SoldA GROUP OF FOREIGN COSTUME DOLLS early to mid 20tA GROUP OF FOREIGN COSTUME DOLLS early to mid 20th century, composition and celluloid, some losses. Estimate $50-$100See Sold Price
SoldA VINTAGE TOY & TEDDY BEAR GROUP early to mid 20tA VINTAGE TOY & TEDDY BEAR GROUP early to mid 20th century, consisting of a 12-inch mohair teddy bear, a child's toy stove, matchbox boxes and other doll and novelty items. Estimate $50-$100See Sold Price
Sold6 JAPANESE NINGYO DOLLSA GROUP OF 6 JAPANESE NINGYO DOLLS early to mid 20th century. For Boy's and Girl's Day Festivals, with heads and hands in gofun, carved and inset glass eyes. Decorated with elaborate costumes and accoSee Sold Price
SoldAN ORIENTAL DECORATIVE ART GROUP early to mid 20tAN ORIENTAL DECORATIVE ART GROUP early to mid 20th century, comprising an ormolu figure of Buddha, Satsuma jar, plique-a-jour tea bowl, India brass tray, brass temple bell and other items. The BuddhaSee Sold Price
Sold12-PIECE VINTAGE PORCELAIN GROUP early to mid 20t12-PIECE VINTAGE PORCELAIN GROUP early to mid 20th century. Including a 4.5-inch Royal Bayreuth shell cream jug, Royal Dux parrot, Jasperware 3-piece tea set and other items. Estimate $75-$150See Sold Price
SoldA THREE PIECE WICKER PORCH GROUP early to mid 20tA THREE PIECE WICKER PORCH GROUP early to mid 20th century consisting of a chaise lounge, matching arm chair and handled basket. Estimate $150-$250See Sold Price
SoldA VINTAGE DECORATIVE ARTS GROUP, early to mid 20tA VINTAGE DECORATIVE ARTS GROUP, early to mid 20th century, consisting of a brass Ansonia bucket dated 1866, a cast iron 'ship' doorstop, pair of Scotty dog wooden bookends, ivorene plaques, a souveniSee Sold Price
SoldAN ORIENTAL DECORATIVE ART GROUP early to mid 20tAN ORIENTAL DECORATIVE ART GROUP early to mid 20th century, consisting of a boxed artist brush set, carved ivory bird group, a hardstone brush washer, together with two bronze museum gift figures. EstSee Sold Price
Sold12 CHINESE THEATRICAL CHARACTER DOLLSA COLLECTION OF 12 CHINESE THEATRICAL CHARACTER & COSTUME DOLLS early to mid 20th century, depicting various characters in finely painted detail and embroidered clothes. Height 9 inches.See Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF COSTUME JEWELRY early to mid 20th centA GROUP OF COSTUME JEWELRY early to mid 20th century including bangles, broaches and clips together with 4 pieces of Nippon porcelain. Estimate $20-$40See Sold Price
SoldA FOREIGN COSTUME DOLL COLLECTION 30 PIECES mid 2A FOREIGN COSTUME DOLL COLLECTION 30 PIECES mid 20th century, representing various countries. Estimate $50-$100See Sold Price
SoldELEVEN PIECE BLACK AMERICANA FOLK ART DOLL GROUP,ELEVEN PIECE BLACK AMERICANA FOLK ART DOLL GROUP, EARLY TO MID 20TH CENTURY. Including a black litho cloth face and mohair teddy bear topsy turvy doll, New Orleans souvenir pin cushion dolls, hand madSee Sold Price
Group of Chalkware Doll Parts Early to Mid CenturyGroup of Chalkware Doll Parts Early to mid century. Some are intact while others have breaks as shown in photos. The longer arms measure close to 5 1/4" in length.See Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF 12 JAPANESE NINGYO DOLLS, EARLY TO MIDA GROUP OF 12 JAPANESE NINGYO DOLLS, EARLY TO MID 20TH CENTURY. Dressed in period style clothing, representing various activities, one pair mounted as a group. Largest height 13.5 inches (34 cm).See Sold Price
SoldA FINE GROUP OF 7 VINTAGE SANTAS early to mid 20tA FINE GROUP OF 7 VINTAGE SANTAS early to mid 20th century Japan. 6 with composite faces and felt suits, the largest with crepe paper suit. Height 4 inches to 9 inches. Estimate $100-$200See Sold Price
SoldA VINTAGE COSTUME JEWELRY GROUP early to mid 20thA VINTAGE COSTUME JEWELRY GROUP early to mid 20th century, over 25 pieces, including mother-of-pearl and milifiori. Estimate $50-$100See Sold Price
SoldGroup of eight Native American skookum dolls, earGroup of eight Native American skookum dolls, early/mid 20th c., tallest - 14''.See Sold Price
SoldGroup of twelve Native American skookum dolls, eaGroup of twelve Native American skookum dolls, early/mid 20th c., tallest - 14''.See Sold Price
Sold7 PC 14 KT SILVER & COSTUME JEWELRY GROUPA 7-PIECE 14KT, SILVER & COSTUME JEWELRY GROUP early to mid 20th century. Consisting of a Chinese necklace with coral beads, a "Brookraft" floral form broach, a Coro Craft sterling enameled bird formSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Early Doll Clothing, mid-19th century, inGroup of Early Doll Clothing, mid-19th century, including two cotton print dresses with leg-o-mutton sleeves, both ht. 8.25; a fine cotton corset, pantalets, suede britches, cotton nightgown, and fineSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Early Doll Clothing, mid-19th century, inGroup of Early Doll Clothing, mid-19th century, including a finely patterned cotton cape, ht. 10, metallic trimmed apron, cotton drawstring pocket, white cotton dress, ht. 11, and a fine wool lavenderSee Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF TIN TOYS AND DOLL ITEMS early to mid 2A GROUP OF TIN TOYS AND DOLL ITEMS early to mid 20th century, including wash boards, sewing machine and telephone. Estimate $50-$75See Sold Price
Sold3 Russian tea cozy stockinete dolls, early-mid 20t3 Russian tea cozy stockinete dolls, early-mid 20th centurySee Sold Price
Sold3 Russian tea cozy stockinete dolls, early-mid 20t3 Russian tea cozy stockinete dolls, early-mid 20th centurySee Sold Price
4.1/4" Tall Native American Doll, Very Early with tag from 1935 Rabbit fur and Leather ThisHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pair Early 20th C. Skookum Dolls Original BoxesEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
[POSTCARDS]. [NATIVE AMERICANS]. Group of Fifty-four Postca...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[POSTCARDS]. [JAPAN]. Group of Thirty-six Better Vintage Ja...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
English Porcelain Figurines Incl. Majolica Palmer Cox Brownie, Royal Doulton, Etc.Hoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Antique Toy Soldiers & Figurines Incl. Johillco Medieval Soldiers, Cold Painted Animals, GermanHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Asian Decorative Arts Incl. Chinese & Japanese Porcelain Vases, Etc.Hoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Early to Mid 20th Century, Detroit Area Pop (soda) Bottle And Crate Collection, 90 pcsDuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
THREE VINTAGE DUTCH ZENITH DECORATED SMOKING PIPESAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024