Sold8 German Morse Keys (Wehrmacht), c. 19428 German Morse Keys (Wehrmacht), c. 1942 1) Key T1, air force, Ln 26902. – 2) Army morse key, by Koncki & Krüger, Berlin. – 3) Ditto with rare baseplate. – 4) T17 key by Lorenz. – 5) T17a keSee Sold Price
Sold6 German and Army Morse Keys, c. 19426 German and Army Morse Keys, c. 1942 1) Army key type T1, with stamped swastika. - 2) Allei key, by Alfred Lindner, Leipzig. - 3) Reaction key by E. Zimmermann, Leipzig. - 4) Army key, type T17a, bySee Sold Price
SoldMedium-Wave Walter Receiver of the German Wehrmacht, c. 1942Medium-Wave Walter Receiver of the German Wehrmacht, c. 1942 Model MW.E.c, developed by Telefunken, various manufacturers, 9 tubes, frequency coverage 830-3000 kHz in two ranges, battery-operated (12/See Sold Price
SoldPortable Receiver Torn. E.b. "Berta" of the German Wehrmacht, c. 1942Portable Receiver Torn. E.b. "Berta" of the German Wehrmacht, c. 1942 Developed by Telefunken, various manufacturers, 4 tubes (RV2P800), frequency coverage 97-7095 kHz in eight ranges, battery-operateSee Sold Price
Sold6 German Army Morse Keys, c. 19416 German Army Morse Keys, c. 1941 1) Type Ta.P. (Paula), manufactured by Konski & Krüger. - 2) Airforce training key by dbf (Hoppmann & Mulsow). - 3) Army key type TKP. - 4) Army key T.2 by Lorenz.See Sold Price
SoldGerman Wehrmacht Radio Equipment, c. 1942German Wehrmacht Radio Equipment, c. 1942 1) 2 earphones Dfh.a, with cables and plugs, dated 1940 and 1942. - 2) Hand-held microphone, bakelite, with talk button. - 3) Luftwaffen remote receiver, withSee Sold Price
Sold8 Early Morse Keys8 Early Morse Keys 1) L.M. Ericsson & Co, Stockholm, c. 1880. – 2) Silent key by Siemens & Halske, c. 1871. – 3) Camel-back key, USA, c. 1870. – 4) Allei key, iron baseplate, c. 1935. – 5) GeSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of military items to includekhaki Garrison caps c. 1942, German ammo pouch, Julie Duff size 8 green kilt, white Jaypee holster, military hats with visors: US Coast Guard Auxilary Bancroft hat, Russian, US Navy and more.See Sold Price
SoldGerman WWII Helmet, c. 1942, one side with an eagle andGerman WWII Helmet, c. 1942, one side with an eagle and swastika decal, in original paint, with traces of the original leather liner, H.- 6 in., W.- 9 3/8 in., D.- 11 1/8 in.See Sold Price
SoldSpy Radio Transmitter, c. 1944'Spy Radio Transmitter, c. 1944 Made in a clandestine workshop, screw-fitted Pertinax case, crystal unit dated "Nov 1944", with Morse key, size 8 x 2 1/5 x 2 1/3 in. 'Kleines tragbares Spionage-FunkgeSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 8 German WWII issues of Die WehrmachtI-042 Lot of 8 different issues of the large format pictorial magazine "Die Wehrmacht". Includes one edition on 1940, two on 1941, three on 1942 and two on 1943. Pictorial articles include the AfrikaSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN MILITARY PINS, BADGES & STATUE C1942,GERMAN MILITARY PINS, BADGES & STATUE C1942, 8 PCS.:includes a cast metal Nuremburg Eagle on marble base with a wing span of 6" and 7" H. (less marble base, which measures 3/4" x 4" x 6"); also sevenSee Sold Price
SoldGerman WWII Horst C Radio Monitoring Receiver, 1942German WWII Horst C Radio Monitoring Receiver, 1942 Telefunken. No. 215935, Type Fu.H.E.c, SW receiver with 4 wave ranges (3.75-25.8 MHz), 10 valves (RV2P800), full-circle scale, battery-operated, repSee Sold Price
SoldOskar Schlemmer, Exlibris, Tut and Oskar, Linocut, c.Linocut on paper Germany, c. 1942 Oskar Schlemmer (1888-1943) - German painter, sculptor, set designer and teacher at the Bauhaus Exlibris from the bookstore Tut and Oskar Schlemmer Catalogue raisonn�See Sold Price
