A Matching Pair of Roman Bronze Chariot FittingsRome, Ca. 1st Century B.C./A.D. Each in the form of a tapering cylinder surmounted by an eagle head finial, the feathers, eyes, and notrils enhanced by incision, an arm on each side of the shaft withSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Chariot Fittings, Eagle Form (pr)Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 2nd century CE. A matching pair of fierce, cast bronze chariot fittings, each with projecting swan heads rising in sinuous curves from each side and a majestic eagle head aSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Chariot Rein Guides, Eagle Form (pr)Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 2nd century CE. A matching pair of fierce, cast bronze chariot fittings, each with projecting swan heads rising in sinuous curves from each side and a majestic eagle head aSee Sold Price
Lot of 2 Bronze Eagle Chariot Rein HoldersRoman, Imperial Period, ca. 2nd century CE. A matching pair of fierce, cast bronze chariot fittings, each with projecting swan heads rising in sinuous curves from each side and a majestic eagle head aSee Sold Price
Lot of 2 Bronze Eagle Chariot Rein GuidesRoman, Imperial Period, ca. 2nd century CE. A matching pair of fierce, cast bronze chariot fittings, each with projecting swan heads rising in sinuous curves from each side and a majestic eagle head aSee Sold Price
Lot of 2 Roman Bronze Chariot Rein GuidesRoman, Imperial Period, ca. 2nd to 4th century CE. A pair of matching cast-bronze chariot fittings, each with a six-sided terminal on either horizontal side, two loops for threading reins, and one lonSee Sold Price
Lot of 2 Roman Bronze Chariot Rein GuidesRoman, Imperial Period, ca. 2nd to 4th century CE. A pair of matching cast-bronze chariot fittings, each with a six-sided terminal on either horizontal side, two loops for threading reins, and one lonSee Sold Price
SoldA Pair of Roman Bronze Chariot FittingsAmazing examples! From ancient Rome, ca. 200 - 300 AD. Solid bronze fittings, in the form of a sitting woman with one raised arm to the side of her head, possibly her hair; the other hand resting on tSee Sold Price
SoldFine Pair of Roman Bronze Chariot Fittings w/ SnakesRoman, Imperial Period, ca. 2nd century CE. A marvelous matched pair of cast bronze chariot fittings with projecting snake heads rising in sinuous curves from one side of each. Each is in the form ofSee Sold Price
A PAIR OF ROMAN BRONZE CHARIOT FITTINGS, CIRCA 1ST- 2ND CENTURY A.D.Each in the form of a tapering octagonal base, surmounted by busts of Mercury wearing a petasus, the feathers, eyes and nostrils enhanced by incision, an arm on either side of the shaft with an upturnSee Sold Price
A PAIR OF ROMAN BRONZE CHARIOT FITTINGS WITH FEMALE PANTHER, CIRCA 2ND-3RD CENTURY A.D.A pair of cast bronze chariot fittings surmounted by a panther. The ferocious heads have been rendered in a fashion characteristic of Roman felines. The panthers are standing each with a front paw resSee Sold Price
SoldSuperb Roman Bronze Chariot Fittings of HerculesRome, ca. 1st Century BCE. Matched pair of bronze chariot fittings depicting the demigod and mythical hero Hercules (Herakles). Herakles is depicted wearing the head and skin of the Nemean Lion, withSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Chariot Fittings (pr)Roman, Imperial period, ca. 1st to 3rd century BCE. A wonderful pair of matched, nearly identical, bronze chariot fittings, both in the form of a bust of a young, seemingly nude man. Each bust rises fSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Bronze Hunting Dog Chariot Fitting Pair1st-2nd century AD A pair of substantial hollow-cast fittings, each a large canine lying prone with head resting on the forelegs, tail curled to the rump, braided collar to the neck, fur texture to thSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Pair of Chariot DecorationsCirca 2nd century AD. A pair of cast bronze chariot fittings in the form of decorative hooks: each emerging from a flower, the upper body of a cupid with elaborate hair and full face, one with a cornuSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Pair of Figural Chariot FittingsCirca 2nd century AD. A pair of cast bronze chariot fittings each formed as a female bust on a hollow octagonal-section tube with sturdy c-shaped loop; the busts each modelled with coiled hair, peplosSee Sold Price
Large Roman Chariot Fitting Pair1st-2nd century AD. A pair of substantial bronze chariot fittings, each a hollow-square-section cap with lateral loops and baluster finial, upper face with draped swag and grapevine detailing, zigzagSee Sold Price
SoldRoman Isis-Fortuna Chariot Fitting Pair1st-3rd century AD. A pair of cast bronze chariot fittings with a bust of Isis-Fortuna modelled in the round, with piled hair and crossover robe; each with inset silver eyes, loop to the rear of the hSee Sold Price
Roman Isis Fortuna Chariot Fitting Pair1st-3rd century AD. A pair of cast bronze chariot fittings with a bust of Isis Fortuna modelled in the round, with piled hair and crossover robe; each with inset silver eyes, loop to the rear of the hSee Sold Price
Roman Eagle Chariot Fitting Pair1st-3rd century AD. A matched pair of large, hollow cast bronze chariot rein guide fittings, in the form of eagle heads with neck feathers clearly delineated above octagonal bases, the two side loopsSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Chariot Rein Guides - Cobras (pr)**Originally Listed At $4500** Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 2nd to 4th century CE. A pair of gorgeous cast-bronze chariot fittings, each with a large, round socket, and symmetrical arms that branch outSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Chariot Rein Guides - Cobras (pr)Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 2nd to 4th century CE. A pair of gorgeous cast-bronze chariot fittings, each with a large, round socket, and symmetrical arms that branch outward, resembling the heads of sSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Chariot Rein Guides - Cobras (pr)Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 2nd to 4th century CE. A pair of gorgeous cast-bronze chariot fittings, each with a large, round socket, and symmetrical arms that branch outward, resembling the heads of sSee Sold Price
Roman Bronze Chariot Rein Guides - Cobras (pr)Roman, Imperial Period, ca. 2nd to 4th century CE. A pair of gorgeous cast-bronze chariot fittings, each with a large, round socket, and symmetrical arms that branch outward, resembling the heads of sSee Sold Price
Rare19th Century Antique French Bronze Sculpture by Antoine Pierre Aubert Circa 1885San Diego Art Auction4.3(9)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
LATE 18TH C FRENCH PAIR OF GILT BRONZE STATUES OF THE GREEK GOD AND GODDESS OF WARThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
100% Solid Bronze Sculpture Chariot and Horses by Hans Muller German Artist DealHouse of Treasure4.4(51)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Roman Bronze Silenus Statuette Casket FittingTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
19Th Century 3 Piece Bronze & Marble Clock SetWorld of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Pair of Hollywood Regency Bronze and Marble Table Lamps, Corinthian Column FormJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
ANTIQUE 19C FRENCH GILT BRONZE CLOCK CANDELABRA SETAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Bronze, Roman soldier in chariot, two horses, Adrian Jones, European Bronze Finery, 10" by 6.5"Hudson Valley Auctioneers LLC Beacon NY4.7(554)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Attributed to Bernard Instone: A citrine and enamel ring and earringsLyon & Turnbull4.3(51)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
13 Roman Bronze Artifacts (Fibulae & Attachments)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
19th Century French gilt bronze and porcelain clock garnitureFellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
A turquoise and cultured pearl dress ring, together with a matching pair of clip earrings.Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024