A LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. CHARALAMBOS Russian, Vetka,A LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. CHARALAMBOS Russian, Vetka, 2nd half 19th century Tempera on wood panel with kovcheg. Two selected saints on the borders. The background and border stripped to gesso, restoredSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. HARALAMBIUS Russian, Vetka,A LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. HARALAMBIUS Russian, Vetka, 2nd half 19th century Tempera on wood panel. Executed on a gold ground, ornately punched. Four selected saints on the borders showing the four HierSee Sold Price
A LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. DIMITRY Russian, Vetka, 19thA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. DIMITRY Russian, Vetka, 19th century Tempera on wood panel. The halo made of silver, covered by a golden lacquer. The upper and the right border added. 39.8 x 33.4 cm. GROSSESee Sold Price
A LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. MENAS Russian, Vetka, 19thA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. MENAS Russian, Vetka, 19th century Tempera on wood panel. Two selected saints on the borders: St. Haralampi and St. John Chrysostom. The background made of silver, covered bySee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Russian,A LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Russian, Vetka, 19th century Tempera on wood panel. The background made of silver, covered by a golden lacquer. The prophet Elijah appearing on the left bordeSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Russian,A LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Russian, Vetka, 19th century Tempera on wood panel. The saint shown frontal, shoulder-length, with a short beard, painted traditionally, his face rendered witSee Sold Price
SoldGROSSFORMATIGE IKONE MIT DEM HEILIGEN NIKOLAUS VON MYRAA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Russian, Vetka, 19th century Tempera on wood panel. The saint portrayed frontally half-length flanked by Christ and the Mother of God, the Feodorovskaya MotheSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Russian,A LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Russian, Vetka, 19th century Tempera on wood panel. Executed predominantly in reds on a gold ground. Four selected saints on the borders. Restorations. 39,8 xSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Russian,A LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Russian, Vetka, mid 19th century Tempera on wood panel. The halo made of silver, covered by a golden lacquer. The halo and the garments engraved with foliage.See Sold Price
A LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Russian,A LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Russian, Vetka, 19th century Tempera on wood panel. The background gilded. The halo and the border engraved with scrolling foliage. Vertical crack restored, oSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MOZHAYSK Russian,A LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MOZHAYSK Russian, Vetka, 2nd half 19th century Tempera on wood panel. Executed in bright colours on a gold ground. Restored. 54 x 44 cm. GROSSFORMATIGE IKONE MIT DSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Russian,A LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Russian, Vetka, 19th century Tempera on wood panel. Two selected saints on the borders. The background stripped to gesso, losses. 40 x 33.5 cm. GROSSE IKONE MSee Sold Price
SoldGROssFORMATIGE IKONE MIT DEM HEILIGEN NIKOLAUS VON MYRAA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Russian, Vetka 19th century Tempera on wood panel. The background made of silver, covered by a golden lacquer. Traditionally painted. Wearings, the edges miniSee Sold Price
SoldGROSSE IKONE MIT DEM HEILIGEN NIKOLAUS VON MYRAA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Russian, Vetka, mid 19th century Tempera on wood panel. The golden background and border engraved with foliage. Minor losses, partially restored. 44.5 x 37.8See Sold Price
SoldA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. GEORGE KILLING THE DRAGONA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. GEORGE KILLING THE DRAGON Russian, Vetka, 2nd half 19th century Tempera on wood panel. The background and border made of silver, covered by a golden lacquer. Two selected sainSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE VITA ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MOZHAYSKA LARGE VITA ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS OF MOZHAYSK Russian, Vetka, early 19th century Tempera on wood panel. Executed on a gold ground, the border decorated with foliage. Gilding worn, vertical crack.See Sold Price
