SoldSoutheast Asian Bronze Ganesa FigureSoutheast Asian bronze figure of Ganesa, Khmer, Angkor Wat style, the four-armed elephant-headed deity seated on a high square plinth, the anthropomophic figure wearing an ornate sampot, jewelery andSee Sold Price
Southeast Asian Bronze Ganesa FigureSoutheast Asian bronze figure of Ganesa, Khmer, Angkor Wat style, the four-armed elephant-headed deity seated on a high square plinth, the anthropomophic figure wearing an ornate sampot, jewelery andSee Sold Price
SoldSoutheast Asian Bronze Garuda FigurineSoutheast Asian bronze figure of Garuda, Khmer, Angkor Wat/Bayon style, standing with his winged hands clasping the necks of a pair of nagas (snakes), his claws resting on their curving bodies, the anSee Sold Price
Southeast Asian Bronze Garuda FigurineSoutheast Asian bronze figure of Garuda, Khmer, Angkor Wat/Bayon style, standing with his winged hands clasping the necks of a pair of nagas (snakes), his claws resting on their curving bodies, the anSee Sold Price
SoldA KHMER GILT BRONZE FIGURE OF BUDDHA MUCALINDAA KHMER GILT BRONZE FIGURE OF BUDDHA MUCALINDA, NAGA PROK, ANGKOR PERIOD Khmer Empire, later 12th century to earlier 13th century. Cast with Buddha seated on the coiled naga on a flat hollow base, theSee Sold Price
SoldA KHMER BRONZE OF BUDDHA MUCHALINDA, ANGKOR PERIODA KHMER BRONZE FIGURE OF BUDDHA MUCHALINDA, LATE ANGKOR PERIOD Khmer Empire, Bayon style, late 12th to early 13th century. Seated in dhyanamudra on the coils of Muchalinda, beneath the seven-headed caSee Sold Price
Khmer Bronze Figurine, Angkor Wat/BayonKhmer small two-part bronze figure of the Buddha, Angkor Wat/Bayon period, 12th/13th century, portrayed with regal attributes and seated in meditation under the seven-head hood of the naga king MucaliSee Sold Price
SoldA KHMER BRONZE FIGURE OF UMA, ANGKOR PERIODA KHMER BRONZE FIGURE OF UMA, ANGKOR PERIOD, BAYON STYLE Khmer Empire, 13th century. The goddess standing on a lotus flower, wearing a cylindrical makuta with a diadem-shaped tiara, a long finely inciSee Sold Price
SoldCambodian Khmer Bronze, Figure of UmaCambodian, 12th/13th century. Khmer angkor vat style patinated and oxidized bronze deity figure depicting Uma, standing barefoot with arms holding objects, wearing vertical striated sampot with centraSee Sold Price
SoldCambodian Khmer Bronze, Figure of UmaCambodian, 12th/13th century. Khmer angkor vat style patinated and oxidized bronze deity figure depicting Uma, standing barefoot with arms holding objects, wearing vertical striated sampot with centraSee Sold Price
SoldKhmer Angkor Vat Style Bronze Seated Buddhaca. 12th century. Seated in virasana. His right hand in bhumisparthamudra. Measures 10'' high.See Sold Price
SoldKhmer-Style Large Angkor-Style BronzeKhmer style large bronze figure, portraying the Buddha as a king with crown and strands of jewels but wearing monastic garments, the hands held to the front and supporting a small medicine jar, the smSee Sold Price
SoldKhmer Bronze Figure of Hindu Shiva 18th-19th CEighteenth- or nineteenth-century patinated bronze figure of the Hindu god Shiva holding attributes, sculpted by the Khmer people in the style of the Angkor period. Features include four arms and a peSee Sold Price
Khmer Bronze Figure of Hindu Shiva 18th-19th cEighteenth- or nineteenth-century patinated bronze figure of the Hindu god Shiva holding attributes, sculpted by the Khmer people in the style of the Angkor period. Features include 4 arms and a peaceSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE BRONZE FIGURE OF AVALOKITESHVARA, ANGKOR PERIOD, BAYON STYLEA LARGE BRONZE FIGURE OF AVALOKITESHVARA, ANGKOR PERIOD, BAYON STYLE Khmer Empire, 12th-13th century. Finely cast, standing in samabhanga atop a square plinth, holding in his four hands a water vesselSee Sold Price
Sold19th Century Khmer Bronze Temple Guardians or LionsCa. 19th century bronze Khmer Temple Guardian or Lion figures (a pair), in the Angkor period, style of Banteay Srei 10th century. The “guardians of the gateâ€, are placed around the outside oSee Sold Price
