Pottery Bowl w/ Abstract CreaturesPre-Columbian, Honduras, Ulua Valley, Maya, ca. 550 to 850 CE. A well-preserved shallow ceramic bowl decorated in the distinctive style of the Ulua Valley, an interesting satellite of the Classical MaSee Sold Price
SoldMaya Ulua Valley Polychrome Bowl**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Honduras, Ulua Valley, Maya, Late Classic Period, ca. 550 to 900 CE. A lovely pottery bowl defined by a flat base, tall walls, a shallow basin, and a lightly-sSee Sold Price
Maya Ulua Valley Pottery Bowl - PelicansPre-Columbian, Honduras, Mayan Ulua Valley, ca. 550 to 850 CE. A beautiful bowl from a unique Maya tradition with a deep interior, gently incurved rim, and a motif of pelicans painted around its exterSee Sold Price
SoldMaya Ulua Valley Polychrome Bowl**Originally Listed At $175** Pre-Columbian, Honduras, Ulua Valley, Maya, Late Classic Period, ca. 550 to 900 CE. A beautiful ceramic bowl created by Maya artisans in the Ulua Valley. The flat-based bSee Sold Price
Maya Ulua Valley Pottery Bowl - PelicansPre-Columbian, Honduras, Mayan Ulua Valley, ca. 550 to 850 CE. A beautiful bowl from a unique Maya tradition with a deep interior, gently incurved rim, and a motif of pelicans painted around its exterSee Sold Price
Maya Ulua Valley Pottery Bowl - PelicansPre-Columbian, Honduras, Mayan Ulua Valley, ca. 550 to 850 CE. A beautiful bowl from a unique Maya tradition with a deep interior, gently incurved rim, and a motif of pelicans painted around its exterSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Nazca Terracotta Bowl With Arrow DesignTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Pre-Columbian Black And White Ware Pottery Footed Fruit BowlRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pre Columbian Pottery Bowl, with nine pre-Columbian pottery figural fragments, and threeCrescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
11 1/2" Ceremonial Jaguar Effigy Metate. Gray Volcanic Stone.Tony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
MID CENT SOUTH AMERICAN DIAGUITA STYLE CERAMIC BOWLAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pre-Columbian Pottery Figure & VesselOld Kinderhook Auction Company4.6(217)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Chupicuaro Polychrome Tripod Bowl w/ Linear MotifArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Chimu Pottery Vessel w/ Supernatural Jaguar DeityArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
5 Reference Books on Pre-Columbian Archeology & ArtArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024