SoldA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS THE MIRACLE WORKERA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. NICHOLAS THE MIRACLE WORKER Russian, Vetka, 19th century Tempera on wood panel. Finely executed on a gold ground. Finely engraved with foliate patterns. Four selected saints oSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. JOHN, THEOLOGIAN IN SILENCEA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. JOHN, THEOLOGIAN IN SILENCE Russian, Vetka, late 19th century Tempera on wood panel. The background made of silver, covered by a golden lacquer. Four selected saints on the boSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. JOHN THE FORERUNNER FROM AA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. JOHN THE FORERUNNER FROM A DEISIS Russian, Vetka, 1st half 19th century Tempera on wood panel. The background made of silver, covered by a golden lacquer. Minimally restored.See Sold Price
GROSSFORMATIGE VITA-IKONE DES HEILIGEN CHARALAMPIOSA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. CHARALAMPOS WITH SCENES FROM HIS LIFE Russian, Vetka, early 19th century Tempera on wood panel. The background made of silver, covered by a golden lacquer. Four selected saintSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. JOHN THE FORERUNNER FROM AA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. JOHN THE FORERUNNER FROM A DEISIS Russian, Vetka, 19th century Tempera on wood panel. Executed on a gold ground. Minimal vertical crack, minimally restored. 53.3 x 44.3 cm. GRSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. GEORGE KILLING THE DRAGON ANDA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. GEORGE KILLING THE DRAGON AND CHRIST, THE BLESSED SILENCE Russian, Vetka, 19th century Tempera on wood panel. Four selected saints on the borders. The borders minimally restorSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. JOHN THE FORERUNNER FROM AA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. JOHN THE FORERUNNER FROM A DEISIS VORLÄUFER AUS EINER DEESIS Russian, Vetka, 19th century Tempera on wood panel. The halo and the border made of silver, covered by a golden lSee Sold Price
GROSSFORMATIGE VITA-IKONE DER HEILIGEN MARIA VONA LARGE ICON SHOWING ST. MARY OF EGYPT WITH SCENES FROM HER LIFE Russian, Vetka, 2nd half 19th century Tempera on wood panel. The haloes gilded. Minimally restored. 45 x 38 cm. GROSSFORMATIGE VITA-IKOSee Sold Price
Unknown Artist - 19th Century Russian Icon (St. Gabriel)Dane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
ANTIQUE RUSSIAN ICON ST JOHN CHRYSOSTOM W SILVER RIZAAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
[Large]. Russian icon "Our Lady of Passion". - Russia, 18th cent. - 59x72 cm.ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
[Large]. Russian icons "Deesis". - Russian North, 18th cent. - 40x48 cm (each).ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
[Large]. Russian icon "Our Lady of Kazan". - Russia, Palekh, 18th cent. - 54x46 cm.ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
[Large]. Russian icon "Last Supper". - Russia, 19th cent. - 59x44 cm.ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
[Large]. Russian icon "Resurrection". - Russia, 19th cent. - 109x134,5 cm.ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
[Large]. Russian icon "Our Lady of Tolgsk" with selected saints. - Russia, 19th cent. - 44x53 cm.ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
[Large]. Russian icon "Saint Prophet Elijah in the Wilderness". - Russia, 19th cent. - 54,5x71 cm.ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
[Large]. Russian icon "Resurrection" with 12 Great Feasts. - Russia, 19th cent. - 44x53 cm.ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
[Large]. Russian icon "Calendar icon for month November". - Russia, Vladimir region, 19th cent. -ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
[Large]. Russian icon "Saint Barbara" with icons of Our Lady and Christ, selected saints". - CentralARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
[Large]. Russian icon "Christ the Almighty Enthroned (Deesis)". - Russia, Mstera, late 19th cent. -ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
[Large. Rare]. Russian icon "Our Lady of Georgia". - Russia, Vetka, 19-20th cent. - 44x52,7 cm.ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Russian vita icon "St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow" - Russia, 20th cent . - 39,2x31,2 cm.ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
[Large]. Russian icon "Our Lady of Smolensk". - Russia, 19th cent. - 13,5x16 cm.ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
[Large]. Russian icon "Dormition of the Virgin Mary". - Russia, 19th cent. - 24x29 cm.ARTMAXIMUM4.3(4)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024