SoldA late 19th century 9ct gold carnelian seal fob.A late 19th century 9ct gold carnelian seal fob. The coat-of-arms seal, to the intertwined snake and grouse scrolling pedestal. With later hallmarks for Birmingham, 2007. Length of seal 2cms. Length oSee Sold Price
SoldA late 19th century 9ct gold carnelian intaglio sealA late 19th century 9ct gold carnelian intaglio seal fob. The oval-shape carnelian panel, carved to depict a horse holding a pearl with monogram, to the fluted surmount. Approximate carnelian dimensioSee Sold Price
SoldA selection of four hardstone fob seals.A selection of four hardstone fob seals. To include an early 20th century 9ct gold carnelian fob depicting a bear in chains, an early 20th century carved agate fob, and two further late 19th century hSee Sold Price
SoldFour late 19th century and later 9ct gold hardstoneFour late 19th century and later 9ct gold hardstone fobs. To include a bloodstone monogram seal, together with an agate and carnelian swivel fob, and two further seals. Lengths 2.9 to 2cms. Weight 16.See Sold Price
SoldTwo late 19th century intaglio hardstone fob seals.Two late 19th century intaglio hardstone fob seals. To include a 9ct gold oval-shape bloodstone, carnelian and chalcedony swivel fob, together with a further chalcedony fob. Lengths 3 and 3.6cms. TotaSee Sold Price
SoldTwo 9ct gold fobs. The late 19th centuryTwo 9ct gold fobs. The late 19th century rectangular-shape quartz seal fob, with initial engraving, to the scrolling border and interlinked pedestal, together with an oval bloodstone and carnelian revSee Sold Price
SoldA selection of three late 19th century fob seals.A selection of three late 19th century fob seals. To include a 9ct gold monogrammed bloodstone fob with scrolling pedestal, a stylised shield-shape carnelian fob with foliate and grooved pedestal, togSee Sold Price
SoldA late 19th century 9ct gold agate seal fob.A late 19th century 9ct gold agate seal fob. The oval-shape agate, carved to depict a monogram with crown and stag crest surmount, to the grooved mount and tapered surmount loop. Length 2.8cms. WeightSee Sold Price
SoldA late 19th century gold carnelian fob seal.A late 19th century gold carnelian fob seal. The rectangular-shape carnelian, to the foliate scrolling pedestal mount. Length 3.3cms. Total weight 16gms.See Sold Price
SoldA late 19th century gold carnelian fob seal.A late 19th century gold carnelian fob seal. The oval-shape carnelian panel, carved to depict an armorial with winged crowned surmount and scrolling foliate surround. Length of seal 3cms. Weight 15.4cSee Sold Price
SoldA late 19th century gold carnelian fob seal.A late 19th century gold carnelian fob seal. The carnelian carved with an armorial, to the floral embossed mount and pedestal. Length of seal 1.9cms. Total weight 23.5gms.See Sold Price
SoldA late 19th century gold carnelian fob seal.A late 19th century gold carnelian fob seal. Of oval-shape outline, the carnelian carved to depict a crown and armoured gauntlet holding a battle axe, to the openwork pedestal. Length 4.4cms. Weight 1See Sold Price
SoldA late 19th century 15ct gold carnelian fob seal.A late 19th century 15ct gold carnelian fob seal. The oval-shape carnelian panel, carved to depict an armorial shield with rampant lion surmount, to the openwork pedestal. Length 3.7cms. Weight 11.3gmSee Sold Price
SoldTwo gem-set fobs. To include a late 19th century 9ctTwo gem-set fobs. To include a late 19th century 9ct gold bloodstone and carnelian swivel fob together with a gold plated rock crystal fob. Lengths 4.2 to 4.4cms. Weight 18.9gms.See Sold Price
SoldA late 19th century gold plated carnelian intaglio fob A late 19th century gold plated carnelian intaglio fob seal. The rectangular-shape carnelian intaglio, carved to depict a dog, to the scrolling pedestal. Length 2.2cms.See Sold Price
SoldA late 19th century 9ct gold orange paste intaglioA late 19th century 9ct gold orange paste intaglio fob seal. The oval shape orange paste moulded to depict two Grecian figures to the scroll design surmount. Touchstone tests as 9ct gold. Length 3.5cmSee Sold Price
SoldA selection of four late 19th century hardstone fobs.A selection of four late 19th century hardstone fobs. To include two 9ct gold swivel fobs, a carnelian fob engraved with a fox running through a field, together with a paste fob. Lengths 3.2 to 1.3cmsSee Sold Price
SoldA late 19th century hardstone swivel fob and watch key.Two late 19th century hardstone items. To include a 9ct gold carnelian and bloodstone swivel fob with crescent pedestal, together with an onyx and white chalcedony swivel watch key. Length of fob 2.8cSee Sold Price
SoldA selection of late 19th century, early 20th centuryA selection of items. To include three late 19th century 9ct gold dress studs, three early 20th century gold plated fob seals, a paste and marcasite pendant, together with further items. The dress stuSee Sold Price
SoldA selection of three late 19th century hardstone fobs.A selection of three late 19th century hardstone fobs. To include a 9ct gold carnelian and bloodstone barrel-shape fob, a 9ct gold bloodstone fob with knot pedestal, together with a foil back quartz bSee Sold Price
SoldTwo late 19th century bloodstone fobs. To include aTwo late 19th century bloodstone fobs. To include a bloodstone novelty horn fob, together with a 9ct gold bloodstone and carnelian swivel fob. Swivel fob with hallmarks for Birmingham, 1898. Lengths 3See Sold Price
SoldA late 19th century gold fob seal.A late 19th century gold fob seal. The oval-shape carnelian carved to depict a putti placing a wreath over two hearts, within the inscription 'Love Still Unites Us'. Length 2.8cms. Weight 6gms.See Sold Price
SoldA late 19th century gold hardstone fob seal. TheA late 19th century gold hardstone fob seal. The oval-shape carnelian, with engraved monogram within a thistle wreath and 'Dinna Forget' ribbon, to the scrolling foliate surmount. Length 2.7cms. WeighSee Sold Price
SoldFour late 19th to early 20th century 9ct gold swivelFour late 19th to early 20th century 9ct gold swivel fobs. To include one faceted citrine swivel fob, together with three carnelian and bloodstone swivel fobs. Two with hallmarks for 9ct gold. LengthsSee Sold Price
A Linen Cap with Gold Embroidery Together with Two Crochet CapsNazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Order āPour le Merite?? for Arts and SciencesLA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(151)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Georgian Gold Fob Seal Pendant with Helmetted Bust GemstoneTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
FABERGE - GOLD LETTER OPENER w. DIAMONDs, SOTHEBY'sV.N. Collectible4.4(248)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Silver ring with heraldic seal in carnelian agate, late 19th century.GOLDFIELD AUCTION4.3(32)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Neoclassical Gold Fob w/ Carnelian Intaglio Bow & ArrowArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Late 19th century 20ct gold sapphire & diamond crescent moon broochFellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024