English Georgian Walnut Pembroke Table, early 19th c., H.- 28 in., W.- Closed- 21 1/2 in., Open- 42Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
SoldA GEORGIAN MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLE, with folding flapsA GEORGIAN MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLE, with folding flaps and end drawer, supported on tapering legs with castors. 3ft 2ins extended.See Sold Price
SoldA GEORGIAN MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLE with folding flap,A GEORGIAN MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLE with folding flap, drawers either side on a centre column ending in quadruple curving legs with brass castors. 3ft 4ins long.See Sold Price
SoldA SMALL GEORGIAN MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLE with plainA SMALL GEORGIAN MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLE with plain top, folding flaps, end drawer with brass handles supported on tapering legs with brass castors. 3ft extended.See Sold Price
SoldA GEORGIAN MAHOGANY BUTTERFLY PEMBROKE TABLE with plainA GEORGIAN MAHOGANY BUTTERFLY PEMBROKE TABLE with plain folding flaps, single end drawer on square legs. 3ft 5ins extended.See Sold Price
Sold19th C. English Georgian Mahogany Pembroke TableEnglish, early 19th century. English Georgian mahogany Pembroke table with rectangular drop flaps or leaves, all above a single frieze drawer with interior fitted for two inkwells and a compartment, oSee Sold Price
SoldA Georgian mahogany pedestal Pembroke table withA Georgian mahogany pedestal Pembroke table with rectangular flaps terminating on pillar and shaped quadruped supports w116xd120xh74cmSee Sold Price
SoldFurniture - A Georgian mahogany pembroke table wiFurniture - A Georgian mahogany pembroke table with rule jointed drop flaps and frieze drawer, raised on square tapering legs with brass cappings and castors. (33.75in x 21.5in x 28.75in closed)See Sold Price
SoldFurniture - A Georgian mahogany pembroke table wiFurniture - A Georgian mahogany pembroke table with rule jointed drop flaps and frieze drawer, raised on square tapering legs with brass cappings and castors. (33.75in x 21.5in x 28.75in closed)See Sold Price
SoldA Georgian mahogany pembroke table, with two rule-jointA Georgian mahogany pembroke table, with two rule-jointed flaps and end frieze drawer above shaped apron, supported on square chamfered legs. (33.75in x 34in x 28in extended)See Sold Price
SoldA GOOD MAHOGANY OVAL PEMBROKE TABLE with crossbandedA GOOD MAHOGANY OVAL PEMBROKE TABLE with crossbanded top, folding flaps, single frieze drawer, supported on tapering legs with brass claw castors. 3ft extended.See Sold Price
A GEORGE III MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLE with cross-bandedA GEORGE III MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLE with cross-banded top, folding flap, end drawer with brass handles and supported on tapering legs with brass capped casters. 3ft 3ins extended. £100-150.See Sold Price
SoldA GEORGIAN STYLE MAHOGANY INLAID SOFA TABLE, withA GEORGIAN STYLE MAHOGANY INLAID SOFA TABLE, with folding flap, two small drawers, on end supports with brass claw castors. 142cms (extended) x 53cms wide.See Sold Price
SoldA GEORGIAN MAHOGANY SOFA TABLE with inlaid top andA GEORGIAN MAHOGANY SOFA TABLE with inlaid top and folding flaps, two frieze drawers and brass handles, supported on tapering legs with brass castors. 4ft 6ins long extended.See Sold Price
Georgian mahogany Pembroke tableGeorgian mahogany pembroke table,mahogany top with two drop flaps above two frieze drawers with original brass knobs,standing on four elegant square tapering legsFantastic colour and condition32 x 25See Sold Price
SoldFurniture - A Georgian mahogany pembroke table, tFurniture - A Georgian mahogany pembroke table, the rectangular top with two drop flaps supported on square column legs, with oak lined frieze drawer mounted with knob handle. (24.5in x 24in x 27.5in)See Sold Price
SoldA Georgian mahogany pembroke table, the rectangular topA Georgian mahogany pembroke table, the rectangular top with two drop-flaps, raised on square tapering legs. (18in x 38in x 28.5in)See Sold Price
SoldFurniture - A Georgian mahogany pembroke table, tFurniture - A Georgian mahogany pembroke table, the wide top with two rule-jointed drop flaps, above a cockbeaded frieze drawer opposing a dummy drawer, mounted with beaded drop handles, raised on squSee Sold Price
A Regency mahogany pembroke table, the flame mahoganyA Regency mahogany pembroke table, the flame mahogany crossbanded top with a pair of folding flaps, single end drawer and opposing dummy drawer, supported on a square tapering column to four scrolledSee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE LATE GEORGIAN MAHOGANY D-END DINING TABLE, theA LARGE LATE GEORGIAN MAHOGANY D-END DINING TABLE, the centre section with folding flaps with D-ends, turned and tapering legs with castors. 8ft 5ins long.See Sold Price
SoldGEORGIAN STYLE INLAID MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLEAmerican. By Baker. With two shaped flaps above a frieze drawer, raised on tapered square legs ending in cuffs. Height 27". Width 17". Depth 23 1/2". (200/300)See Sold Price
SoldA Georgian mahogany D end Pembroke table with eA Georgian mahogany D end Pembroke table with end drawer and pair of oval flaps raised on square tapered supports and brass castors h72x106x43cmSee Sold Price
Antique Pembroke Table in Mahogany, English, Georgian,This is an antique pembroke table in mahogany. An English, Georgian drop flap dining table dating to circa 1820. Fine example in select mahogany with attractive mid-tone pallet Grain interest with desSee Sold Price
SoldGeorgian Mahogany Pembroke TableGeorgian mahogany Pembroke table, circa 1790 29"h x 20.5"w x 28"d / leaf = 10.5"See Sold Price
HEPPLEWHITE STYLE MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
George III Mahogany Inlaid Pembroke Drop Leaf TableNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Baker Historical Charleston Pembroke table, mahogany, inlay, drop leafSouth Jersey Auction by Babington Auction Inc4.6(123)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A GEORGIAN MAHOGANY SILVER TABLE the tray top over a single frieze drawer above applied shellAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
19th CENTURY ENGLISH MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLELewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
19th CENTURY ENGLISH MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLELewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
19th CENTURY GEORGIAN MAHOGANY DINING TABLELewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Late 19th C. English Mahogany Pembroke Drop Leaf TableNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A 19thc mahogany Pembroke table of high quality in the manner of Gillows,Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A Georgian mahogany coaching table / metamorphic table with a hinged top and folding base formedClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A late 18thC mahogany Pembroke table with a single drawer to one end and raised on four taperingClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A late 18thC / early 19thC mahogany Pembroke table with two shaped leaves to either side and fittedClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A mid / late 19thC mahogany Pembroke table with drop flaps to either side, a single small friezeClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
CIRCA 1850's PAINTED MAHOGANY FOLDING TABLELewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
English Georgian Walnut Pembroke Table, early 19th c., H.- 28 in., W.- Closed- 21 1/2 in., Open- 42Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Very Fine American Federal Fan and Bellflower Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke TableBrunk Auctions4.6(467)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024