SoldA Group of HOe Rolling StockA group of HOe Rolling Stock comprising 0-4-0 blue Tank Loco, Liliput StLB Rolling Stock comprising 2 x green and cream Bogie Coaches, green Steirer Bar Bogie Coach, grey Bogie Goods Van, green 4-wheeSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of HOe Rolling StockA group of HOe Rolling Stock comprising Liliput 0-6-0 Tank Loco, Jouef 0-4-0 green Tank Loco, Eggerbahn 4-wheel Open Wagon, unboxed Rolling Stock includes Open style Bogie Coach, 4-wheel Coach with doSee Sold Price
SoldHOe - A Group of Locos and Rolling StockHOe group of Locos and Rolling Stock comprising Lilliput 7033 Train Set containing 0-6-2 green Tank Loco, 3 x SKGLB 4-wheel Rolling Stock (Baggage Car, all 3rd, 2nd/3rd), oval of track, conditions ExcSee Sold Price
SoldNarrow Gauge HOe Locos and Rolling StockNarrow Gauge HOe a group of Locos and Rolling Stock comprising, Kitbuilt 2 x 0-6-0 Steam Locos, 2 x 0-4-0 Steam Locos, 2-6-2 Prairie Tank, 2-4-0 small Industrial Tank, 2 x Closed Passenger Cars, 3 x OSee Sold Price
SoldNarrow Gauge HOe Locos and Rolling StockNarrow Gauge HOe, a group of Locos and Passenger Rolling Stock both kitbuilt and proprietary comprising Jouef 2 x 0-4-0 green Tank Locos, Liliput 0-6-0 Tank Loco, 0-6-2 black Tank Loco, 2-6-2 maroon TSee Sold Price
SoldHO-e OBB Passenger and Goods Rolling StockHO-e a group of OBB Passenger and Goods Rolling Stock comprising Roco 3 x brown livery Bogie Coaches (34003 1st/2nd, 34004 2nd Class, 34005 Brake/2nd), Stangl Modellbahnen 4 x lined brown livery BogieSee Sold Price
SoldA Quantity of Liliput HOe Rolling StockA quantity of Liliput HOe Rolling Stock comprising 711 11 0-6-2 Zillertalbahn Tank Loco No.1, 2 x grey Zillertalbahn Bogie Vans with veranda, 2 x StLB brown Open Wagons, 2 x StLB Goods Vans, StLB BogiSee Sold Price
SoldHO-e Rolling Stock, Track and AccessoriesHO-e Rolling Stock, track and accessories comprising Pola B211 Engine Shed, Roco small quantity of track, Egger-Bahn right hand electric point, Minitrix a small quantity of track, Peco SLE491X R/H poiSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 2-Rail - A Group Rolling StockHornby Dublo 2-Rail a group of Superdetail Passenger Rolling Stock comprising 4 x 4078 BR maroon Sleeping Car, 4075 BR maroon Passenger Bogie Brake Van, 4060 brown and cream 1st Class Open, 4050 brownSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin - A Group of Rolling StockHO Marklin, a group of Rolling Stock (mainly unboxed), trackwork and Model Catalogues including 4610 Hopper, 2 x 4506 Closed Van (one boxed), 4 x tinplate Bogie Coaches (DSG Restaurant Car), 2 x greenSee Sold Price
SoldHO - A Group of Rolling StockHO a group of Rolling Stock comprising Roco 4316 Breakdown Crane (yellow cab with silver jib), 3 x DB blue and cream Passenger Cars (1st Class, Brake 2nd, Baggage), 6 x DB green livery Passenger CarsSee Sold Price
SoldHO - A Group of Rolling StockHO group of Rolling Stock comprising Roco 43780 Bo-Bo SNCF Overhead Electric Loco No.22387, two tone grey livery, condition Near Mint to Mint in Near Mint box, Rolling Stock comprise 5 x Roco SNCF twoSee Sold Price
SoldHO Marklin - A Group of Rolling StockHO Marklin a group of Rolling Stock comprising 45093 Aeroplane Transport pack containing 3 x 4-wheel Flat Cars, disassembled grey Aeroplane along with packing case, 48792 wagon pack containing LedererSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Railways - a group of Rolling StockHornby Railways a group of Rolling Stock comprising 7 x MGR Wagons, 6 x BRT Tank Wagon, 9 x BP Chemical Tank Wagons, 4 x Continental Ferry Van, GLW Closed Van, Blue Circle Cement V Tanker, unlabelledSee Sold Price
SoldTrix Trains - A Group of Rolling StockTrix Trains a group of Rolling Stock comprising 1963 De-luxe Coachbuilder Kit for BR maroon Buffet Car (contents checked and are complete), 1943 Coachbuilder Kit for BR maroon Buffet Car (incomplete wSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Railways - a group of Rolling StockHornby Railways a group of Rolling Stock comprising 8 x BRT Grain Wagon, 4 x weathered Mineral Wagon, 3 x Blue Circle Cement Wagon, 8 x Silo Wagon, 7 x Mineral Wagon, 2 x Brake Van, Lime Wagon, 21tonSee Sold Price
SoldHO - A Group of Rolling StockHO a group of Rolling Stock by various manufacturers comprising Marklin 43581 DB blue and grey livery Double Deck Passenger Car, Electrotron 3208 Talgo 6 Car Articulated Coach Set, 51818K Bogie TankerSee Sold Price
SoldMinitrix - A Group of Rolling StockN Gauge Minitrix a group of BR maroon Mk.1 Passenger Rolling Stock comprising 9 x 2929 Composite, 3 x 2922 Brake/Composite, conditions range from Good Plus to Excellent Plus in Good to Excellent rigidSee Sold Price
SoldGraham Farish - A Group of Rolling StockN Gauge Graham Farish a group of Rolling Stock comprising 3 x 0686 crimson and cream Mk.1 2nd Class, 2 x 0696 crimson and cream Mk.1 Brake/Composite, 4 x 0608 Caledonian crimson and white livery 57' 3See Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-Rail - A Group of Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-Rail a group of Pre-nationalisation tinplate Rolling Stock comprising NE Goods Van, NE Fish Van, NE Highsided Coal Wagon, conditions Excellent to Excellent Plus in Good Plus to ExcellenSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Rolling Stock by Märklin Gauge H0Group of Rolling Stock by Märklin Gauge H0 Hamo locomotive series 52, no. 8393. Post wagon set no. 41576. 20 post and passenger wagons from the series "Post Museum Shop". 9 further Märklin wagons anSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-rail - A Group of Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-rail a group of Rolling Stock comprising LMS maroon 3rd Class Coach (pale blue box dated 6/49), D1 LMS Meat Van (pale blue box dated 3/48), Royal Daylight Tanker with Write For PrincesSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-Rail - A Group of Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-Rail a group of tinplate Goods Rolling Stock with metal wheels comprising Esso Royal Daylight Tanker, Mobiloil Tanker, yellow Shell Oil Tanker, green Power Petrol Tanker, 2 x 16 ton MinSee Sold Price
SoldHo-e Locos, Rolling Stock and TrackworkHo-e Locos, Rolling Stock and Trackwork comprising Egger-Bahn 711100 Quarry Train pack consisting of 0-4-0 Quarry style Loco No.4 and 6 x Quarry 4-wheel Wagons, Loco 34510 pair of Bogie Quarry Open WaSee Sold Price
Group Lot of 5 Lionel O27 Rolling Stock Freight CarsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Huge Lot of 60+ HO Gauge Rolling Stock TrainsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Large Lot of HO Gauge Rolling Stock Freight and Box CarsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Group of Lionel postwar original instruction sheets for rolling stockToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024