Sold4V Memphis AMERICAN MUSIC HISTORY MississippiThis auction lot includes the following group of Jazz reference titles: - Waking Up in Memphis by Lisle & Evans - Dated 2003 by Sanctuary - softcover - Music in a New Found Land - Themes and DeveloSee Sold Price
Sold4V AMERICAN MUSIC HISTORY Cowboy Folk-Songs SharpThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Songs of the American West by Lingenfelter - Dated 1968 by U. of California - Cowboy and Western Songs by Fife - Dated 1982 by Bramhall -See Sold Price
Sold4V AMERICAN MUSIC HISTORY Rust Jasen RagtimeThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The American Dance Band Discography 1917-1942 by Rust - Dated 1975 by Arlington - 2 Vols. - Check-List of Folk Songs by Library of CongreSee Sold Price
Sold4V AMERICAN MUSIC HISTORY Lyrics Hymns SoldiersThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Singing Soldiers by Glass - Dated 1988 by DaCapo - softbound - American Hymns Old and New by Christ-Janer - Dated 1980 by Columbia U. -See Sold Price
Sold4V AMERICAN MUSIC HISTORY MoTown Funk RagtimeThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Where Did Our Love Go? by George - Dated 1987 by St. Martin's - All that Glitters by Lewis - Dated 1993 by Bowling Green U. - FunkSee Sold Price
Sold4V AMERICAN MUSIC HISTORY Spiritual Uncle SamThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Ten Thousand Goddam Cattle by :Lee - Dated 1976 by Northland - American Popular Song by Wilder - Dated 1972 by Oxford U. - White SpiritSee Sold Price
Sold4V AMERICAN MUSIC HISTORY Clarke Mellers CrawfordThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Nelson Eddy by Kiner - Dated 1992 by Scarecrow - oversized - American Musical Landscape by Crawford - Dated 1993 by U. of California - MSee Sold Price
Sold4V AMERICAN MUSIC HISTORY McCue Lowens HawaiiThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Hawaii Music in its History by Hausman - Dated 1968 by Tuttle - stated first edition - Music in the Cultured Generation by Mussulman - DaSee Sold Price
Sold4V MISSISSIPPI Hosmer Severin Steck RowlandThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The Jolliet-Marquette Expedition, 1673 by Steck - Dated 1918 by Franciscan Brothers - Studies in American Church History - Mississippi TerSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Mississippi Steamboat Bills1871 and 1880, Two Mississippi Steamboat Bills, Fine or better. 1. Freight Receipt from the Memphis and St. Louis United States Mail Packet Company, carried on the Steamer "Colorado," whose stamp appeSee Sold Price
Sold4V Styles American Dance HISTORY Ramsey GridleyThis auction lot includes the following group of Jazz reference titles: - Jazz Matters - Reflections on the Music & Some of its Makers by Ramsey - Dated 1989 by University of Arkansas Press - softcoSee Sold Price
Sold4V MUSIC HISTORY Medieval Woman's Work TermsThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Instrumental Music Printed Before 1600 by Brown - Dated 1967 by Harvard U. - bibliography - Medieval Music by Hughes - Dated 1974 by U. oSee Sold Price
Sold6V Phonograph AMERICAN MUSIC HISTORY SkiffleThis auction lot includes the following group of Jazz reference titles: - Skiffle - THe story of Folk Song with a Jazz Beat by Bird - Dated 1958 by Robert Hale Ltd. - O Susanna - A Sampler of the RSee Sold Price
Sold7V AMERICAN MUSIC HISTORY Woods Brackett FinsonThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Benny King of Swing by Goodman - Dated 1979 by Morrow - oversized - Thou Swell Thou Witty by Hart - Dated 1976 by Harper - oversized -See Sold Price
Sold4V MUSIC HISTORY Renaissance Shakespeare SailorThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Music in the Plays of Shakespeare by Charlton - Dated 1991 by Garland - An Anthology of Early Renaissance Music by Greenberg - Dated 1975See Sold Price
Sold3V AMERICAN MUSIC HISTORY Joplin Civil War NegroThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Singing Soldiers by Glass - Dated 1988 by DaCapo - softbound - Dancing to a Black Man's Tune a Life of Scott Joplin by Curtis - Dated 199See Sold Price
Sold4V MUSIC HISTORY 17TH & 18TH CENTURIES DolmetschThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Rhythmic Alteration in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Music by Hefling - Dated 1993 by Schirmer - The Orchestra in the XVIIIth CenturySee Sold Price
