SoldA large Greek black-glazed kylixA large Greek black-glazed kylix, c. 4th Century BC, with pedestal foot, the wide bowl with palmette at center and a delicate handle at either side. Repaired. A very handsome example with nice glossySee Sold Price
SoldA large Greek black-glazed kylixA large Greek black-glazed kylix, c. 5th Century BC, with pedestal foot, upturned handles and attractive glossy surfaces. H: 4 in (10.1cm). Ex South German private collection of an artist and art collSee Sold Price
A large Greek black-glazed kylixA large Greek black-glazed kylix, c. 5th Century BC, with pedestal foot, upturned handles and attractive glossy surfaces. H: 4 in (10.1cm). Ex South German private collection of an artist and art collSee Sold Price
A large Greek black-glazed kylixA large Greek black-glazed kylix, c. 5th Century BC, with pedestal foot, upturned handles and attractive glossy surfaces. H: 4 in (10.1cm). Ex South German private collection of an artist and art collSee Sold Price
SoldGreek Black-Glazed Stemmed KylixMagna-Grecia, Ca 4th century BCE. Large wine cup - stemmed kylix - in black glazed finish, with wide foot, raised stem and two sweeping handles. Interior decorated with large red section which may havSee Sold Price
A Greek black-glazed footed kylixA Greek black-glazed footed kylix, 4th Century BC, the small bowl on pedestal foot and flanked by two large horizontal handles. 2 x 6 in (2.5 x 15.2 cm). Light weathering. Ex Los Angeles private colleSee Sold Price
SoldGreek Blackware Stemmed Kylix / Wine CupMagna Graecia, South Italic, ca. 350 BCE. A very large wine cup, perfect for all you oenophiles, this fine stemmed black glazed kylix (drinking cup) boasts an attractive form with a raised stem, a paiSee Sold Price
Greek Pottery Blackware Stemmed KylixMagna Graecia, South Italic, ca. 350 BCE. A very large wine cup, perfect for all you oenophiles, this fine stemmed black glazed kylix (drinking cup) boasts an attractive form with a raised stem, a paiSee Sold Price
SoldA GREEK BLACK-GLAZED KYLIX Circa 4th Century B.C. OfA GREEK BLACK-GLAZED KYLIX Circa 4th Century B.C. Of typical form, the tondo is decorated in raised relief, depicting a female head in profile surrounded by a ring of incised palmettes and concentricSee Sold Price
SoldA large Greek black-glazed lekythos/olpeA large Greek black-glazed lekythos/olpe, 4th Century BC, the rounded body on flared ring foot, the neck short and narrow with wide spout and strap handle. Much of the original black glaze remains, thSee Sold Price
SoldA large Greek black-glazed olpeA large Greek black-glazed olpe, c. 4th Century BC, the rounded body with flared base, trefoil pouring spout and single handle. H: 9 ½ in (24.3 cm). Ex BC Antiques, Los Angeles, closed in the 1970’See Sold Price
SoldCampanian Greek black-glazed kylixA choice Campanian Greek black-glazed kylix, Magnia Graecia, c. 4th Century BC, the wide, shallow bowl with ridge mid-wall, the interior adorned with impressed palmettes. 10 5/8 in (27.2 cm). A lovelySee Sold Price
SoldA large Greek black-glazed cupA large Greek black-glazed cup, c. 4th Century BC, the shallow bowl with wide rim and ring foot, a single loop handle at side. H: 2 in (5cm), D: 5 3/4 in (14.7cm). Mounted on a large base. Ex FloridaSee Sold Price
Attic Greek Black Glazed KylixGreece, Athens, Attica, ca. 525 to 475 BCE. An ancient Attic Greek black glazed kylix, a wine cup, with a disk foot and attenuated lateral handles. Kylix is the name -- used since antiquity -- for shaSee Sold Price
SoldA large Greek black glazed skyphosA large Greek black glazed skyphos, c. 4th - 3rd Century BC, with horizontal loop handles and heavy mineral deposits. H: 5 ½ in (14.1cm). Ex Birmingham, UK private collection.See Sold Price
A Greek black-glazed kylixA Greek black-glazed kylix, 4th Century BC, on pedestal foot with shallow bowl and two horizontal handles. W: 9 in (22.9 cm). Light deposits. Ex Orange County private collection.See Sold Price
Campanian Greek black-glazed kylixA choice Campanian Greek black-glazed kylix, Magnia Graecia, c. 4th Century BC, the wide, shallow bowl with ridge mid-wall, the interior adorned with impressed palmettes. 10 5/8 in (27.2 cm). A lovelySee Sold Price
SoldA Campanian Greek black-glazed kylixA Campanian Greek black-glazed kylix, 4th Century BC, the shallow bowl with ring foot and wide handles, the interior decorated with impressed palmette design. W: 10 1/4 in (26.1 cm). Ex Orange CountySee Sold Price
Campanian Greek black-glazed kylixA Campanian Greek black-glazed kylix, 4th Century BC, the shallow bowl with ring foot and wide handles, the interior decorated with impressed palmette design. W: 10 1/4 in (26.1 cm). Ex Orange CountySee Sold Price
A large Greek black glazed oinochoeA large Greek black glazed oinochoe, Magnia Graecia, c. 4th Century BC, with wide pouring spout, ridged sides, a band of laurel leaves with incised vine and a satyr head at the base of the handle. H:See Sold Price
A very large Greek black glazed hydriaA very large Greek black glazed hydria, c. 4th Century BC, with a band containing vertical lines around the shoulder, a wave device above a below, another band containing lines around the neck and whiSee Sold Price
A Greek black-glazed kylix, Magnia GraeciaA Greek black-glazed kylix, Magnia Graecia, 4th Century BC, with glossy black surfaces and pedestal foot. 3 x 7 7/8 in (7.6 x 20 cm). Surface deposits and old repair. Ex Connecticut private collectionSee Sold Price
A Greek black-glazed kylixA Greek black-glazed kylix, 4th Century BC, on pedestal foot with shallow bowl and two horizontal handles. Width 9 in (22.9 cm). Light deposits. Ex Orange County private collection.See Sold Price
A Greek black-glazed kylixA Greek black-glazed kylix, 4th Century BC, on pedestal foot with shallow bowl and two horizontal handles. Width 9 in (22.9 cm). Light deposits. Ex Orange County private collection.See Sold Price
Greek Attic Black Figure Ware Kylix with Chariot SceneTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Greek Black Glazed Terracotta Hydria with FiguresTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
A probably Italian large and imposing pair cracked glazed ceramic vasesOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A Large Chinese Antique Mirror Black/Dark Brown Glazed Porcelain Vase, DrilledNeo FineArts Inc4.4(13)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Ancient Ceramic Pottery Vessel & Pitcher 2pc. LOTHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Large Framed Print of Horseshoe Bend in Marble Canyon, Colorado River, by Gary LaddRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A LARGE 19TH CENTURY CHINESE BLACK GLAZED POTTERY FIGURE OF A HORSE Tang style. 36 cm x 26 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Framed Large Photograph of Lake Powell Glen Canyon Recreation AreaRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
TREVOR LINGARD (B.1952). LARGE WATERCOLOURHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceJul 12, 2024
TREVOR LINGARD (B.1952) A LARGE PAIR OF WATERCOLOURSHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceJul 12, 2024