SoldA KUROGAKI WOOD NETSUKE OF A SHISHI MASKA KUROGAKI WOOD NETSUKE OF A SHISHI MASK Unsigned Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) A kurogaki (black persimmon) wood netsuke of a Shishi mask with an articulated jaw. The Shishi has finelySee Sold Price
SoldMECHANICAL KUROGAKI WOOD MASK NETSUKE OF A SHISHIA MECHANICAL KUROGAKI WOOD MASK NETSUKE OF A SHISHI Unsigned Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) The Shishi head carved with movable floppy ears and a jaw. The tama on its head is used to contSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Wood Netsuke: Shi-shi MaskAntique Wood Netsuke: Shi-shi MaskAntique carved wood netsuke; in the form of a Shi-shi mask with moveable jaw, lacquered, and with inlaid eyes (some wear to lacquer and crack); Provenance: Christie'sSee Sold Price
SoldA KUROGAKI WOOD MASK NETSUKE OF KIYOHIMEA KUROGAKI WOOD MASK NETSUKE OF KIYOHIME Unsigned Japan, early 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) Published: Rutherston, Max (2017) Japanese Masks, Peter E. Muller, no. 46. The kurogaki (black pSee Sold Price
MASAMITSU: A KUROGAKI WOOD NETSUKE OF A SHISHI WITH CUBMASAMITSU: A KUROGAKI WOOD NETSUKE OF A SHISHI WITH CUB AND BROCADE BALL By Masamitsu, signed MasamitsuJapan, 19th centuryFinely carved from kurogaki (black persimmon) wood, depicting a shishi with onSee Sold Price
A wood netsuke of a boy wearing a Shishi mask.Attributed to Zaiyei Miwa (3rd), Tokyo, Late 18th century. , Late 18th century. Seated with a drum in front of him, the eyes of the mask are inlaid in ivory with black pupils. The top and bottom edgesSee Sold Price
SoldHIDEKAZU: A RARE WOOD MASK NETSUKE OF SHISHIHIDEKAZU: A RARE WOOD MASK NETSUKE OF SHISHI By Hidekazu, signed Hidekazu Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868) Expressively carved as the mask of a Shishi with a movable jaw revealing rows of tSee Sold Price
SoldA Japanese wood netsuke of a figure in a shishi maA Japanese wood netsuke of a figure in a shishi mask with drum, Meiji period (1868-1912) signed 4.25cm highSee Sold Price
SoldA WOOD NETSUKE OF A SHISHIMAI DANCER , the seated boyA WOOD NETSUKE OF A SHISHIMAI DANCER , the seated boy wears a shishi mask and beats at a drum clasped between his crossed legs, an ivory kinchaku applied at his waist, rectangular signature panel lackSee Sold Price
SoldCarved and Lacquered Wood Netsuke.Carved and lacquered wood shishimai netsuke, face turned to the left, a child holding the coattails of the lion dancer, his shishi mask turned to the left and with a fierce expression, his arms foldedSee Sold Price
SoldA POWERFUL WOOD MASK NETSUKE OF A SHISHI HEADA POWERFUL WOOD MASK NETSUKE OF A SHISHI HEADSigned Tomotada Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868)Very finely carved with a movable jaw, the mouth opening to reveal rows of teeth and a pointy,See Sold Price
SoldFOUR WOOD NETSUKEFOUR WOOD NETSUKE The fourth signed Tomokazu Japan, 19th century to Meiji period (1868-1912) The first depicting a boy with a Shishi mask, the second a boy pulling an ox, the third a tall netsuke of aSee Sold Price
SoldThree Ivory and Wood Netsuke, 19th century, a shisThree Ivory and Wood Netsuke, 19th century, a shishi with a ball, a box with a mask inside, and a section of bamboo.See Sold Price
SoldJAPANESE NETSUKEJAPANESE NETSUKE; Ceramic Shishi in celadon glaze, carved wood mask carver and ivory mask seller or storyteller, 19th/20th c.; Mask carver signed Ryukei; Tallest: 1 1/2''See Sold Price
19c netsuke SHISHI on base by TOKO19th century wooden netsuke of a shishi seated on a base, its head turned to the right and slightly up. Netsuke is carved out of kurogaki (black persimmon) with beautiful switch from black to golden bSee Sold Price
SoldJapanese Carved Wood Netsukes; Mask, Toads, Rat, Figures + Stand Ca. 1900, 7 pcsJapanese Carved Wood Netsukes; Mask, Toads, Rat, Figures + Stand Ca. 1900, 7 pcs | Six netsuke hand carved and circa 2". Plus one carved teakwood stand 3.5". Nice unique lot. Provenance: From the EstaSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Carved Wood Netsuke: MaskAntique Carved Wood Netsuke: MaskAntique carved wood mask netsuke; of Hyottoko, with typical different eye size and blowing one way; signed Sanenobu (usual minor wear), 19th CenturySee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE WOOD NETSUKE: Shi-shi木製根付 ANTIQUE WOOD NETSUKE: Shi-shiAntique carved wood netsuke; of a Shi-shi, with one paw up; signed, 19th CenturySee Sold Price
SoldCARVED WOOD NETSUKE: Shi-Shi木彫根付 CARVED WOOD NETSUKE: Shi-ShiCarved wood netsuke; of Shi-shi hunched over an openwork ball, containing a rattling ball insideSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Carved Wood Netsuke: Shi-shiAntique Carved Wood Netsuke: Shi-shiAntique carved wood netsuke; of a seated shi-shi baring its teeth (old loss to lower jaw and old crack), early 20th CenturySee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE WOOD NETSUKE: Shi-shi & Ball木製根付 ANTIQUE WOOD NETSUKE: Shi-shi & BallFinely carved, antique wood netsuke: of a seated Shi-shi with ball; with inlaid eyes and a loose ball inside its mouth; signed, 19tSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Japanese Carved Wood Netsuke / MaskJapan, Late 19th Century. Finely-carved from a piece of wood with movable jaw. 1-3/4" in length. The starting price is the lowest price at which piece can sell.See Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE CARVED WOOD NETSUKE: Mask Group木製根付 ANTIQUE CARVED WOOD NETSUKE: Mask GroupAntique carved wood netsuke group; depicting seven theatre masks, some with inlaid eyes; signed Gyokuzan; Provenance: Duke of GlSee Sold Price
Hand Carved African Ebony Wood Mask with Detailed ImagesCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Fine Large Songye Kifwebe Tribal African Carved Wood Mask DRCArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Dogon Tribal Kanaga African Carved and Painted Wood Mask Mali #1Ararity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Dogon Tribal Kanaga African Carved and Painted Wood Mask Mali #2Ararity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Signed Japanese Carved Wood Netsuke Inro FishermanPassion For Antiques4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
LUBA Kifwebe Wood Mask Congo DRC Baluba African Tribal Art Songye 0980Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
LEGA Lukwakongo Wood Mask Bwami Cult Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1192Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
2 Vintage Carved Masks Mounted on Ebony in Japanese StyleRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Carved Wood Netsuke in the form of an Octopus Clinging to a Rock. 2.8cm x 5.1cm x 3.2cm, weightHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY JAPANESE MEIJI PERIOD LACQUERED BOX WOOD MASK NETSUKE. 3.75 cm wide.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024