Sold5V Gospel Race ESSAYS Culture Soul SouthernThis auction lot includes the following group of Jazz reference titles: - Cats of Any Color - Jazz Black and White by Lees - Dated 1994 by Oxford - The Gospel Sound: Good News and Bad Times by HeiSee Sold Price
Sold5V New York JAZZ ESSAY STORY Notes Creation EraThis auction lot includes the following group of Jazz reference titles: - The Creation Of Jazz - Music, Race and Culture in Urban America by Peretti - Dated 1992 by Illinois - New York Notes - A JoSee Sold Price
Sold5V Making JAZZ ESSAY Styles Cultures Margins AkeThis auction lot includes the following group of Jazz reference titles: - Jazz Cultures by Ake - Dated 2002 by California - Jammin' At The Margins - Jazz and the American Cinema by Gabbard - DatedSee Sold Price
Sold5V Culture Blues ESSAYS Popular Songs Goggin EarlThis auction lot includes the following group of Jazz reference titles: - Turk Murphy - Just for the Record by Goggin - Dated 1982 by San Francisco Traditional Jazz Foundation - softcover - TuxedoSee Sold Price
Sold5V History Style Society JAZZ ESSAY Culture TirroThis auction lot includes the following group of Jazz reference titles: - Jazz in American Culture by Peretti - Dated 1997 by Ivan R. Dee - Jazz Generations - A Life in American Music and SocietySee Sold Price
Sold5V ESSAYS Bop DIXIELAND Americana SouthThis auction lot includes the following group of Jazz reference titles: - The Southern Quarterly - A Journal of the Arts in the South by Lemmon - Dated 1998 by University of Southern Mississippi - jSee Sold Price
Sold5V MEDIEVAL LITERATURE Robertson Taylor GuerberThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Essays in Medieval Culture by Robertson - Dated 1980 by Princeton U. - The Mystic Vision in the Grail Legend and in the Divine Comedy bySee Sold Price
Sold5V Tuxedo Tradition JAZZ ESSAYS Fats Jabbo CulturThis auction lot includes the following group of Jazz reference titles: - Tuxedo Junction - Essays on American Culture by Early - Dated 1989 by Ecco Press - Jelly Roll, Jabbo & Fats - 19 PortraitsSee Sold Price
Sold5V Kral Doi Bartu EAST ASIA HISTORY Hunter Tokyo"This auction lot includes the following group of titles on East Asian culture and history: - Charles University on Far Eastern Culture : Studies and Essays by Kral & Hilska - Dated 1968 by UniversiSee Sold Price
Sold15 Titles on the Maori Culture of New Zealandincluding The Art Workmanship of the Maori Race in New Zealand: A Series of Illustrations from Specially Taken Photographs, with Descriptive Notes and Essays on the Canoes, Habitations, Weapons, OrnamSee Sold Price
Sold5V Ancient Britain WORLD TRAVEL Japan GermanyThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Bushido: The Soul of Japan by Inazo Nitobe - Dated 1903 by Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. - Southern Germany by Karl Baedeker -See Sold Price
Sold5V ANTHROPOLOGY Winchell Schmidt Tylor ChurchwardThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Origin & Evolution of the Human Race by Churchward - Dated 1921 by Unwin - photos - Primitive Culture by Tylor - Dated 1929 by Murray - 2See Sold Price
Sold5V Southern BLACK MUSIC Jazz Blues America CulturThis auction lot includes the following group of Jazz reference titles: - Black Music In Our Culture by De Lerma - Dated 1970 by Kent State - America's Black Musical Heritage by Brooks - Dated 198See Sold Price
Sold5V O'CONNOR Feeley Orvell Asals Bacon FriedmanThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Critical Essays on Flannery O'Connor by Friedman - Dated 1985 by Hall - Flannery O'Connor and Cold War Culture by Bacon - Dated 1993 by CSee Sold Price
SoldPrecolumbian Chancay Cuchimilco Idol, 1200-1400 ADThis is a rare ancient cuchimilco figure of unglazed terracotta created between 1200 and 1450 AD by the Chancay culture, southern Peru. The idol measures 12.5 x 8 inches. Ex Private New York estate.See Sold Price
SoldNazca Polychrome Vessel - WarriorsPre-Columbian, Nazca culture, Southern Peru, ca. 200-600 CE. Large polychrome pottery bridge-spout vessel decorated in the form of a warrior with modeled face emerging from the front and five warriorsSee Sold Price
SoldA 4-INCH PLAINVIEWPaleo culture, probably southern US possibility Texas? Measures 4 x 1 inch. George Nichols collection. The Nichols number on this piece is blurred but appears to be T-11. Nichols' notes regarding T-11See Sold Price
SoldLot of Black Americana, figures and photographsLarge collection of Black Americana. Item 1: “A Peep at Coondom”, pamphlet featuring, ten caricature-like photographic prints of African Americans engaged in the Southern cotton culture of the earSee Sold Price
SoldHohokam Miniature Pottery Bowl - Basket CarriersNative American, southern Arizona, Hohokam culture, Sacaton Red-on-Buff Phase, ca. 900 to 1100 CE. A miniature bowl from the Hohokam Sedentary Period, a time of prosperity, population growth, and crafSee Sold Price
SoldWWII GERMAN ANTI SEMITIC POSTER BY ALFRED VOGELGerman Holocaust period Anti-Semitic Propagandistic original poster, German Youth with Jewish Youth, 1938. It is subtitled, From The Face Speaks The Soul of The Race. One of a series of more than 70 ASee Sold Price
Sold7" Polychrome Human Vessel. Southern Andes.7" Polychrome Human Vessel. Southern Andes. Omerqure-Yampara Culture. 500 to 1000 AD. Solid, no restoration. Very fine condition. Ex-Jeff Sardofsky, Bill Stelzer. Pre-Columbian. Puttera COASee Sold Price
Flawless 6 1/2" Olmec Green Jade CeltPre-Columbian. Southern Mexico to Guatemala. Olmec Culture, ca. 1150 - 500 B.C. Celt/axe form made of mottled spinach and stunning emerald green Jade. Highly polished over its entirety with squaSee Sold Price
SoldExhibited Guerrero Mezcala Diorite Figure - Type M-26Pre-Columbian, southern Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala culture, ca. 500 to 200 BCE. A fantastic example of a stylized anthropomorphic axe god figure of the characteristically unusual M-26 type, handSee Sold Price
SoldVictor Robinson AN ESSAY ON HASHEESH 1930 AntiqueVictor Robinson AN ESSAY ON HASHEESH 1930 Antique Cannabis Hemp Plant Medicine Regulation History Culture Drug Use Title: An Essay on Hasheesh Author: Victor Robinson - Victor Robinson was a physiciaSee Sold Price
(7) TCG Weiss Schwarz Pixar Toy Story, Monsters Inc. Inside Out, Soul, The IncrediblesHobby Dealer4.3(5)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
JEFFREY CALLAHAM ORIGINAL PAINTING "DON'T' GO"Charleston Estate Services Ltd.4.5(64)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Ron Campbell Rubber Soul Hearts Original Hand Drawn Beatles Record Album ArtMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024