Sold5 UCV Reunion Ribbons, Badges, ButtonsGroup of five (5) United Confederate Veterans reunion ribbons, badges, and buttons. 1st item: Richmond, VA UCV Army of Northern Virginia Louisiana Division reunion printed grosgrain and satin ribbon,See Sold Price
Sold9 UCV Ribbons, Badges, ButtonsGroup of nine (9) United Confederate Veterans ribbons, badges, buttons. 1st item: Atlanta, GA, Atlanta Camp No. 159 UCV reunion badge, 1898. Consists of a metal hanger embossed "United Confederate VetSee Sold Price
Sold1915 RICHMOND, VA UCV REUNION RIBBON BADGE, cellul1915 RICHMOND, VA UCV REUNION RIBBON BADGE, celluloid, jacket shaped badge, ribbon lettered "VIRGINIA / NEW MARKET / NEFF-RICE / CAMP NO. 1194". First quarter 20th century. 5 1/2" long. Provenance: D.See Sold Price
SoldUnited Confederate Veterans [U.C.V.] Reunion andUnited Confederate Veterans [U.C.V.] Reunion and Event Badges. Thirty-six [36] ribbons, badges, celluloid buttons and novelties issued in conjunction with various reunions and commemorative events. ThSee Sold Price
SoldUnited Confederate Veterans [U.C.V.] Reunion BadUnited Confederate Veterans [U.C.V.] Reunion Badges. Extensive collection of thirty-seven [37] tokens, ribbons, badges, celluloid buttons and novelties issued in conjunction with U.C.V. reunions and eSee Sold Price
SoldUnited Confederate Veterans [U.C.V.] Reunion andUnited Confederate Veterans [U.C.V.] Reunion and Event Badges and Ribbons. Forty-four [44] ribbons, badges and celluloid buttons issued by the U.C.V. over the years at various events. The lot includesSee Sold Price
SoldCIVIL WAR MANASSAS REUNION BADGES AND RIBBONS, LOT OFCIVIL WAR MANASSAS REUNION BADGES AND RIBBONS, LOT OF TWO, first for UCV Reunion, Washington, DC, June 5-7, 1917, ribbon for the Virginia, Manassas-Ewell Camp No. 16 C. V.; second for the Fiftieth AnnSee Sold Price
Sold1915 RICHMOND, VA UCV REUNION RIBBON BADGE, cellul1915 RICHMOND, VA UCV REUNION RIBBON BADGE, celluloid and brass, pin inscribed "MAID OF HONOR", multiple bow-knots and ribbons, hanging metal tassels. First quarter 20th century. 11" long. Provenance:See Sold Price
Sold1891 STRASBURG, VA UCV REUNION RIBBON BADGE, brass1891 STRASBURG, VA UCV REUNION RIBBON BADGE, brass framed celluloid, pin inscribed "VIRGINIA", ribbon lettered "STOVER CAMP / No. 20 / C. V. / STRASBURG, VA. / 1891". Fourth quarter 19th century. 6 1/See Sold Price
Sold1914 JACKSONVILLE, FL UCV REUNION RIBBON BADGE, ce1914 JACKSONVILLE, FL UCV REUNION RIBBON BADGE, celluloid, orange-form badge, ribbon lettered "VIRGINIA / STRASBURG / STOVER / CAMP 1500". First quarter 20th century. 4 1/2" long. Provenance: D. CoineSee Sold Price
Sold1917 WASHINGTON, DC UCV REUNION RIBBON BADGE, cell1917 WASHINGTON, DC UCV REUNION RIBBON BADGE, celluloid, ribbon lettered "VIRGINIA / HARRISONBURG / S. B. GIBBONS / CAMP NO. 438". First quarter 20th century. 4" long. Provenance: D. Coiner Rosen EstaSee Sold Price
Sold1908 & 1924 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA UCV REUNION RIBBON1908 & 1924 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA UCV REUNION RIBBON BADGES, LOT OF TWO, celluloid, second with A. Pickering name plate. First quarter 20th century. 4 1/4" and 3 1/2" long. Provenance: D. Coiner Rosen ESee Sold Price
SoldCIVIL WAR VIRGINIA UCV 1913 REUNION BADGES AND RIBBONS,CIVIL WAR VIRGINIA UCV 1913 REUNION BADGES AND RIBBONS, LOT OF TWO, each for the 26th Annual Reunion, Grand Camp, Confederate Veterans of Virginia, Roanoke, VA, Sept. 17-19, 1913, badge at top with deSee Sold Price
SoldFAMOUS ROOSEVELT/UNCLE SAM ILLUSTRATION ON 6.25”FAMOUS ROOSEVELT/UNCLE SAM ILLUSTRATION ON 6.25” INAUGURAL RIBBON BADGE. 3.5" button suspended from ribbon and embossed brass hanger having a cello insert w/1905 "Inauguration" date. Button featuresSee Sold Price
