Great Northern RR Tenshodo Brass 4-8-4 Northern DC Steam Loco and Tender-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Large Group Lot Lionel Trains & TracksThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
1933 GOUDEY GUM CO "BABE" RUTH BASEBALL CARDJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(502)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
100 Original Adult Magazine Risque Trading CardsSouth Florida Auction & Estate Sale Services IncSee Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Sealed Pokemon Base Set Booster Box Extemely RareLOS ANGELES ESTATE AUCTION4.5(275)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
BOX of FRENCHAL "UNBREAKABLE" TOY SOLDIERSJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(502)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SoldA DIVISION ONE NATURAL MATERIAL WAX RESIST BUTTON1 Large Asian figured Wax resist natural material button. The artist in making this button would lay wax out on the surface in the design they wanted to achieve and then dye the button with a darker dSee Sold Price
Sold1 DIVISION ONE RARE WAX RESIST FIGURAL PICTORIAL BUTTON1 19th century large size figural button on natural material. This is a scarce design I have never seen done in this Wax resist technique. Created on a large natural material disk. Wax resist is the tSee Sold Price
SoldA SMALL CARD OF DIVISION ONE NATURAL MATERIAL BUTTONS2 Large size buttons in natural material wafer style buttons. These two 19th century French natural material buttons have pierced patterns attached to wafer type bases. Very lovely. Dimensions: SM=LesSee Sold Price
SoldOne Division One Natural Material Star ButtonA very large and beautiful button with a carved star. This 19th century button is quite unusual and beautiful. The brass base has an original purple tint with a rope twist border with the same tint anSee Sold Price
SoldONE DIVISION ONE CARVED NATURAL MATERIAL PEACOCK BUTTON1 Medium size deeply carved and detailed Peacock button. This finely detailed natural material shows a full bodied and feathered Peacock on a self shanked base. Wonderful button. Dimensions: SM=Less tSee Sold Price
SoldONE DIVISION THREE MOTIWALA NATURAL MATERIAL BUTTON1 Large 20th century Motiwala button carved in natural material. Here is a wonderfully hand carved self shanked button from the Motiwala Studios in the late 1950's or early 60's and depicts a lovely wSee Sold Price
SoldONE DIVISION ONE HIGH RELIEF CARVED ANIMAL BUTTON1 Large medium 19th C. carved natural material animal button. The carving of this high relief wolf head is incredibly detailed and is a separately carved piece attached by two pins to a bone base withSee Sold Price
SoldA SMALL CARD OF DIVISION ONE SHIBAYAMA INLAY BUTTONS2 Small and medium size natural material shibayama buttons. This lot includes a scarce small oval with a horn inlay fly, and a medium size inlay bird and flowers with inlays of horn, jade, coral and pSee Sold Price
SoldA Card Of Natural Material Buttons Including Realistics2 Large carved natural material buttons. One is a realistic shaped flower head and the other is a high relief and deeply carved bouquet of flowers and is pierced. Issued: DIVISION 1=PRE 1918 AND DIVISSee Sold Price
SoldSETS OF S/M/L BUTTONS INCL. HORN AND WAX RESIST6 buttons in 2 sets of S/M/L including black dyed horn heads. Also included is the Wax Resist on natural material of an Asian women. All in fine condition.See Sold Price
Sold5 S/M/L NATURAL MATERIAL PICTORIAL BUTTONS5 S/M/L pictorial buttons executed in natural material. This lot consist of a large wax resist wafer with a horseshoe design, 2 realistic shaped carved fans with color pigmenting, a small Asian figureSee Sold Price
SoldONE DIVISION ONE HIGH RELIEF CARVED ANIMAL BUTTON1 Large 19th C. natural material realistic animal on a disk base. This is a very detailed self shanked example and is in excellent condition. Dimensions: SM=Less than 3/4", Medium=3/4" to 1 1/4". LargSee Sold Price