SoldKhmer Seated Bronze Buddha with NagaCambodia, Khmer empire, Angkor period, ca. late 11th to early 12th century CE. Seated bronze Buddha, protected by the multi-headed hooded cobra, Naga. He sits with crossed legs, hands to his lap atopSee Sold Price
SoldKhmer Seated Bronze Buddha with NagaCambodia, Khmer empire, Angkor period, ca. late 1100s - early 1200s. Seated bronze Buddha, protected by the multi-headed hooded cobra, Naga. He sits cross-legged, hands to his lap atop a three tieredSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Khmer Style Bronze Temple Guardians or LionsA pair of antique Khmer style Temple Guardian or Lion figures (a pair), in the Angkor period, style of Banteay Srei 10th century. The “guardians of the gate”, are placed around the outside of a teSee Sold Price
SoldA BRONZE FIGURE OF VISHVAKARMAN, BAYON, 13TH CTA RARE AND TL-TESTED KHMER BRONZE FIGURE OF VISHVAKARMAN, BAYON STYLE, 13TH CENTURY Khmer Empire, circa 1225. Seated on a double base and carrying a hoe over his right shoulder, wearing a crown, heavySee Sold Price
SoldKhmer Bronze Figure of Parvati (Uma)Cambodia, Angkor Period, Ca 13th century CE. Bronze figure, Bayon Style, shown standing upon an integral plinth, depicts the goddess standing straight, holding a rolled up scroll in her left hand andSee Sold Price
SoldPair Bronze Khmer Seated Buddha Muchalinda StatuesTwo early cast bronze figures of the seated meditating Buddha on a three tier throne, being sheltered by the Naga Muchalinda, the Serpent King. The hands of Buddha are modeled in Dhyana mudra, the gesSee Sold Price
SoldKHMER GRANITE SCULPTURE 11TH C.Seated Figure of Uma (Adi Parashakti), Cambodia, Khmer, Angkor Period, Baphuon Style, 11th century, with remnants of integral pedestal and background, roughly 26" x 14" x 8". Weathered.See Sold Price
KHMER GRANITE SCULPTURE 11TH C.Seated Figure of Uma (Adi Parashakti), Cambodia, Khmer, Angkor Period, Baphuon Style, 11th century, with remnants of integral pedestal and background, roughly 26" x 14" x 8". Weathered.See Sold Price
GILT BRONZE SEATED FIGURE OF GREEN TARA INLAID WITH MULTI-JEWELMega International Auction4.3(62)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A Fine Gilt-bronze Seated Figure of ShakyamuniEastern Art Auction House4.7(149)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Otto Gutfreund 1889-1927 Cubist Bronze SculptureHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A Large 19th C. French Louis XV Style Gilt & Patinated Bronze Figural Mantle ClockAuction Plus, Inc.4.3(5)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Chinese Bronze Figure of Manjusri, Ming Dynasty.Turner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(313)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Bronze, surreal Picasso style figure, European Bronze Finery, 6" by 8"Hudson Valley Auctioneers LLC Beacon NY4.7(554)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A LARGE EMPIRE STYLE DORE BRONZE AND MARBLE CLOCKLouvre Antique Auction4.3(118)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
French 19th Century Carved Walnut Buffet and Server Luigi FruliniGLOBAL NETWORTH AUCTIONS4.1(36)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Near-Miniature 16th C. Thai Bronze Buddha (Lanna)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Southeast Asian Bronze Seated Figure of a BohdisattvaHayloft Auctions4.4(19)See Sold PriceMar 11, 2024
18th C TIBETAN GILT BRONZE SEATED FIGUREA.H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals4.7(392)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
10th C. Khmer Bronze Standing Figure Uma / ParvatiArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
12th C. Khmer Bronze Vessels & Naga Tripod Legs, 3 pcsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Neoclassical Style Seated Psyche Bronze SculptureAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025