Sold6 LIONEL 111 TRESTLE SETSO ga, w/extra empty ob, obs some wear & tape, C4-7. Complete information covering terms, conditions, payment and shipping is listed below. Please read and understand the information before bidding.See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - LIONEL Track & Switch Lot Plus022 O ga. Switches, ob w/insert; 16 Super O Straights; 3 Super O Curves; Boxed 160 Straight; 2 #111 Trestle sets, obs, but incomplete, Uncut 1954 Billboard Sheet, C-6(Very Good)See Sold Price
SoldThree boxed Lionel accessoriesThree boxed Lionel accessories, includes Santa Operating Gateman No. 6-14289, 7" x 8 3/4" x 7 1/2", 111 Elevated Trestle Set No. 6-12755 (6-12754), 10" x 7 1/2" x 3 5/*", and 145 Automatic Gateman NO.See Sold Price
ABT: Scarce Lionel #111 Trestle Set in Hillside OBPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: This is the #111 Trestle Set that Lionel made in the middle 1960s. Very scarce example with a Hillside Box; the value to this lot is the Box itself. Our OpinSee Sold Price
SoldLionel Accessory Lotincludes (2) Lionel 111 Trestle Sets, (2) O gauge remote control track sets and lionel 167 whistle controllerSee Sold Price
SoldTough Lionel 111-50 trestle set, Father and Son OBTough Lionel 111-50 trestle set for the Father and Son or Over and Under set. Outer OB is C7. Includes 41 footings, 20 110-A trestle piers, three 111-9 empty packets, two 110/111 inst. sheets and twoSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 111 Trestle 130 Super O 919 206 MINT BoxedLionel postwar 111 trestle set with factory packet and instruction sheet, four 130 super O 60 degree crossings, three 919 bags of artificial grass and 206 bag of artificial coal all in OBs. AccessorieSee Sold Price
SoldLionel Postwar five 111 Trestle Set MINT BoxedLionel postwar five 111 trestle sets all with 111-9 assembly packets and instruction sheets, except for one set that is missing the packet but has the hardware in OBs. Four of the sets are gray and onSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 110 111 156 332 332Lionel 110 and 111 trestle sets, complete in OBs, C5; 156 station platform, some paint chips on roof O/W C5 in OB; and two 332 trestle brides, both dirty, one with a crack above one foot, C4.See Sold Price
Lionel father/son trestles 111-50 in OBVery tough Lionel No. 111-50 trestle set for the father and son set. Outer OB is C9. Includes 20 correct 110-A trestles, 40 trestle bases, 111-9 packets x 2, packet of screws, 111-16 packet, Father anSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 111 50 Trestle Father and Son Set BoxedLionel postwar rare 111-50 Trestle Set in orange box with black and white lettering. This trestle set came only with the "Over and Under Set" also known as the "Father and Son" set. The set has 20 A pSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 317 bridge four 110 111 trestle sets OBsLionel 317 trestle bridge and four 110 and 111 trestle sets in different OBs, C7-8. IMPORTANT: Stout Auctions has changed our grading standards to follow the new TCA standards. Please review the new gSee Sold Price
SoldLionel O Gauge AccessoriesA Lionel #6-1677 animated car and platform, a Lionel #6-2111 elevated trestle set, a Lionel #6-2145 automated gateman and a set of Lionel railroad signs.See Sold Price
SoldLionel 111, 155, 156, 163, 450 accessories in originalPostwar Lionel O gauge boxed accessories, 111 trestle set, 155 ringing highway signal, 156 illuminated platform, 163 single target block signal, 450 operating signal bridge. Accessories look C6. BoxesSee Sold Price
SoldLionel Accessories 110 111 308 309 339 2-927Lionel accessories; 110 trestle set, 111 trestle set, 308 die-cast railroad sing set with original cardboard insert, 309 yard set with broken signs, 332 trestle bridge and two 927 lubricating and mainSee Sold Price
SoldPostwar Lionel O Gauge boxed accessories 111 145 167 167 66 UCS instructions sheetsPostwar Lionel O Gauge boxed accessories 111 trestle set box (trestles included may or may not be complete), 145 automatic gateman missing RR Crossing sign, two 167 whistle controllers, 66 whistle conSee Sold Price
SoldLIONEL AND MORE LOTIncludes 6465 Tank Car, 6456 Hopper, 6462 Gondola, 111 Trestle Set, 6109Remote Control, Lionel Truck-Heli Set, Lionel Billboards, Lionel Instructions, LGB 968 Garden Set, and Marx Crane.See Sold Price
SoldLARGE Lot of Lionel Accessories(5) Lionel Elevated Trestle Sets No. 6-2111. Lionel Powermaster Transformer Multi-Control 6-4090. Lionel Big 'O' Size Accessory Extension Bridge 6-2122. Lionel Mechanical Crossing Gate 6-2309. LionelSee Sold Price
SoldABT: 3 Lionel #110 Trestle Sets and #111 Trestle/Paul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: These are three #111 Graduated Trestle Sets and one #111 Elevated Trestle Set that Lionel made in the late 1950s and early 1960s. One of the #111 is the scarSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 110 111 12991 2180 12882 2115 2163 12729Lionel two 110 graduated trestle sets, 111 elevated trestle set, 12991 Linex Gas tractor and tanker, 2180 road signs, 12882 lighted billboard, four 2115 operating dwarf signal, 2163 auto block targetSee Sold Price
Lionel postwar O 11740 diesel freight set in original boxToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Group of Lionel postwar O accessories and trackToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Lot of Lionel Model Train Graduated Trestle sets in boxesEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
1967 Canada 6-Coin Silver Prooflike Set (1.11 ASW)Golden Air Auctions4.4(261)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Lionel Safari Adventure O Gauge Steam Train SetRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Set Of Big Gnarly Nontypical Whitetail Shed AntlersCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Late postwar Lionel 110 graduated trestle set in original boxToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Lionel LTI 6-11903 Atlantic Coast Line F3 A-B-A Diesel Locomotive Set w/ OBGregory Hake Auctions4.5(62)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Lionel LTI 6-18107 Denver & Rio Grande Alco PA-1 ABA Diesel Locomotive Set w/ OBGregory Hake Auctions4.5(62)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024