Sold76279 BB Marbles: Champion Swirl 19/32" 9.8OTHER MACHINE MADE, Champion Agate. Swirl of brown, blue and white. Pennsboro WV, circa 1945-1960. 9/16". Mint (9.6).See Sold Price
Sold70268 BB Marbles: Champion Agate Swirl 19/32" 9.870268 BB Marbles: Champion Agate Swirl 19/32" 9.8 OTHER MACHINE MADE, Champion Agate. Light blue and transparent brown swirled into opaque white. Pennsboro WV, circa 1950-1960. 19/32". Mint (9.8).See Sold Price
Sold82262 BB Marbles: Champion Swirl 19/32" 9.6OTHER MACHINE MADE, Champion Agate. Brown, orange and blue swirled in white. Beauty. Pennsboro WV, circa 1950-1960. 19/32". Mint (9.6).See Sold Price
Sold73121 BB Marbles: Gooseberry Swirl 19/32" 9.8SWIRL, Gooseberry. Transparent gooseberry olive base. Subsurface layer is a cage ofwhite strands. Germany, circa 1870-1915. 19/32". Mint (9.8).See Sold Price
Sold76297 BB Marbles: Metallic Swirl 19/32" 9.8OTHER MACHINE MADE, Swirl. Opaque bluish white base. Blue swirls. Light gray swirls. Silver metallic swirls. Unidentified manufacturer. West Virginia, circa 1945-1960. 19/32". Mint (9.8).See Sold Price
Sold74089 BB Marbles: Christensen Swirl 19/32" 9.8CHRISTENSEN AGATE COMPANY, Swirl. Grayish brown in light blue. CambridgeOH, circa 1927-1929. 19/32". Mint (9.8).See Sold Price
Sold79261 BB Marbles: Champion Agate Swirl 19/32" 9.OTHER MACHINE MADE, Champion Agate. Blue, white and brown swirl. Very nice. Pennsboro WV, circa 1955-1975. 19/32". Mint (9.9).See Sold Price
Sold79260 BB Marbles: Champion Agate Swirl 19/32" 9.OTHER MACHINE MADE, Champion Agate. Blue, white, red and brown swirl. Beauty. Pennsboro WV, circa 1955-1975. 19/32". Mint (9.9).See Sold Price
Sold92066 BB Marbles: Latticinio Swirl 19/32" 9.8SWIRL, Latticinio swirl. White latticinio core. Outer layer is four bands. Two are blue and white. Two are pink, blue and yellow. Germany, circa 1870-1915. 19/32". Mint (9.8).See Sold Price
Sold91240 BB Marbles: Metallic Swirl 19/32" 9.8OTHER MACHINE MADE, Metallic. Opaque white base. Blue swirl with metallic swirl on it. Very nice. West Virginia, circa 1945-1955. 19/32". Mint (9.8).See Sold Price
Sold74087 BB Marbles: Christensen Swirl 19/32" 9.8CHRISTENSEN AGATE COMPANY, Swirl. Yellow swirls in black. Cambridge OH,circa 1927-1929. 19/32". Mint (9.8).See Sold Price
Sold75068 BB Marbles: Coreless Swirl 19/32" 9.8SWIRL, Coreless. Transparent clear base. No core. Outer layer is four bands of green edged by white. Germany, circa 1870-1915. 19/32". Mint (9.8).See Sold Price
Sold78087 BB Marbles: Coreless Swirl 19/32" 9.8 SWI78087 BB Marbles: Coreless Swirl 19/32" 9.8 SWIRL, Coreless. Transparent clear base. Outer layer is six bands. Three yellow, one pink, one blue, one green. Germany, circa 1870-1915. 19/32". Mint (9.8)See Sold Price
Sold78070 BB Marbles: Latticinio Swirl 19/32" 9.8 S78070 BB Marbles: Latticinio Swirl 19/32" 9.8 SWIRL, Latticinio core. Pale white latticinio core. Outer layer is four bands. Two are orange and white, one green and yellow, one blue and yellow. GermanSee Sold Price
Sold75038 BB Marbles: Latticinio Swirl 19/32" 9.8SWIRL, Latticinio core. White latticinio core. Outer layer is four bands. Two are pink on white, two are blue on white. Germany, circa 1870-1915. 19/32". Mint (9.8).See Sold Price
Sold73060 BB Marbles: Latticinio Swirl 19/32" 9.8SWIRL, Latticinio core. Partial white latticinio core. Outer layer is four bands. Two areruddy orange, blue and white. Two are ruddy orange, green and white. Germany, circa1870-1915. 19/32". Mint (9.8See Sold Price
Sold78089 BB Marbles: Latticinio Swirl 19/32" 9.8 S78089 BB Marbles: Latticinio Swirl 19/32" 9.8 SWIRL, Latticinio core. White latticinio core. Outer layer is three bands. One is pink, blue and white. Other two are pink, green and yellow. Germany, cirSee Sold Price
Sold78077 BB Marbles: Solid Core Swirl 19/32" 9.8 S78077 BB Marbles: Solid Core Swirl 19/32" 9.8 SWIRL, Solid core. Three panel core. Each is yellow center with pink and green on it, flanked by white. Each is slightly lobed. Outer layer is three setsSee Sold Price
Sold85022 BB Marbles: Divided Core Swirl 19/32" 9.8SWIRL, Divided core. Four band core, encasing an air bubble. Two are pink and green on white, two are pink and blue on white. Outer layer is four sets of yellow strands. Germany, circa 1870-1915. 19/3See Sold Price
Sold77028 BB Marbles: Solid Core Swirl 19/32" 9.8SWIRL, Solid core. Opaque white core. Six bands on the core. Three are pink, three are teal. Outer layer is a cage of yellow strands. Germany, circa 1870-1915. 19/32". Mint (9.8).See Sold Price
Sold86241 BB Marbles: Machine Made Swirl 19/32" 9.8OTHER MACHINE MADE, Swirl. Opaque white base. Black and light blue swirls. Unidentified manufacturer. 19/32". Mint (9.8).See Sold Price
Sold76033 BB Marbles: CAC Flame Swirl 19/32" 9.8CHRISTENSEN AGATE COMPANY, Flame swirl. Stunning flame swirl. Opaque white base. Transparent red flames. Bright colors. Superb. A couple of tiny cold lines. Cambridge OH, circa 1927-1929. 19/32". MintSee Sold Price
Sold73104 BB Marbles: Divided Core Swirl 19/32" 9.8SWIRL, Divided core. Four band core, encasing an air bubble. Two are pink and greenon white, two are pink and blue on white. Outer layer is four sets of yellow strands. Germany,circa 1870-1915. 19/32"See Sold Price
Sold84088 BB Marbles: Christensen Exotic 19/32" 9.8CHRISTENSEN AGATE COMPANY, Exotic. Gorgeous two-seam swirl. Light blue, dark blue, white and brown. Super example. Cambridge OH, circa 1927-1929. 19/32". Mint (9.8).See Sold Price
Marbles: 8 Red/Orange Swirl Marbles,7 Assorted Patch Marbles, And About 40 Modern German MarblesRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
VINTAGE FENTON STYLE CRANBERRY OPALESCENT SWIRL LAMPCharleston Estate Services Ltd.4.5(64)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
2 Pieces BB Craig Folk PotteryBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024