SoldA DIVISION ONE HAND PAINTED LADY UNDER GLASS BUTTON1 Large early 19th century hand painted figural under glass. Another beautiful example is this early 19th century hand painted on natural material od a lovely young lady. The beautiful various colorsSee Sold Price
SoldONE BEAUTIFULLY EXECUTED DIVISION ONE PORTRAIT BUTTON1 Medium size painting under glass of a pretty women. This example is hand painted on natural material and set under glass into a silver setting with a silver twist border. Notice the detail in the maSee Sold Price
SoldONE DIVISION ONE HAND PAINTING UNDER GLASS BUTTON1 Medium size 19th century "Pretty Lady" under glass button. This beautifully hand painted detailed lady is painted in beautiful skin tones on natural material and is signed. It is set under glass andSee Sold Price
2 Division One Hand Painted Under Glass Head Buttons2 Medium/Large 19th century hand painted natural material. These two beautifully executed ladies heads from the 19th century are set under glass and mounted in metal. The large example as you can seeSee Sold Price
SoldA Scarcer Set Of Realistic Buttons Of The 7 Gods7 Immortal Gods in hand colored natural material. Each one in realistic shape and in its original box. This is a harder set to find then the Arita sets. Issued: DIVISION 1=PRE 1918 AND DIVISION 3 IS ASee Sold Price
SoldFull Card Of Assorted Material Asian Buttons35 Small/Medium/Large assorted material buttons from Asia. this card includes buttons of the 7 gods, 19th century Satsuma, Kutani, Cinnabar, Mandarin buttons, a scarce medium Wax Resist on natural matSee Sold Price
SoldA DIVISION 1 HAND PAINTED UNDER GLASS BUTTERFLY BUTTONOne medium 19th century hand painting under glass butterfly. This lot is for a beautifully created Butterfly on natural material under glass set in metal. Nicely done. Dimensions: SM=Less than 3/4", MSee Sold Price
SoldA DIVISION 1 HAND PAINTED UNDER GLASS BLUEBIRD BUTTONOne small 19th century hand painting under glass bird and scene. The artist of this small button was certainly talented to have been able to hand paint such a detailed painting on natural material. BeSee Sold Price
SoldA DIVISION 3 FOIL BACKGROUND SCENE UNDER GLASS BUTTON1 Large cut out natural material scene over foil from Motiwala. Here is one of the scarcest techniques out of the Motiwala studios in the late 50's early 1960's in India. These were designed from theSee Sold Price
SoldOne Division One Carved Natural Material Asian Head1 large size carved and tinted Asian head in a natural material. Certainly carved by a master craftsman as the detail is beautifully executed and in fine condition. Self shanked. Issued: DIVISION 1=PRSee Sold Price
SoldTWO DIVISION THREE NATURAL MATERIAL BUTTONS2 Small/Large 20th century buttons created in China in the 1990's. This lot includes a very nice large inlayed Shibayama button of a horse and rider and the other example is a cool small engraved andSee Sold Price
SoldTWO DIVISION THREE NATURAL MATERIAL BUTTONS2 Large 20th century buttons created in China in the 1990's. This lot includes a beautifully inlaid Shibayama floral. Dimensions: SM=Less than 3/4", Medium=3/4" to 1 1/4". Large=1 1/4" and above, extrSee Sold Price
3 Chinese Minority Pleated Skirt Textiles, China, Early-Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
RUSSIAN 88 SILVER JADE ENAMEL SAMOVAR EASTER EGG CASEAntique Arena Inc.4.5(852)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
(2 Pc) Antique Japanese Nature Scene Hanging ScrollsAkiba Galleries4.7(1.7k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
(7 Pc) Antique Beaded, Embroidered, And Chainmail PursesAkiba Galleries4.7(1.7k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
EIGHT WOODEN CARVED INK WELLS & DESK OBJECTSPridham's Auctions & Appraisals4.7(223)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024