Sold5V AMERICAN MUSIC HISTORY Polka Blues CountryThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - A Passion for Polka by Greene - Dated 1992 by U. of California - Outlaw Blues by Williams - Dated 1969 by Dutton - Country Music USA </See Sold Price
Sold4V MUSIC HISTORY Bibliography Elgar Pulver SpaethThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Elgar by Anderson - Dated 1993 by Schirmer - A Bibographical Dictionary of Old English Music by Pulver - Dated 1969 by Franklin - A Bio-See Sold Price
Sold5V Phonograph AMERICAN MUSIC HISTORY StoryvilleThis auction lot includes the following group of Jazz reference titles: - The Fabulous Phonograph 1877-1977 by Gelatt - Dated 1977 by MacMillan - American Music: From Storyville to Woodstock by NaSee Sold Price
Sold4V MUSIC HISTORY Whitall Huges Longyear BiancolliThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Masters of the Orchestra by Biancolli - Dated 1969 by Greenwood - Nineteenth-Century Romanticism in Music by Longyear - Dated 1969 by PreSee Sold Price
Sold4V MUSIC HISTORY McHose Kramer Howes MerrittThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - The Contrapuntal Harmonic Technique by McHose - Dated 1947 by Prentice-Hall - Music as Cultural Practice 1800-1900 by Kramer - Dated 1990See Sold Price
Sold4V MUSIC HISTORY Programme Dance Anthem OratorioThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - A History of the Oratorio by Smither - Dated 1977 by U. of North Carolina - Vol. 1 - The Anthem in England and America by Wienandt - DateSee Sold Price
Sold5V American Music HISTORY Politics NightclubsThis auction lot includes the following group of Jazz reference titles: - Music in a New Found Land - Themes and Developments in the HIstory of American Music by Mellers - Dated 1964 by Barrie and RSee Sold Price
ELVIS PRESLEY VINYL ALBUM - FROM ELVIS IN MEMPHISKing's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
5 Books About the Old West in Excellent Condition Hardbacks w/ DustcoversNorth American Artifact Auctions4.6(184)See Sold PriceApr 20, 2024
Life on The River: A Pictorial History of The Mississippi 1971North American Artifact Auctions4.6(184)See Sold PriceApr 20, 2024
ELVIS PRESLEY THE KING: 1954-1965 ALBUM COVER TIME LIFE MUSIC SRNR-26King's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
ELVIS PRESLEY BACK IN MEMPHIS LABEL: RCA VICTOR LSP-4429King's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
ELVIS PRESLEY - FROM MEMPHIS TO VEGAS / FROM VEGAS TO MEMPHIS - RCA VICTOR - LSP-6020/1-2King's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
ELVIS PRESLEY GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH LP DML 1-0348 RCA CANDLELITE MUSICKing's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Meatloaf Signed Custom Graphics Artwork Acoustic Guitar PSA DNAShakespeare Auctions4.3(1)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
THE WIZARD OF OZ (1939) - E.Y. Harburg-Autographed "Over the Rainbow" Sheet MusicPropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
MARIE HULL AMERICAN VILLAGE LANDSCAPE OIL PAINTINGAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
ELVIS PRESLEY THE KING: 1954-1965 ALBUM COVER TIME LIFE MUSIC SRNR-26King's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
ELVIS PRESLEY THE FIRST LIVE RECORDINGS THE MUSIC WORKS – PB 3601King's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
ELVIS PRESLEY – ELVIS SINGS FLAMING STAR SONY BMG MUSICKing's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
ELVIS PRESLEY - THE SUN YEARS - 1977 SUN MEMPHIS LABEL 1001 LPKing's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Combat The Civil War Hardcover Don CongdonRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Custom Designed Presentation Piece with Andy Warhol & Beatles SignaturesDalshire International4.6(2.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
The Beatles VI - An Album Enshrined in Music Lore with the Fab Four SignaturesDalshire International4.6(2.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Bruce Springsteen Signed Live/1975-85 Vinyl Album in Museum-Quality DisplayDalshire International4.6(2.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024