A Songye Nkisi Community Power Figure Ex Gavigan CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Dogon female Shrine Effigy Ex Gavigan CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Very Old Nyamwezi Maternity Sculpture Ex Karl Zabel CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Very Fine Old Luba Janus Staff Ex Becker CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Lobi Bateba Protection from Magic Idol Ex Becker CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Ancient Janus Headed Komaland Artifact Ex Fuller CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Rare Antique Sotho Wooden Doll Ex Sam Hilu CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A Yoruba Ifa Divination Bowl Ex Karl Zabel CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
SoldA Large Lobi Shrine head, African Art.A Carved wooden Shrine head with tall slender spike and a finely carved head of a spirit of Bateba Thil. Lobi peoples, Burkina Faso, West Africa. The head measures 23.5 inches tall on custom display sSee Sold Price
SoldA Large Lobi bateba Shrine figure African ArtA fairly large carved wooden archaic looking sculpture with a well weathered surface and wonderful 'movement" suggested with the stylized form. Lobi peoples, Burkina faso, West Africa. The sculpture mSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Old Lobi Bateba Phuwe Shrine Idol, African ArtTall carved wooden spirit idol meant for a Shrine. Lobi peoples, Burkina Faso, West Africa. carved from a single piece of wood with obvious weathered and wear. The Statue was known as a "Bateba Phuwe"See Sold Price
SoldEroded Old Lobi Bateba Thil Shrine Idol, African ArtThis is a rare old and field used Shrine idol from the Lobi peoples of Burkina Faso, West Africa. Carved from a light wood with highly stylized faces and form, exaggerated facial features, large forehSee Sold Price
SoldMonumental Lobi Bateba Ti Puo Shrine Idol African ArtLarge carved wooden idol from the Lobi peoples of Burkina faso, West Africa. Carved from a heavy dense wood and featuring a male ancestor with his arm raised high in the air. The Lobi carve bateba toSee Sold Price
Lobi Magic fetish, Shrine Idol leg with Human headCarved wooden magic fetish from the Lobi of Burkina faso, West Africa. Wooden idol in the form of a human leg with ancestral face and head atop the bent leg. A powerful example of African Art and magiSee Sold Price
SoldLobi Magic fetish, Shrine Idol leg with Human headCarved wooden magic fetish from the Lobi of Burkina faso, West Africa. Wooden idol in the form of a human leg with ancestral face and head atop the bent leg. A powerful example of African Art and magiSee Sold Price
SoldA Fine Old Lobi Shrine Idol Ex Gansler CollectionA Highly stylized female effigy or bateba ( Spirit Idol) with encrusted sacrificial patina as well as classic form, tall conical head and protruding navel. Lobi peoples, Burkina faso, Africa. The sculSee Sold Price
Lobi Bateba female figure, African artLobi Bateba female figure, Burkina Faso. Hardwood, dark patina, traces of time and erosion. Standing female statue, large open legs, arms down detached from the body, oval head, globular eyes, lips anSee Sold Price
Lobi snake figure, Burkina Faso. African artLobi snake figure, Burkina Faso. Hardwood, dark glossy patina. Standing on a small circular base, this big sculpture has a snake body supporting a large human head. Dimensions. Heads: 39,4 in. - 100 cSee Sold Price
Lobi Bateba female statue, Burkina Faso. African artLobi Bateba female statue, Burkina Faso. Hardwood, light brown patina, missing feet. Standing female figure: bent arms along the body, legs apart, oval head, large protruding ears, triangle-shaped nosSee Sold Price
Lobi Bateba female figure, Burkina Faso. African artLobi Bateba female figure, Burkina Faso. Hardwood, patina of use, pigment. Standing female figure: arms along the body, open legs, oval-shaped head with very strong features and large, open, oval eyesSee Sold Price
SoldLOBI BATEBA SHRINE SCULPTURE OF MALE & FEMALE SLAVESLarge sculpture of a male and female pair of slaves or captives. carved from a single piece of dense and heavy wood with refined features and some evidence of shrine use, minor areas of wear.Lobi peopSee Sold Price
