Sold8 Lenses by Emil Busch, c. 1895-19088 Lenses by Emil Busch, c. 1895-1908 Emil Busch, Rathenow. 1) R.O.J.A. Weitwinkel Aplanat No. 2 Serie C. F:15, approx. 120 mm focal length, c. 1889, angular field 100°, rotating stop, Ø 2 1/3 in. -See Sold Price
Busch Wideangle Aplanat Ser. C. F:16 No. 1 Foc. 4 1/8Busch Wideangle Aplanat Ser. C. F:16 No. 1 Foc. 4 1/8 ins., Lens, c. 1900 Emil Busch A.-G. Rathenow. Export model, approx. 10,5 cm focal length (4 1/8 in.), iris stop, height 25 mm, Ø 1 3/5 in. NSee Sold Price
SoldConvertible Lens by Emil Busch, c. 1865Convertible Lens by Emil Busch, c. 1865 Emil Busch, Rathenow, Preussen. Approx. 30 cm focal length, front lens diameter 2 ¾ in., height of the lens with hood 8 ¼ in., lens diameter 4 ¾ in., opticsSee Sold Price
SoldStegemann 9 x 12 cm Reflex Camera, c. 1895Stegemann 9 x 12 cm Reflex Camera, c. 1895 A. Stegemann, Berlin. With solid focal plane shutter "Lewinsohn's Doppelroleau D.R.P.", working excellently. Lens by Emil Busch "Busch-Bis-Telar" Ser. II F:7See Sold Price
Sold"Rapid Aplanat No. 3" by Busch, c. 1900Rapid Aplanat No. 3 by Busch, c. 1900 "R.O.J.A. vorm. Emil Busch, Rathenow". Brass lens "Rapid Aplanat No. 3 Ser. D F:8", approx. 35 cm focal length, iris stop, height: 2 1/3 in., Ø 2 in. – Add-on:See Sold Price
SoldBusch Wideangle Aplanat Lens Ser. C. F:16 No. 1 Foc.Busch Wideangle Aplanat Lens Ser. C. F:16 No. 1 Foc. 4 1/8 ins., c. 1900 Emil Busch A.-G. Rathenow. Export model, approx. 10,5 cm focal length (4 1/8 in.), iris stop, height 25 mm, Ø 1 3/5 in. NeSee Sold Price
Sold3 Brass Lenses, c. 18903 Brass Lenses, c. 1890 1) Lacour Berthiot, Paris. Eurygraphe Anast. No. 8 Serie 11b 6,2/180 mm, iris stop, height 45 mm, with connecting ring. (3/3–4) – 2) R.O.J.A. vorm. Emil Busch. Rapid AplanaSee Sold Price
SoldRathenow (Busch) Petzval Lensapprox. 75cm focal length, large brass Petzval lens in very nice condition, clean lenses, barrel engraved: Rathenow Opt.Ind. Anst. vorm. Emil Busch, lens diameter c. 12.5cm, total height incl. hood: 3See Sold Price
SoldBrass Lens Emil BuschBrass Lens "Emil Busch" Emil Busch, Rathenow, Prussia, lacquered brass, length 4.2 in., with Waterhouse stop, screw mount 2.8 in., focal length approx. 20 cm. Rack-and-pinion focusing. Petzval-type wiSee Sold Price
Sold"Studien-Kamera" by Stegemann, c. 1916Studien-Kamera by Stegemann, c. 1916 Stegemann, Berlin. Plate size 9 x 12 cm, nice small studio camera, monorail system, polished wood with brass fittings, dark-red bellows, brass lens "Emil Busch PorSee Sold Price
SoldLandscape Lens "E. Busch", c. 1865Landscape Lens "E. Busch", c. 1865 "Emil Busch, Rathenow, Preussen", Petzval type, approx. 35 cm focal length, brass lens, for waterhouse stop, with lens hood and lens cap. Height of the lens with capSee Sold Price
SoldLaterna Magica with Emil Busch Lens for Glass Slides,Laterna Magica, stand of ash wood Germany, before 1910 Lens: Emil Busch, Rathenow Trademarks on stand and lens An original Laterna Magica from the time before 1910, which was used in large halls for pSee Sold Price
SoldDoppel Objectiv No. 2 F = 195 mm Mod. U. by Emil BDoppel Objectiv No. 2 F = 195 mm Mod. U. by Emil Busch, c. 1875 Emil Busch A.-G., Rathenow. No. 208360, brass lens, for waterhouse stop, rack-and-pinion focusing, with connecting ring, height: 4 3/4 iSee Sold Price
SoldDoppel Objectiv No. 2 F = 195 mm Mod. U. by Emil BDoppel Objectiv No. 2 F = 195 mm Mod. U. by Emil Busch, c. 1878 Emil Busch A.-G., Rathenow. No. 208999, nickel, rack-and-pinion focusing, big extension tube to push on (presumably projection lens), heSee Sold Price