Sold9 UCV Badges and ButtonsNine (9) United Confederate Veterans (UCV) badges and buttons. 1st item: Birmingham, AL Fourth UCV reunion badge, 1894. Consists of a gold tone metal hanger embossed "Birmingham" and a gold tone metalSee Sold Price
Sold2 UCV Reunion RibbonsTwo (2) United Confederate Veterans reunion ribbons. 1st item: Louisville, KY UCV reunion badge, June 14, 1905. Consists of a metal hanger with "Forrest Camp No. 4 Chattanooga, Tenn." with two silk riSee Sold Price
SoldUCV REUNION DESIGNATION RIBBONS, LOT OF THREE, oneUCV REUNION DESIGNATION RIBBONS, LOT OF THREE, one Maid of Honor and two Chaperon, each with red backing ribbon and celluloid three-flag pinback button. First quarter 20th century. Ribbons 17 1/2" lonSee Sold Price
SoldROOSEVELT "EAST SIDE CELEBRATION PRESIDENT'S DAY"ROOSEVELT "EAST SIDE CELEBRATION PRESIDENT'S DAY" RIBBON BADGE. 5.25" long including 1.25" button w/"Kraus & Sons" back paper. Additional text on ribbon reads "April 30, 1933 Hamilton Fish Park." EmboSee Sold Price
SoldWILSON 3.5" PORTRAIT BUTTON ON "OUR NEXT PRESIDENT"WILSON 3.5" PORTRAIT BUTTON ON "OUR NEXT PRESIDENT" RIBBON BADGE. 5.25" long total. Ribbon has visible separation, VG. Hanger and button have moderate surface wear in reflected light. Exc. Typically tSee Sold Price
SoldVARIOUS GAR REUNION AND ENCAMPMENT ARTICLES, LOT OVARIOUS GAR REUNION AND ENCAMPMENT ARTICLES, LOT OF APPROX. 18, comprised of ribbons, badges, combinations, pinback buttons, and parts. Fourth quarter 19th century and first quarter 20th century. VariSee Sold Price
Sold1905 UCV GRAND CAMP REUNION RIBBON, Delegate, 18th1905 UCV GRAND CAMP REUNION RIBBON, Delegate, 18th Annual Session, Petersburg, Va., Oct. 25-27, 1905, with applied CSA battle and Virginia state flags. First quarter 20th century. 5 1/4" long. ProvenaSee Sold Price
SoldUNITED CONFEDERATE VETERANS REUNION BADGE & RIBBONUNITED CONFEDERATE VETERANS REUNION BADGE & RIBBON Early 20th century United Confederate Veterans (UCV) national reunion souvenirs, including: Souvenir badge from the 1903 reunion in New Orleans, LA.See Sold Price
Military Order of St. George and of the ReunionLA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(149)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
The Ancient and Auspicious Order of the Nine GemsLA GALERIE NUMISMATIQUE4.2(149)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Penn Central and Pennsylvania Railroad Cap Badges, Uniform Pins, and ButtonsRail & Road Auctions4.6(165)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Antique Chinese Embroidered Waistcoat, Qing DynastyMaterial Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Yves Saint Laurent Saint Laurent pin brooch badge SAINT LAURENT monogram YSL logo rhinestone goldBidhaus4.3(747)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Yves Saint Laurent Saint Laurent pin brooch badge SAINT LAURENT monogram YSL logo silverBidhaus4.3(747)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Salvatore Ferragamo Vara Ribbon Hardware Leather Handbag Mini Tote Bag Yellow 14658Bidhaus4.3(747)See Sold PriceFeb 23, 2024
Ladies Ribbon Style Estate Diamond Ring 14k Yellow Gold 1.00cts H SI - Size 7.5Mynt Auctions4.6(680)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
[BASEBALL]. A group of 3 Leroy "Satchel" Paige buttons.Freeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Chanel Ribbon Scrunchie Other Accessories Coco Mark Logo Silk Black/White Women'sBidhaus4.3(747)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Huge Lot of 462 Goofy Gradnite 1992 Disneyland Pin Back ButtonsRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024