EARLY ENGLISH BLUE & WHITE TRANSFERWARE CHINAFeb 25, 2024Japanese Meiji Bronze Censer BowlMar 12, 2024Archaeological Books - Wallis Budge - The Rosetta StoneMar 06, 2024Dorothea Tanning (American, 1910-2012) - Dans le DésordreFeb 28, 2024Maryan (Pinchas Burstein) (American/Polish, 1927-1977) - La ChatteFeb 28, 2024Chinese Blue & White JarFeb 25, 2024EUGÈNE GRASSET (1841-1917)Mar 03, 2024Silverplate Tabletop Picture Frame with Grapes Vintage 11 1/2" x 9 1/2"Feb 29, 2024Coin Silver Tureen w/ Cover Applied 3-D Grasshopper Ring Handles 55.1oztFeb 29, 2024Andre Beaudin - Feuilles evadees, 1972Mar 10, 2024Pierre Bonnard - La Vie de Sainte Monique (F), 1930Mar 10, 2024Jean-Gabriel Daragnes - Le Cirque, 1946Mar 10, 2024Andre Dignimont - Regard amoureux, Portrait de femme, 1946Mar 10, 2024Edouard Goerg - Paradis surrealiste, 1946Mar 10, 2024Jean Emile Laboureur - Bretagne : Promenade au calvaire, 1946Mar 10, 2024Adrian Lubbers - New-York, 1931Mar 10, 2024Adriaan Lubbers - New-York, 1931Mar 10, 2024Henri Matisse - Femme en buste, 1920 - Scarce!Mar 10, 2024Venetian glass tablewaresMar 07, 2024Antique Warwick China Footed Jardinière w/ HandlesMar 01, 2024(12) Vintage Pottery Kitchen and Table ItemsFeb 27, 2024Waldemar Theophil Fink Original Oil Painting On Board Framed Signed Animal ArtMar 10, 2024JUDAICA. Silver Hanukkah Oil Lamp Menorah.Mar 10, 2024Antique Chinese Blanc De Chine TeapotMar 09, 2024