SoldBusch Glaukar 2/8 cm Emil Busch A.-G., Rathenow, 1Busch Glaukar 2/8 cm Emil Busch A.-G., Rathenow. In special mount (for aerial hand camera?) and with auxiliary shutter. Cement imperfection at front element. - Legendary lens! Emil Busch A.-G., RathenSee Sold Price
SoldStereo Camera "Record", c. 1908Stereo Camera "Record", c. 1908 Hüttig, Dresden, stereo folding strut camera for plates 8,4 x 17,4 cm. With two Meyer & Co. Görlitz Aristostigmat 6,8/120 lenses, focal plane shutter not working. WitSee Sold Price
SoldIca Enlarger, c. 1910Ica Enlarger, c. 1910 Ica, Dresden. Enlarger and projector, with slider for two glass plates of 9 x 12 cm, electric illumination, back board not complete, brass lens by Emil Busch Rathenow, without raSee Sold Price
SoldBrakl´s Moderne KunsthandlungEmil Preetorius, c. 1908. 40.7 x 26.8 in / 103.4 x 68 cm. Imp. Vereinigte Druckereien & Kunstanstalten, München. Cond. B / LBSee Sold Price
SoldBusch Nicola Perscheid Lens 6/18 cm, c. 1912Busch Nicola Perscheid Lens 6/18 cm, c. 1912 Emil Busch, Rathenow. No. 326078, screw-mount approx. 55 mm, height 2 ¾ in., with connecting ring. Very rare and sought-after portrait lens! Objektiv BuscSee Sold Price
SoldBusch's Vademecum Satz No. 2, 1899Busch's Vademecum Satz No. 2, 1899 Emil Busch, Rathenow. Convertible lens set with all together 8 single-lens elements that can be combined to 27 different focal lengths ranging from 110 up to 350 mm.See Sold Price
SoldLot of Lenses, c. 1880–1920Lot of Lenses, c. 1880–1920 Approx. 26 lenses, various manufacturers: Emil Busch, Taylor & Hobson, Schneider, Rodenstock, Hermagis, Zeiss Jena, Krauss-Zeiss and some lenses unmarked, some with shuttSee Sold Price
Emil Busch Lenses (various)(1) R.O.J.A. vorm. Emil Busch Rathenow Portrait Aplanat no.4 F:6, focal length c.40cm, iris diaphragm missing, waterhouse stop, mounting ring, lens diameter c.5cm, total height incl. hood 11.5cm, (2)See Sold Price
SoldDerogy "Tourist" Camera, c. 1895Derogy "Tourist" Camera, c. 1895 "Chambre de Voyage Derogy". Derogy Opticien 33. Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Tailboard camera for plates 5 x 7 in., walnut brass trim, brass lens 1:8 in curtain shutter (See Sold Price
SoldJumelle Photographique, c. 1895Jumelle Photographique, c. 1895 Mackenstein, Paris. "Jumelle-style", magazine camera for plates 9 x 12 cm, body no. 413! Brass lens "Anastigmat 8/136 mm" by Carl Zeiss, pneumatic shutter, excellent coSee Sold Price
THE BIBELOT BY THOMAS MOSHER – 16 VOLUMES – 1895 TO 1908The Rug Life4.3(12)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Busch Pressman Camera w/ Schneider Super Angulon.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Marie Lokke, Illinois Farm Scene with HaystacksToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Silver cigarette case; plus a silver mounted glass scent bottle & a plated horseshoe vesta. (3).Fellows4.3(159)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
A Canon AE-1 35mm SLR Camera and Two Compact CamerasFlints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Sanderson Patent Half Plate Mahogany & Brass Field Camera,Flints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
An R.O.J.A Vorm Emil Busch Portrait Apanat No.4 LensFlints Auctions Ltd4.4(71)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
BADGER STEREOPTICON MAGIC LANTERN, DARLOT LENSAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024
(3) ANTIQUE CAMERAS, ONE SANDERSON JR GOOD COND.Austin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024
IMPROVED NO. 6 FOLDING KODAK CAMERA, 1895 MODELAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024
SCARCE GEORG CARETTA 'THE FACTORY' MAGIC LANTERNAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024