SoldGERMAN "UNGHANS" MAHOGANY CHIME MANTLE CLOCKGERMAN "UNGHANS" MAHOGANY CHIME MANTLE CLOCK WITH KEY, C. 1930, H 17", W 13", D 8":Hand chased metal face, Three key wind. With pendulum. Ex Estate of John and Jean Nichols, Novi, Mi.See Sold Price
SoldDemonstration Model Telegraph, c. 1920Demonstration Model Telegraph, c. 1920 Ink writer and Morse key, clockwork, on ground plate, 10 5/8 x 4 ¾ in. Telegraphen-Lehrmodell, um 1920 Farbschreiber und Morse-Taster, Federwerk, auf GrundplattSee Sold Price
SoldComplete German Morse Telegraph System, c. 1900Complete German Morse Telegraph System, c. 1900 Consisting of: C. Lorenz (Berlin) ink writer telegraph, Morse key with sprung contacts; F. Schuchardt galvanometer; box-type relay, lightning-protectionSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Telegraph System by Siemens & Halske, c. 1880German Telegraph System by Siemens & Halske, c. 1880 Used by the German Imperial Railway; comprising ink writer no. 77714, Morse key, relay, milliampere meter and switch; on ground plate, size 19 ¾ xSee Sold Price
C. F. Lewert, Morse Telegraph with Morse Key, Germany,Mahogany base, brass device Berlin, Germany, 1880 Manufacturer: C. F. Lewert, Berlin Marked: ‘C.F. Lewert Berlin No. 6074’ On flat mahogany box with drawer for paper-roll Dimensions: height 20 cm,See Sold Price
SoldGerman Telegraph System by Siemens & Halske, c. 1880German Telegraph System by Siemens & Halske, c. 1880 Used by the German Imperial Railway; comprising ink writer no. 77714, Morse key, relay, milliampere meter and switch; on ground plate, size 19 ¾ xSee Sold Price
German Telegraph System by Siemens & Halske, c. 1880German Telegraph System by Siemens & Halske, c. 1880 Used by the German Imperial Railway; comprising ink writer no. 77714, Morse key, relay, milliampere meter and switch; on ground plate, size 19 ¾ xSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Telegraph System by Lorenz, c. 1890German Telegraph System by Lorenz, c. 1890 C. Lorenz, Berlin. No. 14845, comprising ink-writer, Morse key, relays, milliampere meter and plug-in switch, on wood base, 20 ½ x 12 ¼ in. TelegraphenstatSee Sold Price
KARL BLOSSFELDT (German) Original vintage photogrKarl Blossfeldt (German, 1865 - 1932). "Saxifraga Aizoon (Saxifrage)". Original vintage photogravure. c1942. Printed 1942. Printed on one side of the paper only ("sur blanc"). 10 9/16 x 8 1/4 in. (268See Sold Price
KARL BLOSSFELDT (German) Original vintage photograKarl Blossfeldt (German, 1865 - 1932). "Laserpitium Siler". Original vintage photogravure. c1942. Printed 1942. 10 9/16 x 8 1/4 in. (268 x 210 mm). Printed on one side of the paper only ("sur blanc").See Sold Price
KARL GRIESBAUM ENAMELED SINGING BIRD BOXThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
KARL GRIESBAUM GERMAN SINGING BIRD BOXThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Late 19Th C. German Carved Wood And Composite FigureWorld of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
1942 GENERATION OF VIPERS by Philip Wylie BookThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Two Early 19th C. German Pewter Chargers, I.B. FINCK BLOCKZINNRivich Auction4.5(231)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
A Fine 19th C. German Meissen Hand Painted Porcelain Figural Clock Set, HallmarkedFive Star Auctions4.2(3)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Large 19th C. German Silver 800 Figural CenterpieceFive Star Auctions4.2(3)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Europa On The Bull, 19th C. German Meissen Hand Painted Porcelain Figural Group, HallmarkedFive Star Auctions4.2(3)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Metal Skeleton Key Bottle Opener CRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
19th C German Meissen Bowl & French Silver BaseAntiques Online Auctions4.6(410)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024