SoldERODED OLD LOBI BATEBA SHRINE IDOLA fairly large carved wooden archaic looking sculpture with a well weathered surface and wonderful 'movement" suggested with the stylized form. Lobi peoples, Burkina faso, West Africa. The sculpture mSee Sold Price
LARGE AFRICAN LOBI HARDWOOD STANDING FIGUREStanding Naked Man, with typical helmet form head, a "Bateba Phuwe", the Lobi live in a vast geographical area that stretches from Burkina Faso, to the Ivory Coast and into Ghana, these figures dot thSee Sold Price
Old Lobi Bateba Thil Shrine Idol wearing CapThis is a rare old and field used Shrine idol from the Lobi peoples of Burkina Faso, West Africa. Carved from a light wood with highly stylized face and form, Colon like facial features, large safariSee Sold Price
SoldA Lobi "Gemini" female Shrine IdolA carved wooden female effigy in a unique Janus Form, a female idol with two torso and heads but only one lower half of the body. Perhaps some esoteric idol created as a medium to the spirit world. LoSee Sold Price
SoldSmall African Carved Wood FigurePossibly a shrine or fetish figure. Elongated head with large, bulging eyes. Simply carved with arms against the body, hands clasping belly, no legs. Encrusted with organic material, suggesting ritualSee Sold Price
SoldAFRICAN ANTIQUE EROTIC CARVING19th c. Bateba Thil Shrine Couples Fertility Figure, Lobi Peoples, Burkina Faso, the male standing in back, hands around the female's hips, she bends over, her head turned to one side, 13 1/2" tall. NSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Ewe 3 headed Female Shrine fetish, VoodooThis is a large and fascinating older carved wooden shrine idol from the Ewe peoples of Togo / Dahomey, West Africa. The idol has been painted white and features 3 heads looking in every direction witSee Sold Price
SoldRare Lega Monkey Skull Hunting Shrine IdolThis is a most unusual find, a carved wooden effigy with a Monkey skull embedded into the head and large round ears to aid in hearing while hunting. The effigy was part of a Hunters shrine and sacrifiSee Sold Price
SoldRare Old Yoruba Female Holding Snake, Shrine sculptureThis is a rare authentic old and field used female spirit or ancestor sculpture with highly stylized form and shown holding a large snake above her head. Carved wood , incised coiffure, areas of sacriSee Sold Price
African Katsina Standing Shrine Figure, ex-ArnovickAfrica, Katsina, modern day Nigeria, ca. 200 BCE to 100 CE. This large clay standing figure -- which was once probably a funerary marker -- has a proportionally large head and a long, cylindrical bodySee Sold Price
A SUPERB LOBI HEAD SCULPTUREA Very fine and energized sculpture of a Lobi head stake, or "Thilbou Yo", designated as a shrine object with protective properties, such objects are revered among the Lobi peoples. This example is quSee Sold Price
Large African Lobi, Burkina Faso, large Pendant. Copper alloy.Succetti Gallery4.6(84)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Gabon 1950 Old Tribal Fang people Reliquary Guardian Figure 41x12x10 cmArs Coin Wien4.5(42)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A Lobi Bateba Protection from Magic Idol Ex Becker CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Nkisi Power Figure with Two Heads, Bakongo People, DR Congo/Zaire500 Gallery4.5(64)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
BEMBE Alunga Helmet janus Mask Congo Drc African Tribal Art 0747Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Large Singiti HEMBA Ancestor Figure Statue Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1793Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
BAULE Large 27 " Mask African Art Baoule Ivory Coast African Art 1714Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Ancient Sokoto Head Fragment 500 BC African ArtifactTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
African Art large decorative chief figure TSHOKWE Chokwe statue ANGOLAJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
20th C. Yoruba Wood Eshu Shrine Figure, Standing MaleArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024