SoldA Near Eastern Fragment, BirdTON FRAGMENT, VOGEL Vorderer Orient, 2. Jh. v. Chr. Terrakotta. H 4,3 cm. L 3,3 cm. Provenienz: Bonhams London, 16.5.2002, Lot 652. CHF 50 / 100 EUR 43 / 86See Sold Price
Sold(5) Ancient Near Eastern limestone/stucco relief f(5) Ancient Near Eastern limestone/stucco relief fragments, Ibex, horse and birds in low relief, 8.5"h x 8"w (largest), 2.75"h x 4.5"l (smallest) Provenance:Â From an important and internationally renSee Sold Price
SoldNear Eastern Scythian Gold Fragment Collection6th century BC-3rd century AD A mixed group of gold foil fragments with repousse designs including foliage and a bird; one an earring. 3.68 grams, 15-31 mm (1/2 - 1 1/4"). From an important Mayfair, LSee Sold Price
A Near Eastern Bird Shaped FlaskVOGELFÖRMIGES GEFÄSS Vorderer Orient, 2. Jh. v. Chr. Terrakotta. H 7 cm. L 9 cm. Provenienz: Kunstmarkt London (2002). CHF 150 / 300 EUR 129 / 258See Sold Price
A Near Eastern Bird Shaped FlaskVOGELFÖRMIGES GEFÄSS Vorderer Orient Ohne Sockel / without base Keramik. H 7 cm. L 9 cm. Provenienz: Kunstmarkt London (2002). 2. Jh. v. Chr. CHF 150 / 300 EUR 129 / 258See Sold Price
A Near Eastern Bird Shaped FlaskVOGELFÖRMIGES GEFÄSS Vorderer Orient Ohne Sockel / without base Keramik. H 7 cm. L 9 cm. Provenienz: Kunstmarkt London (2002). 2. Jh. v. Chr. One wing reattached. Head not preserved. Surface abradedSee Sold Price
A Near Eastern Bird Shaped FlaskVOGELFÖRMIGES GEFÄSS Vorderer Orient Ohne Sockel / without base Keramik. H 7 cm. L 9 cm. Provenienz: Kunstmarkt London (2002). 2. Jh. v. Chr. CHF 150 / 300 EUR 129 / 258See Sold Price
SoldNear Eastern Bearded Man Portrait FragmentA Near Eastern Fragment of a Portrait of a Bearded Man, 2nd - 1st Millennium BC, with tight curls and well-defined lips and nose. 3 3/4" x 3" (9.5 x 7.6 cm). Light earthen deposits. Ex Maine private cSee Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF ANCIENT BRONZE ARTIFACTSIncluding an Etruscan bronze fibula, 6th to 5th C BCE, a small horse from the Marlik culture, a Luristan garment pin of a bird, 1000 BCE, a Near Eastern bird attachment and four Shisels, 1900 to 1500See Sold Price
SoldAncient Near Eastern Terracotta fragment panelCirca 2000 BC. Provenance: Ex private NY collector. Size: 20 cm x 12 cm.See Sold Price
SoldNear Eastern terracotta fragment with cuneiform textA Near Eastern terracotta fragment with cuneiform text, c. 2nd Millennium BC, the incised characters neatly laced within five vertical columns. Ex Paul Ilton collection, acquired prior to 1950.See Sold Price
SoldNear Eastern Ceramic Bird Figure2nd millennium BC. A hollow cast ceramic bird figurine with piriform body, conical neck, rounded head and stub tail; to the neck a three-ring collar; pierced at the chest and back; wings, tail, eyes bSee Sold Price
SoldA trio of Near Eastern bronze bird finialsA trio of Near Eastern bronze bird finials, ca. 800 - 600 BC. The first is a 1-1/8 in high, nicely detail bird mounted atop a platform. The other two are applicator pins, 2 in and 3-3/8 in long. NiceSee Sold Price
SoldNear Eastern Ceramic 'Bird' Whistle GroupA group of two undated aviform whistles, each with bulbous body, conical neck and D-shaped comb; two small holes to the chest, air-holes to the tail and back. Private collection; acquired late 1980'sSee Sold Price
Sold(5) ancient Near Eastern bronze/ceramic bird figur(5) ancient Near Eastern bronze/ceramic bird figures, 3.75"h x 3.5"l (largest), 1"h x 1.75"l (smallest) Provenance: From an important and internationally renowned single owner collection sold anonymSee Sold Price
A Near Eastern terracotta fragment with cuneiform textA Near Eastern terracotta fragment with cuneiform text, c. 2nd Millennium BC, the incised characters neatly laced within five vertical columns. Ex Paul Ilton collection, acquired prior to 1950.See Sold Price
A modernly re-carved Near Eastern marble fragmentA modernly re-carved Near Eastern marble fragment with radiate male in relief. The original likely dated from the 2nd - 3rd Century AD, with perhaps some Roman influence, but it has been completely reSee Sold Price
Collection of 8 Near Eastern pottery fragmentsA collection of 8 Near Eastern terracotta pottery fragments, c. 1st Millennium BC. The largest fragment appears to from a drinking goblet-type vessel, while the others appear to be from smaller cups oSee Sold Price
Sold(3) Islamic/Ancient Near Eastern bronze bird figur(3) Islamic/Ancient Near Eastern bronze bird figures, Incl. two roosters, one on wooden mount, 3"h x 2"w (largest), 2"h x 1.75"l (smallest) Provenance:Â From an important and internationally renownedSee Sold Price
SoldNear Eastern Limestone FragmentNear Eastern Limestone FragmentNear Eastern carved limestone fragment; depicting a five bead band at top with arch below; L: 5 1/2"; display standSee Sold Price
SoldNear Eastern Haematite Bird BeadAn undated archaistic carved bead in the form of bird with feather detail to the wings and tail. 36 grams, 51 mm (2"). Property of a London collector, acquired early 1990s.See Sold Price
SoldA Near Eastern terracotta bird whistleA Near Eastern terracotta bird whistle, 2nd Millennium BC, hand-modelled, the eyes circular depressions that probably were inlaid, the functional whistle with nice high pitched tone. Deposits throughoSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of 8 Near Eastern pottery fragmentsA collection of 8 Near Eastern terracotta pottery fragments, c. 1st Millennium BC. The largest fragment appears to from a drinking goblet-type vessel, while the others appear to be from smaller cups oSee Sold Price
A Near Eastern limestone fragment of an offeringFragment of a figure with both arms in front of the chest, holding an object in typical offering position. The face finely worked out, the head covered by a cloth (capite velato). Limestone. FracturedSee Sold Price
Mesopotamian Cuneiform Envelope Fragment with FigureTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
3 Vintage Hardback Bird Books AudubonNorth American Artifact Auctions4.6(184)See Sold PriceApr 20, 2024
Ancient Ceramic Pottery Vessel and Bowl 2pc. LOTHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Ancient Ceramic Pottery Vessel & Pitcher 2pc. LOTHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A Near Eastern Lapis Lazuli Lion Amulet, Emblem of Royalty and ProtectionThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A Near Eastern Steatite Relief Tablet, Circa 2nd Millennium BCEThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
An Bronze Ornamental Arch, Likely Near Eastern, 1st Millennium B.C.ThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN MESOPOTAMIAN CARVED EYE IDOLAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
12th C. Egyptian Mamluk Linen / Silk Textile PanelArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024