A CHINESE SILK DRAGON TABLECLOTH & LACE TABLECLOTHS AA CHINESE SILK DRAGON TABLECLOTH & LACE TABLECLOTHS A lace and embroidered table cloth on white silk ground with two five clawed 'Imperial' dragons embroidered in white silk surrounding a central laceSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Dragon Silk Embroidered TableclothChinese Silk Embroidered Tablecloth, measures approx. 53.5'' x 74.5''. SHI $20.See Sold Price
Chinese Silk Tablecloth with Dragons, 19th CenturyA Chinese silk tablecloth dating from the 19th century. The tablecloth features a central framed scene with royalty and many attendants surrounded by 4 dragons. Each end features a scene with people aSee Sold Price
SoldA SET OF TWO CHINESE SILK PANELS AND A TABLECLOTH. 20THTwo Chinese silk panels with luxurious gold embroidery depicting a dragon and a phoenix in swirling clouds. A very beautiful tablecloth with a frill of white silk, the central part is decorated with eSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Blue-Ground Silk Tablecloth, 19th CenturyA Chinese blue-ground silk tablecloth dating from the 19th century. The tablecloth features 10 figures in front of a pagoda, surrounded by dragons, phoenix, Qilin, and bats among lingzhi clouds. DimenSee Sold Price
SoldFine Chinese Woven Brown Silk & Silver TableclothFine Chinese Woven heavy Brown Silk & Silver wrapped thread Tablecloth in a brocade pattern of 5-Claw Dragons with a border of the 12 animals of the Zodiac. Good condition. Length 72 inches (183 cm.)See Sold Price
SoldAntique Chinese Silk Butterfly TableclothThis is an antique Chinese silk tablecloth. The tablecloth features a wonderful embroidered design that shows butterflies and flowers. The tablecloth is marked "Made in China" on the back. The ChineseSee Sold Price
SoldA Chinese Lace Tablecloth and Napkin Set, Length 128 x A Chinese Lace Tablecloth and Napkin Set, having chrysanthemum and geometric decoration with embroidered embellishments, together with an additional eight piece napkin set, a nine piece Portuguese napSee Sold Price
SoldCIRCA 1900 AMERICAN SILK AND TATTED LACE TABLECLOTHTan Tatted Lace trimmed and interior banded tablecloth with watered French silk in a floral pattern, 88" x 52". Dry rot and staining to silk, tatting is good and could be salvaged.See Sold Price
Sold(40)+ Lace Place Settings(40)+ Lace place settings, includes linen tablecloths with lace inserts, silk tablecloths, groups of fine lace placemats, doilies and embroidered napkins.See Sold Price
SoldChinese Embroidered Pink Silk TableclothChinese Embroidered Pink Silk TableclothChinese pink silk tablecloth; of rounded square form with elaborate and finely embroidered birds and floral motif; weave hemline with long fringe (typical wearSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Chinese Silk Embroidered TableclothsTwo Chinese Silk Embroidered TableclothsTwo Chinese silk embroidered tablecloths: each rounded square form on cream ground with finely embroidered blossoming flowers amid vines and elaborate weave borSee Sold Price
SoldCHINESE RED SILK EMBROIDERED TABLECLOTH. The goldCHINESE RED SILK EMBROIDERED TABLECLOTH. The gold lined tablecloth or wall hanging adorned with flowers and people, 60 in. by 72 in.See Sold Price
Chinese Silk Table Cloth with Dragons, 19th CenturyA Chinese silk table cloth dating from the 19th century. The table cloth features a central framed scene with royalty and many attendants and surrounded by 4 dragons. Each end features a scene with peSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Silk Tablecloth, 19th CenturyA Chinese silk tablecloth dating from the 19th century. The table cloth features an orange center containing 4 flowering branches. The border depicts a black landscape with many figures, bats, floweriSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Silk Tablecloth of 8 Immortals, 19th CenturyA silk tablecloth of the 8 Immortals in a garden and amongst waves dating from the 19th century. It has a rope border. Dimensions are: 53 3/8 inches wide X 74 3/8 inches long. All measurements are appSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Silk Tablecloth, 18th CenturyA Chinese silk tablecloth dating from the 18th century. The table cloth features a floral design with silver threading. Dimensions are: 18 1/2 inches tall X 65 inches wide; 47 cm tall X 165.1 cm wide.See Sold Price
SoldCHINESE SILK TABLECLOTHS TWOCHINESE SILK TABLECLOTHS, TWO, 76" X 52":Floral Pattern. - One Has a Cranberry Color with Birds. / One Has a ' Peach Color with Floral Crystimums. Both are the same size.See Sold Price
Sold2 Chinese Silk Tablecloths. Both woven with scen2 Chinese Silk Tablecloths. Both woven with scenes depicting daily life. 134x192 & 134x134cmSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Vintage Circular Lace TableclothsEarly 20th century. One having large lace border, 45" Dia. Minor stains. Along with white cotton tablecloth with central lace motif and lace border. Large hand-embroidered roses in silk scattered throSee Sold Price
SoldA Chinese silk embroidered tablecloth having florA Chinese silk embroidered tablecloth having floral design along with two other embroidered tablecloths with matching napkins.See Sold Price
Sold18th Century Chinese Silk Embroidered Tablecloth18th Century Chinese Silk Embroidered Tablecloth with flowers and butterflies in Peking knot and satin stitch work in blues on an apricot satin background, bordered at the top with a length of pale grSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Black-Ground Silk Tablecloth, 19th CenturyA Chinese embroidered black-ground silk tablecloth with roundels and flowers dating from the 19th century. Dimensions are: 56 inches tall X 80 inches wide; 142.2 cm tall X 203.2 cm wide. All measuremeSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE TAMBOUR NET LACE TABLECLOTH 65x85Take a look at this beauty! It appears to be a Tambour Net Lace tablecloth or coverlet. It measures 65 x 85 inches. It features intricately embroidered Indo-Chinese Temple vignettes with several diffeSee Sold Price
Chinese Ink On Silk Fortune Dragon & Calligraphy Painting - Wang Xi ZhiQuan Rong Gallery4.3(332)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Lot 18 Vintage Embroidered & Hand Laced LinensThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Antique very long Chinese embroidery on silk using golden thread, familial scenes with dragon, goodNeely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Vintage Lace Embroidered Linen TableclothThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Tibetan Chinese 19C. Antique Silk Thangka PaintingHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Chinese Hand-Embroidered Yellow Silk Dragon RobeAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Vintage Embroidered Lace & Silk TableclothThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Older Hand Made Lace Tablecloth With Forest AnimalsClark's Auction Company4.6(440)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Handmade Lace Tablecloth, U.S. Sate Flowers MotifClark's Auction Company4.6(440)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
CHINESE TAI CHI KUNG FU DRAGON SILK UNIFORM JACKETAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
A Chinese Silk Yellow Embroidered Dragon Hanging ScreenAlden's Auction4.5(60)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024